Granted, a woman did create a ruckus in the Whole Foods Store. Probably couldn't find the granola. I heard the screaming but couldn't see anything. She left with no one accompanying her -- on her own. She was headed for her car. A cop car pulled up. She turned around and walked towards the cop. She was agitated and I said to myself, Good Lord, this woman is going to get beat up. Sure enough the cop started to try to grab her. She got upset. She tried to pull away screaming in protest...he fell to the ground holding her, she was then slammed into the sidewalk. Four or five cop cars later, the well dressed woman was subdued.
I was trying to take pictures of what transpired. I really don't care what happened in the store. I was watching a woman walk to a police officer. So I started to take pictures because it appeared overkill to me and to others around me. What do you think happened next? The Whole Foods Manager stepped in front of my camera-phone 3 times to block it!! I said what do you think you are doing? He said: "You can't take pictures you are in front of my store." So I took a picture of him. He said: "What are you going to do with these pictures?" I said: "Put them on my blog."
How dare he tell me what I can do. Anyway, as you can see - my pictures are pretty shitty....except of the Whole Foods Store Manager. This wasn't about what happened in the store. This was about the police and the woman. Had the Whole Foods store manager stayed out of my picture the Whole Foods store would not have been a centerpiece of this story and now it is forever on the internet to scar their good apple pie image.
Funny, everyone that I have told this story to asked: "Was she black?" Odd that I got that reaction. Would this have happened to a white woman? I honestly think race didn't play a role. It was more a cops reaction (or over-reaction) to an agitated woman. He could have listened for a minute before touching her.
This is so funny and tragic and stupid...all at the same time. I feel for the woman....even if she didn't get her granola.
That is the store manager:
Send him a line, let him know what you think:
And his bosses:
President, South Region
Vice President, Team Member Services
Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer
I will now shop less at Whole Foods.
I would like to point out a couple of things. Perhaps, the most important thing... We don't know if there was a 911 call that states that the woman had a weapon, whether she had just beat the caca out of someone in the store, or whatever.
You and your pictures tell one part of the story, but there may be more to it. The cop was on the scene, I just find it hard to believe that he jumped her because she was making a racket. The cops pretty much ignore the mouthy trash talking.
Ask for the 911 tape. Use your public records request. Or file a complaint so someone investigates.
Of course, the store manager should have been worrying about everyones safety, rather than everyones camera.
I don't doubt there was more to the story. But the woman walked calmly to the police car although she was shouting about something. She did not seem threatening unless you are afraid of a loud mouth. There were no weapons. I saw her walk (not run) out of the store...no weapons. I was documenting it as it got heated, the stupid Whole Foods guy got in my way (would you like two pictures of his arm?). I think it didn't have to esculate as it did. That's all. Now she will be arrested for assaulting a police officer and I think they both fell if you ask me.
You did the right thing by documenting. Take it to the PD handling the call so things can be sorted in place.
I was not aware of Whole Foods untill now.
c.l.jahn, thanks for the research, I'll send a letter to their corp. office.
True the manager should have cunducted himself more professionally.
Genius, the free photographer offer stands!
This is better than reading the Herald!!!!!!!!!
Great job.
If you are in the Aventura area,
I suggest you set up a satelite office in South West Dade.
Miami-Dade Police Department
Citizen Police Academy
Coordinators: 305 471-1745
Fax 305 471-1732
In an effort to assist the community in better understanding police training, procedures and philosophy, the Miami-Dade Police Department offers a 13 week class to all Miami Dade County Citizens.
The classes are held at the Department’s Training Bureau located at 9601 NW 58 Street.
Once the course begins classes are every Wednesday night from 6:30 PM to 10 PM.
Next class is scheduled for March 2008
I love the indignant commenter above who committed to shopping at whole foods "less" awesome principles...eesh
I told you, at Publix shopping is a pleasure.
Here's a suggestion to Whole Foods, how to make it right: let Florida Hometown Democracy staff tables to sign the FHD Constitutional Amendment petition at Whole Food sites in South Florida!
(Didn't Natacha lock up Publix?)
All of these stores, the worst is Whole Paycheck, are faux hippy health stores guilty of the worst sin - hypocrisy. They take their fat profit margins and screw the customers, suppliers, and communities they operate in. Now that they are willing participants in police violance is only more reason not to shop there.
I don't hate the store...they have got good fudge bars and that is a big draw for me. And publix "miss S" won't let you petition gather there - they called the cops on friends, so I am no big fan. I just think the store manager was acting tyranical towards me......watch they will arrest anyone buying fudge bars now.
Perhaps you misunderestimate Publix, at least at Monza. If they are anywhere near as responsive to petitions as they are on Brussel sprouts you have a plan. At least they have heard me out on the size of wise potato chips and All detergent. Since I am their crazy lady, the manager has even offered to go to Winn Dixie or Gardners if what I want isn’t in their system. (the Brussel sprout story is a good one, but I know you have a 300 word cap). I’ll do some investigating between the in or out of season figs and get back to you.
It should be easy to get the arrest info... then you can contact the defense attornery ... assuming that they haven't pled her out already.
ps. Can't blog-spot take pity on their readers and incorporate a spell check into their programs?
Anonymous....2 above how much time do you think i have....for free.
spelling: I would rather have the comments than have people worry about spelling...i think mistakes are a product of quick typing...
Maybe this is the new way they deal with irate customers. I know this store and it is dirty, filthy really. The Wild Oats in Pinecrest is much cleaner, why they can't get their act together over there is beyond me but I guess if you comment to the manager or try to return something that was opened before you purchased it I guess this is what may happen to you.
Why are the police working so closely with this store? Ever seen the police patrol the parking lot? I have. What kind of relationship between the police and this store is there? What is up with this store and why do the police care so much about taking care of this store? Weird.
As long as you are on public property, you are allowed to take any pictures you want. It is in the US Constitution. Otherwise, how do you think those awful paparazzi could get so many boring pictures of Britney Spears?
yes I have seen a mouse in this store ...it could use a scrubbing. As for the police: There are just too many of them...
Bring back the old school alternative friendly hippy health food stores like Oak Feed etc...
Lets have places where where we can build community not just a healther green-washed Publix.
These are personal opinions and do not represent the views of EarthSave Miami or its members.
By the way anonymous reader, exactly where in the constitution does it say I can take camera phone pictures? I think photography wasn't invented when the constitution was written. And I am pretty certain that camera phones weren't available either when John Hancock made his mark.
//Maybe this is the new way they deal with irate customers. I know this store and it is dirty, filthy really. The Wild Oats in Pinecrest is much cleaner, why they can't get their act together over there is beyond me but I guess if you comment to the manager or try to return something that was opened before you purchased it I guess this is what may happen to you. //
The return policy is 100% return any time, and yes, they simply accept take the items back. I am not aware of where you may have heard about any other return issues, but plain and simple, its posted on many of their walls, and they stick to it.
As for the mouse comment, NOWHERE is absolutely pest free. To believe so is a dream. There are specific "acceptable levels" of miscellanous products permitted in your food in the food industry. By seeing one, at least you know there's no deadly chemicals being sprayed.
Emmmm - funny how no one mentioned the worst part of the store - the wildly overpriced goods - from the fruit and veg to the wine - arggggg - and we thought it was going to be so great - you are better off going to Laurenzo's Market even if it is a drive!
Signed - Smart Upper Eastside shopper!
Should there be any surprise that cops overly abuse their authority time and time again in Miami?
Police in Miami are among the most abusive in the nation. They are a law unto themselves. For the record, I'm 51, male, white, upper class. Nothing has ever happened to me. However, every time a cop even so much speaks you can hear the brutal arrogance of knowing he could shoot you and get away with it.
The Whole Foods manager should be fired or Whole Foods corporationwill also look like they condone police violence. You were taking pictures recording an incident from a distance and not in any way obstructing justice, like this idiot market manager apparently was trying to do.
Just because a cop is involved, we can not as citizens automatically assume the cop is in the right. Your photo journalism could have helped record a citizen's defense.
I have been a loyal customer at Aventura's Whole Foods for years.
I am as of now, seising. The Organic sections of Publix and Winn DIxie will do. I don't need to be slapped around and beat over the head as I hand over my hard earned moula.
The cop should be investigated by internal affairs. I hope the woman pressed charges.
Genius of despair, you clearly have too much time on your hands. ALthough I was not there to witness the incident, it does not take a genius to understand the inadvisability of shouting while approaching a police officer. While I agree that police brutality is wrong if, in fact, that is what happened, police officers are human beings who are constantly abused by those they are supposed to protect. I'm sure they are the first people you would call if you were assaulted by someone outside a grocery store. Be more circumspect in your commentary, as opposed to delivering one sided, reactionary viewpoints; especially if you don't know the whole story.
I stood watching with 7 or 8 other people...some black some white. All agreed the police were heavy handed putting it mildly. I found out what went on in the store...I interviewed a store clerk.
Why is everyone so concerned with how I spend my time. Clearly you have too much time on your hands if you are reading blogs written by dim wits.
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