I am getting really worried about the Miami Herald. They are missing story after story. Did anyone see anything about the Vice Mayor of Miami Lakes, Nancy Simon, in the Metro Section of the Herald? I didn't. This complaint against her, of operating without a valid real estate license on numerous occasions, was signed January 18th. Why wasn't it reported, was it it in "Neighbors"? I can't believe the bloggers are scooping the Herald over and over. I got this off of Carlosmiller.com
We don't know what is going on in the next town: That is a sad state of affairs.
I was wondering the same thing myself when I saw it on the same site a day or two ago. The Herald deletes readers' comments that are critical of Natacha under online news stories, so perhaps they are extending the protection zone to Nancy "Censor Free Speech" Simon since she's a friend of Natacha's?
Regardless, there are a lot of people in Miami Lakes who are pissed that Simon allegedly removed all the Miami Laker newspapers from the news racks in town, that she is trying to censor the town's newspaper and get the reporter fired for only reporting what Channel 7 reported on the air.
My only guess is that they plan to publish a more in-depth piece this weekend, maybe Sunday.
Or maybe they decided to stop covering Miami Lakes politics altogether like certain newspapers we know.
Here is my post on the situation for anyone who is interested.
When you call the State Attorney's office to inquire as to the status of the case, you are told it is with the Miami Dade Police Department for review to see if it warrants further review. It is said that Nancy Simon can disgrace Miami Lakes this way and get away with it. She is still on the dias doing favors for friends and threatening those who have zoning issues up for review. Not to mention working with the innocent interns in that town. I wonder if the children's parents know they are working with a felon who is being hidden by our corrupt system of justice. Where are the other officials in that town and why aren't they doing something about it. Are they on the take as well? It is well known that Natascha Seijas has power over the Police department and the State Attorney, but how far can she really go to protect Mrs. Simon? Oops, that Vice Mayor Simon to you. Who nominated her for that position anyway? Why did they nominate her after she was exposed by Carmel Cafiero? There is alot of people guilty of here, not just Nancy Simon.
I do not live in Miami Lakes, Thank God!!!
It seems that all the people there have gone off their rockets!!!What is this hatred that you all have for each other??? Sounds like a bunch of 3rd graders fighting with each other. If your Vice Mayor Nancy Simmon did something wrong; well can you wait until she is pronounced guilty, and wait and see what her fine or punishmente will be! In the mean time...chill out for a while. I repeat, you all sound like children...and so much hate!!!
I wonder how many people are guilty of the same "crime"...and their are not called "FELONS" etc.it is not like she killed anyone!
Who is this so powerful woman that has control (according to you ) of all the big shots & politicians?
Funny, I hade never heard of her before all this.
last anon -
It is a very serious crime. And, she has been paid commissions -- I have seen the checks. We expect more from our politicians, or at least we should. What has happened to ethics and a sense of right and wrong? Your attitude alarms me...business as usual? As long as we accept this kind of behavior...we will get it. I am glad people are outraged...maybe they will wake up and elect better people.
And worse --- she is a Natacha Seijas supporter.
It is a shame that people has become tolerant of watching elected officials doing wrong and nothing happens. What Nancy Simon did is a 3rd Degree Felony, and it is a big deal.
The media needs to expose these lawbreakers that we have in our County and ask the proper authorities to prosecute them the same way like anybody else.
She has to return all the monies she received as commission and received the punishment she deserves for her actions.
She cannot say now that she did not know, she was a paralegal and knows the system pretty good. She has also voted in favor of catching the unlicensed contractors doing jobs in Miami Lakes.
We want Lawmakers and no Lawbreakers in our Town !!!
I attended a lunch last Tuesday in Miami Lakes where the guest speaker was Katherine Fernandez-Rundle. She spoke about publlic corruption. She stated however, that public corruption and stupidity are not the same thing. Could she be setting the stage that nothing will happen?
She gave examples of political wrong-doing and cited, Miriam Alonso, Jorge Rogue and the councilwoman from Hialeah that was removed (can't remember her name)for helping with fake contributions in order to receive public finance for Roque.
There were a lot of people, including myself, who were dying to ask about our Vice Mayor and what she felt about that situation. NO ONE SAID A WORD. Why? Because you don't want to be singled out, and because it's hard to believe that in this day and age, we could have something as blatant as this, and that nothing has been done. I have to credit Gus Abella and his wife Miriam because they have a set of balls and have faced retribution as a result, yet they continue to fight and are unwavering in their efforts. Maybe I and others could learn a thing or two from these peeople.
Since when is lying on your financial disclosure form and using you powers as a public official to abuse people not a crime? It's a sad day in Dade County when people can take a look the other way attituide with our Public officials. Maybe they wouldn't feel so eager to let it go if she targeted them with the police and town staff. "If you do not stand for something, you will sit for everything"...
Nancy Simon finally was caught on her unlicensed activities. Thank God that there are still people that are concerned for our community and are willing to come forward with these wrongdoers that we have in our local government.
It is a shame what she did in retribution taking Gus to Court with false accusations using Town's Staff and others to play a role in her wrongdoing.
She is a disgrace to Miami Lakes.
The Nancy Simon issue has become Miami Lakes' elephant in the living room.
Somebody should have addressed Katherine Fernandez-Rundle at the luncheon. That person probably would have been applauded.
That's the problem with too many people in our society. Nobody wants to call bullshit when they see it.
To quote, GoD. "Ick"
We are so backasswards in this county.
I always remain stunned that corruption, deal making and back scratching is the NORMAL way of doing business in this community. Not just in the Politicians quarters, but in churches, charities, and businesses (large and small).
I am never going to be successful in Miami unless (the other) GOD and his angels reward me for trying to be good. I can't understand this stuff.
Dear reader: I cannot post your comment as to the seriousness of your accusations ( 9/30) that will have to be sorted out by the legal system.
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