I was reading over today's agenda for the Miami Dade Airport and Tourism Committee and saw this contract award of $121,720,410 to Tower Group, Inc. All bids were rejected. I was wondering: Why we have a bidding process if we keep rejecting the results and then award the contracts? Shouldn't we have them bid over again if there is a problem?
I see this all the time. Any answers?
The officers of the Corporation that are slated to get the contract at today's meeting are: Lauro Bravar and Miren Sotomayor of Davie.
The same happened to the garbage collection contract. The commissioners have their favorite "pets" or already "chosen ones" before the bids are presented to them. It's the same when selecting employees -the position is posted and the county interviews one white, one Hispanic, one black, one Asian, etc. to comply with the EEOC rules but reality is that the position already has a first and last name on it even before it's posted.
Isn't this under the responsibility of Seijas' daughter who now works at the airport overseeing all of these projects?
You would hope not. Perhaps we will be hearing from Not A Moderate very soon on this post.
This can happen for a myriad of reasons. I am wondering if you looked through the Agenda back-up to review the Manager's Recommendation which will usually describe the history and the reasons for the recommendation.
Sometimes, they find that the other bids were nonresponsive, maybe missing a certification, or lack of sufficient CBE (Community Business Enterprise/Minority or Women Owned Business) involvement, etc. In that case, and if the bids are rejected, in order to move forward with the process, without having to start over again, the County then can utilize competitive bidding exceptions such as sole source, etc. If all the bids are rejected, more likely than not, the exception utilized is sole source. Any questions, I will check back and answer whatever I can.
Enjoy your Thursday!
The item is being heard now by the Airport and Transportation Committee..
The Committee is not happy so far.. The company recommended for award apparently is underbidding this. They started at 165, and when they found that MCM was 40 mil lower, they went to 121, and now have dropped down even further to 108 mil. This is an attempt by Tower to underbid the contract, and make up the money with change orders.
MCM is talking right now...
They are making a great point. MCM's bid was about 25 million (made an error above) below Towers, and then the County allowed the bidders to go into additional negotiations after the sealed bid. That means everyone knows who bid what, and puts the lowest responsive bidder in a bad position.
the devil is in the details:
inflated CHANGE ORDERS, makes up for low bids.
I do not see a problem. Whoever promises or gives the most money (under the table) to the people who make the decision, gets the decision. Thus it has always been and probably will always be, unless the public actually voted in honest people. I know that will not happen.
It is worse than that Genius, Change Orders cost more than a bid standing on its merits... That will inflate, to a point well beyond an original bid..
Mensa, contrary to popular belief, that doesn't happen as often as you might think. There are certain Commissioners that will, but, they are in the minority, even on the BCC...
It is heading towards MCM... Time is running out...
Motion made by Sosa for no recommendation, but, for Administration to work it out before the BCC hearing for final approval.
Died for lack of second.. Think they are moving towards a real recommendation now... keep you posted.
correction, sosa motion rescinded.
They are going to force the contractors to assume 100% risk (very good for the taxpayers), and sally is making a motion to move the award by specified dollars, with shift of Risk to MCM, and move to full commission...
Besides eyeonmiami, do you know if there are any seminars on how to do business with the county?
Move, Second, unanimous approval!!
On to BCC on the 22nd. Actually, this was a nice change to watch them get something right. They worked at it until they found a solution... Excellent.
play by play, thanks readers.
and what was natacha's role, when all was said and done?
and who were the lobbyists? I looked up Tower and couldn't find any under principal
Maybe that's why they lost.
Earlier in the meeting, the committee members also threw out MDAD's recommendation to award a retail contract for a book store/cafe to HMS Host and directed staff to award to Books & Books.
They overturned their professional staff's recommendation twice today.
I heard Natasha was at the Charter Task Force all morning, defending her pimp Miguel DeGrandy's honor, which aopparently got called into questions at a public hearing last night. More info as I get it...
Go to the county website for how to do business with the county.
How to do monkey business with the county requires a lobbyist.
Are we getting into color commentation of commissione meetings now? :)
By the way... one change order on the New Orange Bowl construction will sky-rocket the cost. The cost estimate we are hearing is basically a bait and switch.
Re DeGrandy and Seijas, do tell!!
She was reviewing the charter?
She was taking notes so she knows what profitable things she needs to defend?
She was taking notes of who was there opposing her favorite things and people, so she can get back at them?
go to the 40 minute mark (the above is the Wednesday meeting). I am told by a public speaker that the Thursday meeting had even more fireworks.
You are welcome for the play by play. I think both reversals of staff were good decisions by the Commission, and for the most part, showed common sense. Remember, this was the ATC committee, which is made up of six Commissioners. The items will go to the full board today.
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