I came to Florida with the promise of a secure job, one that would pay enough so I could write without worrying about whether I got paid, but as the sub-prime recession coverages with the health care crisis, small businesses and firms are being pinched, and once profitable operations are pounding the sand, looking for answers where there are none. There was no warning when the announcement came at my job's last general staff meeting, but I can't say I was completely surprised either - business has been down, management said, and the cost of providing insurance has gone up. Solution: eliminate everyone's health insurance. Layoffs may be next.
The owners told us that it could change, that this was a temporary measure that would be revoked as soon as possible. As they talked, and explained, they seemed to want to hear something in reply, but as we went around the table, no one said anything, because there was nothing to say, at least not until it was the turn of the man sitting at the far end. "I'm sorry, but I have more to loose than most," he said through tears. He has a chronic condition, one that requires medication, and without the insurance, he'll have to pay $4,000 a month to get the drugs he needs to stay healthy and alive.
He's been around for a while, and knows how the business works. He told us that he saw this coming, that for a year now he hasn't used paper clips to save costs, and has somehow found a way to take care of the office cat litter without using plastic bags. He asked everyone to try and do more.
That hit us all in the gut. One manager winced. Another tried to say something about not wanting to do this, and he kept his face straight, but his voice broke off into a whimper as he finished.
I got out of newspapers to avoid meetings like this, I thought, but the recession followed me.
The math has been cruel for small employers for sometime now, and I would guess that many now find themselves in the same position as the company I work for - already unaffordable insurance rates have become impossible to manage as revenue heads down. Credit is tight, no one knows how long this will last, so cuts have to be made. With the way insurance rates have been rising, this was perfectly predictable years ago, but we all know how much of a priority health care has been under the Bush administration.
You have to wonder, at a moment like this, when South Florida is ground zero in a converging set of economic crisises, will that the old politics still cut it? Will it be enough to run on name recognition and against Fidel Castro in the middle of an economic meltdown? Joe Gracia, the candidate taking on Republican stalwart Mario Diaz-Balart, hopes that the game has changed, and the latest polls show he has a strong chance.
It will take a solid ground operation, and he appears to recognize that, as he's pulled together a large volunteer base that is hitting the streets every week. It's to him I'll turn in my next post, tomorrow, as he talked to me about a week ago about his candidacy.
Check out his web page in the meantime, I' know I'll go out on one of his walks this week. There is a lot of work to be done, and for me, politics just got personal again. I only need to look a few office doors over to remember why.
You said...but the recession followed me
I say: it is following us all.
Joe Garcia would be welcome improvement. Sorry about the job situation...hope you land on your feet Sunshine.
I guess scare tactic politics are back let's tell people that Mario Diaz-Balart is going to take there health insurance and jobs someone appears to be using rove-ian/ bush politics and its not a DIAZ BALART.
Hold here: Mario Diaz-Balart is a respectable candidate and I never said he was going to personally take away people’s health insurance. I do believe that there has been a collective failure to address the health care crisis in this country and that he is part of the problem. But that doesn’t meet I’m out to get the guy or want to burn him in effigy. There are good things to say about him, yes, and I'll have more to say on that race in future posts.
interesting... but try not to write in caps. Makes it hard to read.
It's one thing to talk about Cuba when private dollars are paying your salary, which is what Joe Garcia did at CANF. By the ways, he was also chairman of the state agency that regulates energy and utilities.
But it's quite another when it's public tax-payer dollars, which is what Mario Diaz-Balart has spent his entire career doing.
And yeah, Mario may have voted to over-ride Bush's veto on the Everglades, but then he repudiated his own vote when John McCain didn't like it and said if he could do it over again, he would've voted differently.
Also, in case you didn't know, Mario Diaz-Balart is ranked last in bringing home federal funds to Florida and the guy is ranked as the 406th most effective member of Congress.
What a joke...
It's one thing to talk about Cuba when private dollars are paying your salary, which is what Joe Garcia did at CANF. By the ways, he was also chairman of the state agency that regulates energy and utilities.
But it's quite another when it's public tax-payer dollars, which is what Mario Diaz-Balart has spent his entire career doing.
And yeah, Mario may have voted to over-ride Bush's veto on the Everglades, but then he repudiated his own vote when John McCain didn't like it and said if he could do it over again, he would've voted differently.
Also, in case you didn't know, Mario Diaz-Balart is ranked last in bringing home federal funds to Florida and the guy is ranked as the 406th most effective member of Congress.
What a joke...
That cold fish Balart -- his days are numbered. Good advice on the caps...
Your right good Sir, Joe Garcia did sit on that board... what a jobn he did energy prices are great right now! Joe Garcia is a failed politician who is a supporter of hard line Cuba stances when convinient... Yet, now This guy wants Cubans to be able to travel back and forth from an Island that they fled supposedly because of direct persecution and were given political asylum for doing so. You people are all a joke THIS IS AMERICA AND THAT STAYS IN CAPS This man should run in CUBA not Florida he's the biggest Hypocrite I've seen... Also the guy is just a clown, I would vote for the Corrupt mayor from Hialeah over this joke of a candidate who got his good share of a POUNDING by De La Portilla when Jorge Mas Canosa was Miami's God and publicly supported the clown... Please don't blur things we need strong leadership in Congress and I'm not against change or a more liberal member i'd prefer that but Joe is a bigger form of a CUBA only politician then any of the Balarts even the older one...
maybe its just me but energy rates were much lower in the 90s when Joe Garcia was around than they are today. He obviously mustve done a good job.
Look i have no problem with the guy talking about Cuba. He obviously cares about that issue as do a lot of people in South Florida. But theres a HUGE difference between doing it when you work for an organization whose main job is to advance Cuba policy and doing it while youre an elected congressman from Florida which is what the Balarts do.
i agree we do need strong leadership in congress. DiazBalart is a small fish in a big lake thats why he doesnt bring home the bacon. Anyone would be better than that clown
I won't comment on the rest, but that caps line was funny. The debate is on!
Tom, Sir... Don't you see that your logic drifts mid thought, first you point to the fact that there's a population that cares about the issue and then you say they shouldn't be represented by there Congressman... My opinion is clear CUBA should not be the focus electing the Former Head of CANF a radical pro Cuba group will keep Cuba at the front of our politics in Miami, I mean what has Joe Garcia done besides talk Cuba? And to Mario being a small fish, Joe would be even smaller less of a fish more of a tadpole... In Congress Years matter and Mario has 6 add his brother and there friend Ross-Lehtinen in and your talking... Also let's not forget Wasserman Shultz and Meek who have basically by not endorsing Joe have showed that they support Mario... Please use reason not Party line talking points... I consider myself a old school Democrat and as I said would appreciate a more liberal member but not another Cuba looney who has no real experience...
Anonymous: I'm going to address some of your points tomorrow (or let Garcia speak for himself on those points) but it would be easier to reference you in future posts if you picked some kind of name. Even if it was Anonymous11, or something along those lines. You don't have to, of course, but it would make the conversation easier to follow.
Fun comments...i am enjoying this exchange...especially:
I would vote for the Corrupt mayor from Hialeah
Well Mario Diazbalart and his brother are ranked as one of the most ineffective members of Congress and they don't bring home the bacon. Mario is ranked last in bringing home federal funds to Florida so I dont see how things can possibly get worst.
Mario hasnt even passed a bill in his entire career.
For the record. I dont think theres anything wrong with talking about Cuba. Just dont do it 24/7 on MY TAX DOLLARS.
What you say makes no sense. DiazBalart talks about Cuba all the time. Its all he does. And he does it on OUR tax dollars. Garcia on the other hand, has talked about Cuba but its been with private funds and as an employee of an organization that lobbies for that. He has been paid to do so. Theres a difference. We send Congressmen to Washington to talk not only about Cuba but about the economy and so forth. its only logical that Garcia as the former employee of CANF would talk about that issue.
Besides Joe Garcia seems to have a lot of nonCuba experience underneath his belt as PSC Commissioner and his work with nonprofits.
I like the guy.
Diazbalart is a reactionary rightwing extremist. its time for a change.
Tom tom- thats the typical left wing liberal statement: its time for a change. What a croc! The same thing goes for BO...What has the do nothing Congress done after the 06 change? Not much!!!
Congress is busy picking up the mess of the Bush administration
Yeah Yeah Yeah...and Bush was busy picking up the Clinton crap.
What was the deficit under Clinton?
What is the deficit now big talkers?
Overall, the federal budget has been going deeper into the red since W.W.II.
The only significant transition to a balanced budget occurred during the Clinton years. When Clinton left office the budget was balanced. Future generations were saving $400 per person on the cost of past debts. That amounts to a savings of more than $2000 per person over the deficits that existed when Clinton took office.
The worst plunge into deeper deficits occurred under GW. Bush. In just four years after GW Bush took office the deficit jumped to over $1600 per person, or about $4800 per year for each family of three. So, some future families will have to have their taxes raised this much to pay for benefits that they will not receive. That's an increase of more than $2300 per taxpayer, nearly $7000 for a family of three.
Wow "deficit" I had to take a dramamine to follow your logic. Yes the deficit has gone up, does 9/11 ring a bell? You talk about increasing taxes and the like, just be assured that if BO gets to the White House-taxes will be increased. That is a fact!!!!!
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