Friday, September 05, 2008

The conventions are over and all I have to say is: Hallelujah! By Geniusofsespair

Hallelujah and about the Republican Convention in particular: Everybody Knows


Anonymous said...

Everybody Knows fits like a glove.

Anonymous said...

Democrat Hillary Clinton on Thursday rejected John McCain's Republican convention address, and gave her first damning judgement on his vice-presidential running mate Sarah Palin.

"To slightly amend my comments from Denver," the former first lady said in a statement as soon as the Republican nominee finished his speech.
"No way, No How, No McCain-Palin," Clinton said, reprising her top applause line from last week's Democratic convention.

Anonymous said...

38.4 million tuned in for Obama's speech

38.9 million tuned in for McCain's speech

Take that Obama Idol

Geniusofdespair said...

How many of those people were actually sleeping? I was.

Also, people tuned in to see what they would say, it doesn't indicate very much. I watched both when I wasn't sleeping.

Anonymous said...

You should be grateful it is over. Another night of attacks on the ONE would sink his campaign for sure.

Now the debates start. I cannot wait until for the debate between Mrs. Palin & Joe Biden.

It will be fun to watch Joe Biden try and control his arrogance when he confronts a woman opponent that is wildly popular. (more so than Obama & McCain).

This is going to be the most entertaining debate since Admiral Stockdale showed up in 1992. I can't wait to hear old Joe say, I know Hillary Clinton, I serve with HRC in the Senate & Ms. (She is Mrs.) Palin, you are no HRC" To that, she should respond "there you go again, plagerizing politicians".

This is going to fun!!!!!

PS The surge in Iraq has "succeeded beyond our wildest dreams" according to OHB

Geniusofdespair said...

Hmmm. So this is the quality of comments? Sarah Palin is "Wildly Popular?" No one knew her a week ago. That is a wildly inaccurate statement.

Perhaps you should read my tongue in cheek Cindy/Michelle fashion blog. That would be more appropriate for this mindset and this comment.

qwityercryin said...

Hillary coming to Florida campaigning for Barry is a battle on two fronts. Now she is fighting McCain/Palin and Obama/Biden. If Obama or McCain wins she is out in 2012 or 2016. Maybe until 2020 or 2024 with a McCain win. She will gladly campaign for the Acorn man.

Anonymous said...

Palin is "wildly popular" ?? With who, the Pope? Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water, the jaws of the Jesus set start circling once more. If the religous right, acting as cover for the military-industrial complex manage to steal their 3rd Presidential election in a row, there is absolutely no hope left for the once great country of the United States. We've suffered 8 years of lies and thieving and I'm not so sure the US can survive 4 more years of the same.

Anonymous said...

My wife is an attorney and very tuned in to diversity issues. She gave me crap about this article:
'Ladies' Night' a grand ol' flop at convention - Beth Reinhard

The quote from the black man, I thought spoke volumes.

Geniusofdespair said...

Yes i read it...what was the crap? We all know Florida and Republicans...I didn't see any surprises in the article... Why was she focused on it.

Anonymous said...

So much for making judgement not by the color of their skin but by the content of their character....

The MLK legacy lives on? The whole world is just a collection of races & gender. Humanity is secondary.

Anonymous said...

To answer the popularity question on Sarah Palin, The Rasmussen Presidential Tracking Poll stated yesterday that

"Palin’s favorable ratings are now a point higher than either man at the top of the Presidential tickets this year. As of Friday morning, Obama and McCain are each viewed favorably by 57% of voters. Biden is viewed favorably by 48%."

While I personally do not think the Presidential race is a personality contest, but when one candidate is so desperately worried about people liking us & going to Berlin to prove that we are not bad guys then this should be a factor. Barack Obama is making it part of the debate regardless of how silly it seems.

qwityercryin said...

Beth Reinhard? What did you think she would say? Another lib shill disguised as a journalist.

Anonymous said...

If you want to run on family values, you had better have family values....

The National Enquirer in response to McCain Campaign threat of a lawsuit over the Palin Affair:
"The National Enquirer's coverage of a vicious war within Sarah Palin's extended family includes several newsworthy revelations, including the resulting incredible charge of an affair plus details of family strife when the Governor's daughter revealed her pregnancy. Following our John Edwards' exclusives, our political reporting has obviously proven to be more detail-oriented than the McCain campaign's vetting process. Despite the McCain camp's attempts to control press coverage they find unfavorable, The Enquirer will continue to pursue news on both sides of the political spectrum."

Geniusofdespair said...

As I said:

"Everybody knows" that John McCain voted with George Bush 95% of the time.

Anonymous said...

He voted with Bush on one important energy issue in 2005 before his "dream" began. Now he is against it, but he voted for it. Sounds like a certain somebody, another "loser" from Massachusetts.

"Obama Voted For Bush/Cheney Energy Bill, Written In Secret By Industry Lobbyists"

- New York Times