Saturday, May 17, 2008

Natacha Seijas Going to Poland May 20th! By Geniusofdespair

Vile County Commissioner Natacha Seijas and pals leave for a Business Development Mission to Emerging Economies: Warsaw, Prague and Istanbul on May 20th and will be back on the 31st. Nothing will happen in the County while she is gone.

As I said before, wouldn't these countries be insulted to learn they are being called "Emerging Economies" by wacky Miami Dade County public relations people.

This is just where I want my tax dollars going: Trips for Natacha and her crew. It would only be worth it if she never came back.

Take a look at photo whiz, Harry Emilio Gottlieb's take on this leg of Natacha's world tour at our expense:


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Call Osama, tell him they are jewish.

Anonymous said...

Another waste of taxpayer's dollars. Last night CBS4 reported the cost of each fancy sign posted by the county at every road or any other project funded with our monies, at $602/per sign. Total expenditure so far $1,200,000. What purpose do the signs serve, except a pat on the shoulder of the BCC, the Mayor and even Harvey Ruvin. The signs are those that say "Your tax dollars at work".

Anonymous said...

DeFede hit on Souto's Cattle Expo last night over $250,000 in costs and just 40 people from South America have registered. His goal is to promote Miami-Dade County as a viable area for raising cattle.
With Souto's vote on the UDB the cattle genetics people had better develop a cow with webbed feet.

Anonymous said...

Those signs have been part of every public works job since as far back as I can remember.

The only difference now is that you can read the signs from a distance.

They used to be white and so covered in information about the official legal description of the project that you needed to pull off the road and spend a good half-hour reading them to figure out what the heck was going on.

People whine over the littlest things.

I bet you a Polish business that if the signs weren't there, people would scream about stealth projects with "no accountability." At least now you know who to complain to if things aren't going the way they should.

Anonymous said...

Natacha 'Pierogi' Seijas.

Anonymous said...

Pants on Fire

Because the signs have been part of the landscape for many years doesn't justify the expense, particularly when we are being indoctrinated by government officials that the cuts in our services are needed because we're so "poor"! If you carefully read them, as you seem to imply, why do we need the names of the Mayor, the entire BCC and the Clerk of the Board listed along the project? Fidel is a master of advertisement -Cuba is full of that type of propaganda billboards while its people have to escape the island in search of better opportunities elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

Vile has become a worls traveler on our dime. Is she taking Terry and her staff this time too? Let's see, Africa, India, and now Poland; the bitch has exotic tastes. Wonder if she has ever been to the 5 National Parks in Utah or the great lighthouses in New England or even the Everglades. Trade, my ass, she is a tourist. After India she appeared on the dais with colorful, silk scarves from India, I bet. How has the county benefited from her expensive "trade" missions?

Anonymous said...

Natacha Seijas going to Poland for the benfit of Miami-Dade County
A Real Polish Joke!

Anonymous said...

You know, when anyone is spending that much of the public's money to go somewhere like this, don't you think they ought to write a detailed report about it. Wouldn't you love to read a detailed economic assessment of how Dade County could benefit from emerging markets in Poland? That's pretty cutting edge. I was just thinking that we ought to go over there (you know, get a jump start on all the other counties in Florida).

out of sight said...

2 things?

1.) Were those airline tickets one way by chance?

2.) Those 605 dollar signs are great for closing up a house for a hurricane. Or for blowing through the windows of the New South Dade Performing Arts since they will still be up through hurricane season.

Gee, that was really 3 things.