Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Miami Herald Editorial Department Obviously Doesn't Read The Herald. by Geniusofdespair

Check out the glowing endorsement of County Commissioner Barbara Jordan. Editors: Couldn't you have also voiced your disappointment on issues, such as her vote on the UDB, you made her sound like a saint. She is a member of our unreformable majority. Ick.

At least the Herald endorsed Val Screen against that Natacha clone, Audrey Edmonson. Everyone, send Val Screen money. Her address: Campaign to Elect Val Screen, 780 NE Palm Bay Lane, Unit 1808, Miami, FL 33138.


Anonymous said...

The editorial dept. is sometimes with Barbara Jordan. I couldn't believe what I was reading.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how Jordan had managed to get a free ride on her serious lack of integrity in voting for the Atlantic Civil issue. I know that the powerless Ethics commission said there was no issue with her being related to a lobbyist as well as the mayor and voting, but then she tried to pull the race card too.
She will never regain her credibility in my eyes.

Anonymous said...

Agree. The Herald has a very short memory.

Anonymous said...

On Monday, the Herald ran a column (Larry Lebowitz) which bashed the commission for delaying their votes on transit fare increases until after the elections. But in the same paper, in their endorsement of Judge Cohen, they made no mention of her decision to delay certain rulings related to the stadium until after her August 26th election. There seems to be a lack consistency.

Anonymous said...

The Herald confused me.

I thought BJ was really in the hole with her brother (Florida City Mayor) and her sis (Lobbyist). Goes to show you that the family and friends plan extends everywhere.