Reader Stevie Wonder said...
"No , I am not Terry Murphy (Natacha Seijas' chief of staff). Despite years of alcohol and cocaine abuse and misogynistic behavior, I still have somewhat of a conscience, which can't be said for Terry (edited out) Murphy."
This comment got me thinking. I really don’t believe Terry is a bad person. One good quality he has, I am pretty sure he is faithful to his political party as I believe I saw him at a convention of a particular party. He probably gives to charity and is a nice person to a lot of people. But then he works for Natacha Seijas. How does that compute, how can he live with himself?
I think people like Terry, and most lobbyists, have a dual belief system to satisfy that pesky conscience and I call it: The Santa Claus Syndrome. There is that year, somewhere around 6 or 7 when you start computing all the houses in the world and look at the size of his toy sack and you can’t figure out how Santa Claus can do it all. But you still sort of believe on some level, in pretend world, that Santa still exists. Two conflicting beliefs (one fanciful, one fact-based) but you are at peace with them.
I believe that is the realm in which many lobbyists operate. (hit read more)
They tell themselves it is what their clients want not them. New client, new beliefs. They will argue any side. They have no trouble suspending what they truly believe and jumping on the “pretend” which also happens to be a gravy train. And, to bolster their self-delusion they get on the boards of charities to show the world: "See how good I am."
Other lobbyist are on the two track system all the way. Yes, rock mining might hurt our water supply and is in reality strip mining, but the greater good to them in their “pretend world” is keeping the economy running efficiently. Or, yes we shouldn't move the Urban Development Bounday for a stupid reason, like a Lowe's Store, but we need the school they are bribing us with. The two-trackers find some justification for the important part they play in fucking up what we all are in South Florida for: the wonderful environment.
I just can’t grasp this kind of person. But it is the only way they can live a meaningful life: They have to live their lives in that year of “Santa Claus pretend” knowing their clients are doing a disservice to the community and that they are also to blame but what the hell. They go home with the latest video game for their kid and take pleasure in the unwrapping, trying to block out their own darkness.
Miguel De Grandy now works for the Gambling Pac as of 11/30/07. I wonder if he believes in gambling's mantra "Yes, for a better Miami Dade" or if he is pretending to himself that is a true statement. He might be one of the few without a conscience, who knows?
There are, however, people like Natacha Seijas. I believe she is not a nice person on most levels. Vindictive and nasty, but I bet her daugther loves her and the short-sighted unions sure do.
I am posting this letter in response to a comment: Can one be redeemed in the Santa Claus Syndrome?? Hit on image:

This would also make sense for people who still believe in George Bush: The Santa Syndrome. Delusion abounds.
I would be ashamed to tell my child I was a lobbyist. Money can be tainted.
I would lobby. I would not feel bad about educating anyone about an issue. But, it would have to be an issue I can live with. Only lobbyists who want the bank account or the house up in Pinecrest, have no pre-interview with a client to see where they are going to want to go. Lobbyists want to win an issue, that what makes them valuable. However, I would not stoop so low, that I could touch my nose to my toes to make a buck.
Terry murphy may be the nicest guy in the world (he's not) but it doesnt change that he carries the water for a scumbag, which in my eyes makes HIM a scumbag, He did the same for Larry Hawkins...so you are saying that Terry is OK because he is only following orders???
Im not buying...
I don't know Terry and am not making excuses. I am pointing out the pretending people must do to live with themselves and salve their conscience...
some people doing bad things would actually be thought of as "nice... "
Look at the letter at the end of the post by Einstein. I would say he was facing his demons head on. This was not a man living the Santa Claus Syndrome.
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