Barbara Jordan $133,380. Her Challenger Linda Stephens $445.
Audrey Edmonson $245,119. Challenger Val Screen $27,440.
Bruno Barreiro $163,215. Challenger no report.
Dennis Moss $76,252. Challenger Martin Lampkin $361.
Joe Martinez $322,445. Challenger Whilly Bermundez $18,570.
Vile Natacha Seijas $219,000. Challenger Lourdes Aguirre $14,775.
The challengers are pretty much screwed. No one will give them money, giving against an incumbent is the kiss of death. Most of these Commissioners are grudge holders. Remember Commissioners also have $300,000 in discretionary funds to spend to garner votes. I took a quick look at donors, Barbara Jordan and Joe Martinez both got $4,500 from Ed Easton companies (He is a landowner of the proposed Lennar mega-development, Parkland, on the other side of the UDB). Vile Natacha got $6,000 from Easton interests and Audrey Edmonson (Natacha's gal) got $5,000. Looks like Easton isn't banking on support from Moss, he only gave him $500. Norman Braman came through for Val Screen.
Disgraceful. Citizens are going to have to dismantle the county commission permanent incumbency.
It is truly horrible that in our town we have dictators who have no fear of losing their positions with the people who wish to dismantle our happy homes backing them.
With developers and bankers in a panic mode, they are supporting anyone who will promote their narrow minded projects. Their lobbyists have raised money for many commissioners for so long, it is very hard to stop.
Why do you think commissioners loath term-limits? Maintaining their power for so many years has cemented their control over the donors who need their votes to continue their exploitation of the people -builders, developers, et al.
I always wondered what happens to money raised by politicians who run un-opposed? Do they have to return it or can they save it for future races?
The money gets spent, donated to charity , or returned to contributors... It does not carryover.
The money gets spent, donated to charity , or returned to contributors... It does not carryover.
Has anyone ever audited what really happens to much of that money? From what I have been able to see it goes into big cars, etc.
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