First trick: don’t send an attachment unless you know me well. You should first send an email telling me the next email will have the attachment.
Second: Be very precise with the subject line. However, know that I am not going to read anything that is headed: “Appalachian Voices Energy Statement” but I almost always read “Miami-Dade Agenda Notice.” When looking for something a few month later I can search easily for “Agenda” under subject. I like that, anything to make life easier.
In general: If you have a function you want attended put the date in the subject line, don’t send a lot of emails (like jokes and inspirational messages) and be brief.
Finally, don’t send me an email blast unless I have requested it (I requested to be blasted by MiamiCityWatch and the Watchdog Report). However, I have 5 unread Watchdog Reports in my box. What are your hints on this subject?
This is a big probem for all of us: Too much email. I get it from the Carnival Center, political campaigns, etc. It is nuts.
I look back on the once a day visit from the postman -- happier more manageable times.
just read mine first :)
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