Blackner, who makes veins throb in the foreheads of developers across Florida.
Florida Trend.com
Leslie Blackner is the mother of this petition drive. It is down to the wire. The Chamber of Commerce has a competing petition (the petition to allow a petition) and has people out there that are being paid $2.50 per signature. We need you to step up to the plate and get the Florida Hometown Democracy Petition signed.
Here it is at the bottom of this post, hit on it to make it large and print it out, and damn it, get a few signed by friends, co-workers, neigbors and family members. You must send them signed. Don't leave them with people to sign. Share your story about getting signatures as a comment on this post. I want to hear your stories.
Florida Hometown Democracy is endorsed by Sierra Club, Eye on Miami and Florida Wildlife Federation. If you cannot print from the one at bottom, go to the link on the right of our home page.
Here is what Carl Hiaasen said about FHD and the Letter sent by John Thrasher trying to get you to revoke your Florida Hometown Democracy Petition signature:
Thrasher's deceptive and slimy letter is proof of the panic that has set in among those who've made a fortune raping the state and are afraid of losing their sweet ride.
The lobbyist ominously warns that, if the Hometown Democracy amendment passes, ''special interests'' will triumph and ''Big Developers'' will wreck Florida's ``scenic beauty.''
Like it's not happening now?
Special interests already manipulate many county and city commissions -- not to mention the Legislature -- while Florida's green space continues to disappear under bulldozers at the rate of hundreds of acres per day.
What Thrasher neglects to reveal in his fright mailing is that big developers and landholders are the ones most frantically opposed to the Hometown Democracy movement, and that he himself represents some of the biggest, including the St. Joe Co., which is currently selling off the Panhandle.

i printed it out and am going to get my friend to sign it at dinner saturday. thanks.
Lesley Blackner will be in Miami on Tuesday to speak at a luncheon for the Downtown Bay Forum. Unfortunately, so will Mike Caputo, a rep of the Florida Chamber touting the bogus "Citizens for a Smarter Florida." I think we should all go and support her -- $26 includes lunch. Bring a friend who needs to be persuaded; Lesley's got power! Reservations required: 305-757-3633.
I've printed out 100 copies of the FHD petition, and I'm just handing them out wherever I go. And when I run out, I'll print another 100. Thank you, Lesley Blackner!
As most of you point out on this blog day in and day out, we have poor representation at our local councils and commissions in large part due to voter apathy and a lack of civic education and involvement.
Yet, you want to trust all land use decisions to this same elctorate.
Go figure.
By the way, she's pretty cute.
Yep not a moderate, indeed i do. Because the losers won't vote. and, anyway, it can't get any worse.
by the way, don't pass out petitions...get them signed and YOU mail them in. Trust me -- they will never mail them unless you adress them and put a stamp on the back for the people you pass them out to.
If you think only the smart concerned citizens will be the ones voting, then why do bad candidates keep defeating the ones you support?
I know, I know, most of you probably voted for Katy or Carlos (either of them, although I'm sure alot of you voted for Jimmy) But bad candidates keep getting elected, so watch out what you wish for, or you will most certainly get it.
I wish for Hometown Democracy to pass.
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