Saturday, May 24, 2008

Questionable Barrier: Color-Coordinated on 18 Mile Stretch Hell, by gimleteye

In The Miami Herald, mural artist Wyland-- is disclosed as the party responsible for the questionable color of the media strip in the "new" 18 Mile Stretch to the Florida Keys. (Actually that news broke on our very own blog.) Wyland is somewhat sensitive to criticism about the color choice. "They asked me for a color that would represent the Keys," said Wyland, who picked it out of his personal color book at the request of local residents. "It's beautiful. I'm sure not everyone is going to like it." Rodger, that.

"I think it blends into the waters of the Florida Keys on a perfect day," says Wyland. If Florida Keys waters look like the color on that median divider at any moment in time, I'd suggest doing a U-turn and fleeing the Keys lickety-split.

Only, with the new divider in place, you will never, ever be able to turn around.

An alert friend brought to my attention the fact that the recent road "improvements" to the Florida Keys is not the first man-made impact to the fragile region. Look closely and notice how one color on the map resembles Wyland's color choice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not only do my wife and I like the color, but we were both thrilled that with the new divider we were much, much safer then ever. we have traveled that road about a hundred times and we are happy with the change, especially the new bridge as the old one always seemed to go up when it heard we were coming.