Vile Natacha Seijas has been a County Commissioner for 15 year and Javier Souto has been one for 18 years. How long is that in people time? My nineteen year old niece was in diapers when Souto took office. Michael Jackson was still popular. In 18 years Michael got pretty kooky and we can sure say the same for Souto. Sinead O’Connor was hot in the charts in 1990 as was Madonna and M.C. Hammer. “Dances with Wolves”, “Ghost” and the “Godfather Part III” were the movies of choice. The Miami Arena hosted the 1990 NBA All Star Game (Not the American Airlines Arena).
When Natacha took office in ‘93 Liz Taylor was still a looker. The top pop hit was “I Will Always Love You” by Whitney Houston, also “A Whole New World” by Peabo Bryson was a big hit. “Schindler’s List” was a top movie pick that year.

So you can see we have spent a real lot of time with these losers. Liz Taylor's transformation from a hottie at the American Music Awards to a senior in a wheel chair is just too much time for Natacha.
My niece’s lifetime is just too long in my book for Souto. Term limits are the way to go.
Lizzy-poo looks better in the recent photo.
Before I decide on Term-Limits, I want to see the photos of the commissioners/mayor from over the years. I think it matters if they keep their appearance up; after all, we still have to look at them if we get irritated and turn the sound off during the commission meetings.
In fact, before they are qualified to run, all commission/mayor candidates should be required to produce the last 12 years of personal pictures allowing review of their aging process. And their parents photos, too! There is no sense in electing a pig in a poke if you can avoid it.
Or we could try to get additional legislation, that states you have to be a minimum of 72 years old (or even your Social Security retirement age + 10) to be a commissioner/mayor in the County and turn in the photos. Then there would not be many surprises.
That amendment could save on medical insurance costs (Medicare), salary requirements would be less and we could use the little senior jitneys to bring them to the chambers. So they would be car pooling (environmental friendly!) and not needing a bigger car allowance.
Of course, another benefit of age requirements would be their needing to be in bed by 7:30 PM. No more late night commission meetings!
On the other hand, we would have to make rule changes for the operation of the commission, if we implement age requirements.
We would be addressing issues such as "Is napping on the dais during the meeting disqualify you from voting on the issue you slept through?" OR "How long should potty breaks be?" OR "Do they get dinner if they go past 5:00 PM?" What to feed them for lunch could be an issue. No gassy foods allowed. ;o)
Yep. Election Reform could be interesting.
Despite the joking, term limits are very important for giving the public back their government
Does this mean we can get rid of Teddy Kennedy (US Senate since 1962)?
Or how about Charlie Rangel? (US House of Representatives since 1970)
Or the former Kleagle of the KKK, Robert Bird (aka Sheets) who has been a Senator since 1958?
I suspect not, because these are the "good guys" looking out for the people.
Yes term limits gets rid of them all. There will always be some few good guys getting elected. The above mentioned are not that important to our govt. If at all!
Who's joking?
Hi, Ms. ATT, Katy!
TERM LIMITS should be on everyone's mind when they vote August 26.
After you vote, make a call to the 13 monkeys on the dias to tell them it's comin round the corner.
Be it 8 years or 12, we need to close the chapter on several of these tree hanging lizards.
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