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Mayor Alvarez is trying to save taxpayers a half a million with this memo to the County Commission.
Should the Commission choose to fight the State of Florida on their rejection of two applications to move the Urban Development Boundary -- that the unreformable majority pushed forward -- that is estimated to be the legal cost.
The Mayor is being realistic. Let's hope the Commmission is not stubborn on this issue. They will lose you can be sure of that, not only financially but also in the public perception arena.
Take a long, boring look at Siejas' campaign finance report: builders, engineers, developers, development lawyers, development public relations agents and miners. The $500,000 saved is not hers but the UDB movers and their support will never be left unserved
The memo is simply the obvious win-win situation for the mayor.
He can't lose on this issue no matter what the commission does, because his staff produced the memo.
If the Commissioners feel it's best for their voters to move the line - then the line should be moved - save half a mil? - hahaha - the county is going to spend 40 mil to buy the land if not
So, the taxpayers lose no matter what? You know what? I think buying the land is a great idea. At the last appraised value, before it became a target of the developer/speculators.
This isn't the first time Lowes built on wetlands.
Why build an outdoor classroom?
Outdoor learning environments are one way teachers are providing students with learning opportunities that strengthen natural science lessons learned indoors, teach students the importance of natural resources through environmental education, and enhance classroom work in mathematics, reading, writing, history and the arts.
Outdoor classrooms come in many shapes and sizes and have varied components depending upon a school’s or community’s available resources. Almost any outdoor space can become an outdoor classroom. Some outdoor classrooms will be small gardens for growing flowers and vegetables. Other outdoor learning spaces will include a butterfly garden, a small pond or bog, a nature trail, animal tracking boxes or a bird sanctuary. More elaborate outdoor learning environments include a laboratory for testing water and soil quality, a greenhouse, wetlands, an arboretum, or a shelter.
Outdoor classrooms may also help improve family and community involvement in schools. Schools say when parents, teachers and the community work together on projects like outdoor classrooms, students and schools benefit.
Lowe’s, International Paper and National Geographic Explorer are proud to offer schools a resource for creating new outdoor classrooms and enhancing existing outdoor learning environments.
Now, is that Lowes replacing wetlands? See their website.
Lowe's Corporate Campuses - Our corporate office-based positions are located ... flowing underneath the building with walking trails and 4 acres of wetlands.
Now, is that Lowes sitting on top of wetlands? See their website.
Tampa News:
Lowe's learns what Wal-Mart hasn't: concessions can seal a deal
By Diane Steinle, Editor of Editorials-North Pinellas
That one is a no brainer.
And last but not least>
It is worth the time if you are environmentally inclined to Google Lowes and wetlands, and read article after article about Lowes habit of managing to find the nearest wetlands to screw-up. Some the articles sound like they are from here, but the are actually scattered nationally.
They pay fines and keep on building. They win the hearts of the elected officials and keep on building. They coax the communities into giving up wetlands with grants and keep on building. They fight with the neighbors and keep on building. Thats a lovely corporate business plan for their stockholders to enjoy.
At least they saved 4 acres of wetlands at corporate headquarters for their own use and fixed the shoreline to be sure all the fertilizer run-off heads directly in the water flowing under their modern home office. Nice job.
If they come I won't go.
Ah, sounds like Lowes has mastered corporate PR. It's all a tax write off for them; they get the press. It reminds me of the guy who is active in scout camp while he is raping little boys. Or the politician who washes their image by working for the YMCA while screwing the people by giving favors to the developers.
Lowes is NOT a good corporate citizen!
Lowe's in Homestead did the the neighborhood a service though. Took away farmland, BUT came in where town-homes were supposed be built in massive quantities. What a trade off!
They have been fined over the wetland issue. Paid 300k in mitigation fees in one case. I guess that means they paid an honorarium?
Lowe's in Homestead did the the neighborhood a service though. Took away farmland, BUT came in where town-homes were supposed be built in massive quantities. What a trade off!
They have been fined over the wetland issue. Paid 300k in mitigation fees in one case. I guess that means they paid an honorarium?
Who are you kidding Mensa...you aren't going to drive 20 miles to not go to this out of the way store...you would never go to this store anyway...
I have news for you guys, a lot of the stuff they sell at Lowes is not very well priced. Do your shopping and compairing. Here are my suggestions:
Lumber: Everglades Lumber
Plumbing: Wool Plumbing
Lighting: Benson or South Dade or Farreys
Appliances: Scotts, So Fla Builders or Bell (more sophisticated stuff) and Brandsmart for the other stuff
Paint/Wallpaper: Palmetto Paint and Decor
Window Decor: Window Decor and More
By the way...these are all Mom and Pops stores. There are many more out there and the service and pricing you get at these types of places is often wonderful.
It's a bad economy, folks, so think about those smaller merchants when you need something. They are your neighbors, and they need to pay their mortgages too.
Happy shopping, campers!
ps. Hey, maybe we need to get our own Chamber of Commerce going here!
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