So what Kendrick Meek and Debbie Wasserman Schultz are assuming by their actions: That all three Democratic challengers are going to lose.
I wouldn’t be too sure of that. I think Raul Martinez could win and he is a grudge holder. And, Joe Garcia has a shot as well. Jennifer Lebovich reported in the story: “County Democrats say they may have their best shot in years to unseat at least one of the three.” I agree.
I think this is a bad decision by both Meek and Wasserman-Schultz. If I were the Miami Dade Democratic brass, I would be livid too. Democrats need those seats for the good of National issues. Maybe Ileana is good on Miami River issues, but how will she vote on more global issues that effect the whole country?
And, Debbie: If Ileana is your mentor, there is something very wrong in Washington.
Type the rest of the post here
The Dems are their own worst enemy. I can't imagine this happening in the Republican party; the national would be on them like stink on crap. The Republicans would probably run someone against them. So let's see if the Dems withhold support from Debbie and Kendrick when they come knocking.
If you want a friend, get a dog.
Politics is a cutthroat business. I guarantee if Wasserman Shultz draws a challenger with a real chance to knock her off, all three republicans will campaign door to door in her district for her challenger.
how dumb is that? why don't they change parties too?
Debbie and Kendrick are so solid in there districts, this whole conversation is a joke. Unitl Raul, Joe and 'whats her name', show they can actually pull it off, they get the same treatment as every political candidate looking for the party or another candidate get them elected.
Bottom line: a quality candidate will make it a close race and the bandwagon will get rolling to support them.
Ok, just read the Miami Herald article and I see the Democratic Party in Miami-Dade is doomed.
Bret Berlin??? How is that death knell to every candidate he's supported been allowed to represent the local party? Can you say 'Rod Smith, Janet Reno, and Jimmy Morales?
Classic bonehead Dem politics, throw your 2 local champions under the bus because they only carry your torch 99% of the time. I'm rooting for Joe and Raul - frickin Lincoln and Mario are part of that Busch mindset - "retribution politics" which makes terrible public policy decisions and I loathe so much.
Honestly, Joe and Raul are probably smart enough to leave those Dem Party nitwits like Bret Berlin in the dust. If they're smart they'll give the nods, keep arms distance, run their machines and bank on the BIG dem turnout that is gonna happen anyways due to the "we need change" movement from Bush's popularity.
Neo - how can you support the idea of getting rid of two bad politicians:
"frickin Lincoln and Mario are part of that Busch mindset"
and then say the dems are wrong to be angry with Deb and Ken for supporting the Bush ass-kissers and promoting the perception that they are losers by the non-support? Their non support says: LOSER.
If Raul Martinez has a chance to unseat Lincoln, then there has to be something extremely wrong with the people voting for him. This is a guy who has that Eliot Spitzer arrogance, that the rules don't apply to him. That when he was indicted and unfortunatly never found guilty, but luckilly never acquitted (which means he could still be tried), he made the City of Hialeah pay for his legal fees. That's Bullshit. The LBA cronies are salivating to get a guy like this into congress. That's the last thing we need. As for Joe, I do not know the guy, but he obviously carries himself and his message quite differently and really has the best chance of all to unseat a Republican incumbent. As a Republican, I personally think W-S and Meek are tough congressional leaders who have blazed their own paths and aren't afraid to take an unpopular position. That's politics.
Kendrick "blazed his own path"?
Uh...No he didn't.
Mommy blazed it for him, from the State House to the U.S. House.
So much for Bipartisanship and choosing the best candidate… It is almost universally accepted that Raul Martinez and Joe Garcia are lackluster candidates at best. Even more so with Ileana’s opponent, whom you even failed to mention by name.
I think Debbie and Kendrick are realistic in accepting the fact that these three candidates are almost unelectable and that they should maintain strong working relationships with their fellow members of the Dade Delegation, even if they do sit on the other side of the aisle.
From your rather petty tone, I see that you too are blinded by the partisanship that is destroying this country.
Petty tone...petty tone....?????
How much more direct can I be? It is not a petty tone it is direct language. I am pointing out the reality of what their sitting out the election means:
L O S E R!
Do you really think Raul Martinez is the better candidate, just because he has a "D" after his name?
If so, I think you might be blinded.
Actually Not a Moderate, Raul's a better candidate because even Lincoln's staff can't tell you what he's done lately.
Blinded by the light...I think they are two shitty candidates so that makes the "D" all the more important. Clay Shaw was a good Republican for the Everglades. Balart is a feather in comparison.
I draw the line at voting for party over substance. Who could vote for Raul? He made Hialeah his own corrupt cesspool. He ruled with an iron hand; dissent was not tolerated. Who could forget how he lied to get the UDB moved in Hialeah in 2005 by promising industrial development for JOBS. Before the ink was dry he started talking professional sports stadium and now it has morphed into residential. The solution he proposed to solve the water problem, Floridan aquafer and reverse osmosis, never had the money. The "developer" went straight to the state for funding.
When that was rejected, the county stepped in to finance the deal on your dime! Lincoln may not be the greatest but his hands are a lot cleaner than Martinez'. I am a Dem but I can not vote for Martinez.
Before anyone on here starts spouting off about how much Raul got done in Hialeah, let me tell you, it's easy to get things done when you have the peoples' money to spend, and "NO" rules to ahear to.
Example: Columbia has one of the best Highway networks in the western hemisphere.
Example: China is banging out 5 cities the size of Atlanta every year.
Raul was able to get things done because he didn't have to worry about all those pesky things like: procurement standards, living wage laws, competitive bidding etc...
Give me a choice between 2 shitty candidates and I'll take the one who has not been indicted every time.
Raul also ruled for what-24 years? Gotta do something in that amount of time. But in reality what did he do that is so fantastic??? Nothing- its been mediocre at best, and he and the city benefited because of the massive integration of cubans into Hialeah, making the city's population density huge.
As bad a Raul is: He is better than those dumb ass brothers. He can't bully his way in Washington like he did in Hialeah. It could be interesting to watch. If I could vote in this district, I would vote for Raul. Sorry. It is what I would do. Just because some people have not been indicted is no badge of honor --- unfortunately, you have to spit in the mouth of a cop to get indicted in this town.
How about the brothers what have they done??????
The person who keeps posting that phony website about Raul Martinez...we don't accept advertising to crap and phony links. If you want to post a link to what the brothers have done positively, I won't remove that, but this other dumb website, it is not going to fly here,
here is a argument against the Balart Boy -- look who supports him: Shiver and Losner and Humble:
Steve & Cire Shiver and The Honorable Jon Burgess, Vice Mayor, and The Honorable Judy Waldman, Councilwoman, City of Homestead; and
Steve Losner, Robert Epling, Michael Marcus, Tom David, Tom Jones, James Humble and Vivian de las Cuevas-Diaz
Cordially Invite You to Attend a
Fundraising Reception for the Re-election Campaign of Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart
Last anon---So what is your point---have you seen who supports Raul/Joe/Lady, no cause the reports are not out yet. Give it a couple of weeks and we'll see. Your other D's get support from some pretty shady/greedy characters...
LOL. Raul/Joe/Lady. That is classic. Listen, I am a Republican born to pre-exile Cubans. One is a Dem and the other an Independent, and I have a sibling that is hardcore liberal/union friendly. I am outcast in my family and hear the rhetoric of how Republicans are all assholes, in it for themselves. Yet many, many years ago when Raul came on the scene, he was a very charasmatic guy who wanted to end the corruption of the Dale Bennett era. he garnered both Repub and Dem support and then later alienated a lot of his most ardent supporters because of his high and mighty attitude and his questionable deals. Yes the parks in Hialeah are awesome and the social services too, but the police and firemen have suffered in many instances at his doing. This guy called in every favor owed to him to get his UDB application approved and if he was to ever make it into congress, we'd see more of that there. Interestingly, my democratic family has no qualms about voting for Lincoln in this coming election, and believe me, that is no easy thing for them.
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