It's not that Garcia himself is new, in fact, it would be hard for someone to be more of an insider. Readers of this blog will know that he was the chairman of the Miami-Dade Democratic party and the former head of the highly influential Cuban American National Foundation (CANF), just to name a few of his affiliations. No, what would make a Garcia victory significant, should it occur, would be the nature of the victory, with a campaign focused on domestic and pocket book issues. He is essentially seeking to use his own extensive background dealing with US-Cuban relations to neutralize the Cuba issues, and drag Diaz-Balart into a race fought on terrain where he hopes to have the upper hand – in the domestic and social issues where votes are leaning democrat:
"While I think Cuba is important and I've spent a large portion of my professional life working that issue, I also think that making sure that my daughter has a job when she finishes high school is important," he said during a phone conversation just over a week ago.
"I'm not going to use Cuba has an excuse for not solving the common sense problems that we have in our community, and when you've got the economy heading in such a bad way, when you're got a congressman who's got a 98% voting record of voting with the president on our failed economic polices, then people have to step up."
Stepping up, in this case, will have to mean more than voting. Diaz-Balart can count on the loyalty of many voters who have always, and will always, vote republican. If our comments section is any guide, he has, in his five years in office, brought back enough money for local projects to gain the confidence of some voters, though Congress.org ranks him as the 379th most powerful member of the house, out of 435. To beat him, Garcia will have to out-organize a well-funded opponent, and his campaign as been been aggressively canvassing. Garcia's former field director, Gil Osorio, helped build the operation, before he was picked up by the Obama team after the primaries ended.
A democratic funded poll showed Garcia within the margin of error, but he is, in my view anyway, still an underdog. Let me be transparent here, and say that I don't know Diaz-Balart well enough to suggest that he is a uniformly bad candidate - he does, for instance, support the DREAM act to give the children of illegal immigrants access to college, and while that might be typical for a Florida politician, it isn't so typical for the Republican party. I can say that I like Garcia's nuanced views toward Cuba, and I think, most importantly, a strong democratic majority will be needed for this county to truly address long festering problems in health care, education, and well, just about everything (I'll write more about the issues in this race
later). But that's just me, think what you want. My next post on this race will have the full transcript of my interview with Garcia so you can evaluate him for yourself.
- Sunshi
I like Joe Garcia...this would be a great win for the State and for Cuba Policy.
It would be nice to have a politician in office whose first duty would not be to free Cuba. (whatever that means)
Lincoln has done a great job in assisting ALL people in this community, not only Cubans as most local politicians do. Maybe Garcia is a wonderful person, but who knows if he will become another Wexler (the guy who represents Florida but doesn't live in the State), also a Democrat. It's better to vote for a well-proven representative and not along party line.
My humble opinion.
last anon,
Garcia is not running against Lincoln. He's running against Mario.
Raul Martinez is running against Lincoln.
Good post.
But I don't see how one can make the argument that Mario Diaz-Balart brings home the bacon.
The guy has been six years in Washington, he's only passed one bill and is ranked last in bringing back funds to Florida. It's truly pathetic.
Garcia is a good guy - accessible, real, running a good clean campaign. He needs those $25, $50 and $100 checks. Check out his platform, give a check (large or small), email 10 friends. This one could be close. Let's push him over the line and see what he can do for us.
Wow Joe Garcia is changing the convo??? How so every five days this clown lets out another release talking about Cuba... He wants people who were given political asylum (a very difficult status to attain and given to all cubans) to be able to travel back and forth to a country they fled! Im an American this offends me! I love the Cubans but how dare you tell me it's a place where freedom is oppressed and then let these new wave Cubans travel freely! Wake up Miami Joe Garcia is the same old CANF stuff with a new more offensive spin! I'm american I care about domestic issues and Im voting Mario Diaz-Balart... Hve you read his energy proposal that will make all gasoline used to commute to work 100% tax deductible! I'm ppoud he's my Congressman! Now Joe takes money from the oppresor of Democracy Nancy Pelosi the Individual who is solely restraing American from a vote on energy independence!IF YOU WANT:
Cuba banter,Higer taxes, Puffy Hair... JOE JOE JOE
If you want:
Lower gas! Lower Taxes! Honest Leadership! Mario,Mario,Mario...
I Like POOFY hair, and PUFFY hair. So for me it is JOE. Mario can go.
Lower GAS prices? You have got to be kidding Mario supporter. Really. That is too stupid.
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