The eye witness told me what went on INSIDE the store before my account of OUTSIDE the store. The inside the store witness said a white lady and a black lady got into an argument and some food was thrown. The store manager sided with the white lady which got the black lady very angry. I don't know if the Manager’s alleged bias is what prompted the food hurling. I asked the eye witness, was it a big deal in the store? He said: No.
I assume the woman was charged with resisting arrest and maybe attacking a police officer - so outside the store it became a big deal. Life sucks.

Nice elbow! He was pretty close to you wasn't he?
by the way, I will stop writing about you Whole Foods if you give me a bunch of fudge bar coupons!
Whole Foods is evil, really evil. The way they have hired lobbyists to push down organic standards on the Federal Level (they are close to conservatives in the Bush administration thru Cato Institute and Ayn Rand Foundation), fight unionization drives (most recently in NYC), they mark up everything including conventionally grown products and have obscene margins and yet do nothing to encourage the poor to eat better (they are not about healthy foods for the community just profit for themselves despite what they pretend to be there is no mission there except to make themselves rich), and worst of all the way they pretend to be something else (this is esp. true in their new Knighsbridge store in London where the store is full of these annoying signs with lies about their "green" food sources, organic standards, high paid workers etc... when Tesco and WalmartUK actually pay more). Personally, I will never forgive them for taking away the carton discount that Wild Oats use to provide on a families bulk health food purchase as a remnant of its earlier incarnation as a real Health Food Store. Whole Foods is a snobby dirty "greenwashed" Neiman Marcus pretending to be something else.
I hope this unfortunate woman is able to sue Whole Foods...
speaking from someone who works in news, the whole foods manager was within his rights to boot you from the parking lot. it's private property. i'm not saying it's right, but it's the law. great story though.
while the parking lot IS private property, it isn't Whole Food's property. It belongs to the shopping center, and services several other large stores, including Target and Best Buy. I'm not certain that an employee of one tenant has the authority to evict someone from the center's common areas.
But even if he had that authority, he's now on the role of "corporate thugs" in my book. And that reminds me, I have to write more letters to their home office.
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