I nominate Scott Galvin, North Miami Councilman, as the hottest office holder in the County. We also have County Commissioner Katy Sorenson who is a looker.
Here are two others: House Speaker Marco Rubio and City of Miami Commissioner Michelle Spence-Jones. Warning: Their good looks are no reflection on their competence.

Anyone want to vote on the hottest of these four? Do you have another to suggest?
Beauty is only skin deep, but stupid is to the bone.
In this category, Michelle dense-bones wins hands down with Marco in a close second.
The other guy is kinda cute tho.
PS have you ever actually seen Michelle the Dense? Or egads (!) heard her speak?? Pretty scary...
I like Michelle's "come hither" smile. I don't care about her dumbness. This is a beauty contest damn it! Brains don't count.
Spence-Jones? Ever seen her walking? Looks like two possums having a fight to the death. And who can get by her stupidity?
Rubio is further proof that looks have nothing to do with representing the people who elected him. His positions are to the right of Attila the Hun, who I vote for as best looking politician.
Ka Ka Katy has my vote.
I think Natasha is the fairest of the all.
Stevie: Are you Terry Murphy?
How about a contest for which politician has the highest IQ?
Or a contest for which politician acts in the most fiscally responsibile manner?
Just vote on this contest. We talk about enough serious stuff... have some fun...or let me have some.
We all know there are a lot of room temperature IQ's out there governing us.
No question, Scott is the best looking and to add to the picture he is also the most honest.
marco is my choice
Marcos has the biggest head. He must get tired holding that up.
No , I am not Terry Murphy. Despite years of alcohol and cocaine abuse and mysogynistic behaviour, I still have somewhat of a conscience, which can't be said for Terry "commissioner buttwiper for life" Murphy.
As for your poll, Ill give it to Katy.
Michelle, without a doubt... She is all that and more...
....all what and more? I was just saying she was petty...I mean pretty
Strickly just talking looks, no politics or anything else. By all that and more, I mean that her face is very nice, but the rest of her is nicer... The commissioner is stacked, top to bottom...
Katy Sorenson is the fairest politician of them all :)
So it appears we don't have a clear winner unless we have more people weighing in...
Anita Flores or Yolly Roberson from the legislative delegation and Ana Rivas Logan from the School Board are other strong contenders.
Yolly, yes, never thought of her. Ana, cute couldn't find Anita and am too damn tired to give it much effort.
Its Anitere Florez. She is not bad either.. I was on a panel with her and Yolli once.. Not a bad view on the panel, with the exception of me.
What's up with Spence-Jones? Why did she set up a Legal Defense Fund? How many government agencies are investigating her? And what happened with all the charges from the Florida Election Commission? Buying votes?
I don't know about the legal issues, but, she is going to have a rough hearing with Sawyers Walk comes up again. Power U has targetted her, and were all over her state of District 5 speak last week.
Beauty contest over. Since enough of you didn't vote: I choose Councilman Scott Galvin as the best looking office holder in Miami Dade County. Congats Scott.
I think Katy had a shot, but someone put pepper spray in her gown and it affected her performance during the q and a portion of the pageant......or did they???
Btw, I hear Spence Jones is in SERIOUS trouble....more to come tuesday or wednesday next week, assuming state attorney doesnt lose her balls (again)
I want to personally thank you for selecting me as the winner of the "Best Looking" contest...LOL....this certainly ranks as one of the greatest honors of my political career.
In fact, it might be the only honor....unless I count being selected runner-up of the 2002 Miss North Miami Jaycees contest.
Either way, I will work hard to represent the ideals and traditions that this title represents! Many thanks!
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