This photo is spectacular, in my opinon. It captures the Architect team/couple Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk and Andres Duany in a beautifully composed setting. The mood, the different personalities it says it all: Connected yet apart - The calm and the edgy. Loved the reflections and the inclusion of the window. Congratulations photographer Carl Juste, well done. Unfortunately the photo was not on-line so I scanned it...looks a bit weak.
too bad both are so out of touch with reality on the ground in Miami and Miami 21 is such a mess. Duany is ideologically in support of gentrification check out his article "Three Cheers for Gentrification" where his racism is thinly veiled by economic and developer speak.
But it was a beautiful photo.
It was a beautiful photo, that being said, they are way out of touch. They were given a contract by the City illegally to work on Miami 21. Elizabeth is an elitest, and cannot see any fault in her horrible work on the project. This is the only issue where you will find the development community and Miami Neighbors United on the same page, and that should tell you something.
If you want more info on the illegality of DPZ doing the work at all, let me know. It is a very juicy story, with family ties, hiring practices, and thinly vieled procedural attempts to legalize the arrangement.
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk created the proposed new zoning code for the City of Miami called Miami 21. It is a cookie cutter one-size-fits-all boring irresponsible scheme. Plater-Zyberk wants it approved so her firm can continue marketing her one-size-fits-all scheme worldwide. There is no allowance for neighborhoods and their individualistic styles. Interestingly no medium or large city has ever actually voted for such a silly plan. In the meantime, Plater-Zyberk rakes up massive fees from the City of Miami. No wonder she has a beautiful office and nice clothes. Another disaster waiting to happen?
But it is a well done photograph!
It it genius (the photo is well done), but you are missing the real story here. The City of Miami utilized a small, nondescript capital improvement procurement, issued for consulting in connection with capital improvement projects, and without a competitive process, used that mechanism (which does not have the required scope) to give DPZ the work to create Miami 21. I completely agree with "Miami 21 - another Miami disaster above". Those comments are right on point. I really dislike Elizabeth, and it has everything to do with her holier than thou attitude. She needs to go to london and hob-nob with Prince Charles, and leave us all alone!!
By the way, do you know why she got the contract? Lets connect the dots:
(1) City Planning Director - Ana Gelabert-Sanchez.
(2) Her brother, Jose Gelabert from Perkins and Will, and adjunt professor at the University of Miami (where Elizabeth is the Dean), made the connection.
(3) Ana Gelabert brought DPZ on board to spearhead Miami 21.
(4) Ana Gelabert hired many DPZ clones to begin reviewing current projects in the City of Miami, and forcing the DPZ model down everyones' throats before it is law (Dakota/Alexander Adams/etc.).
(5) Jose Gelabert taught the new members of the City planning staff.
This is really an incestuous situation, and needs to see the light of day. I am so sick of it, they way it was done, their attitude, the whole thing stinks to high heaven!!
As usual, in Miami, the taxpayers get screwed and the residents can't wait to leave South Florida.
Plater-Zyberk just wants to retire. She could care less about Miami's future. Doesn't she split her time between Coral Gables and Miami Beach? As far as she is concerned Miami can pay her money but she will never live there.
Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk has her office in Little Havana, just south of Calle Ocho, where she likely spends most of her time.
Imagine, the City hiring a consultant that is qualified, world renown, and referred to in every single modern planning textbook....what a ridiculous concept! Next time the City should hire someone without any recognition that will take the money and disappear, never to be seen again, like in the good old 80's and 90's!
We have amazing professionals in our backyard and we should take full advantage of them!
When both Developers and MNU are unhappy, that simply means a happy medium was reached.
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