Friday, September 21, 2007

The Miami Herald: Believe it or not! By Geniusofdespair

This is not a joke. The following sentence was actually the by-line of a Miami Herald story about Miami Airport staff going to Disney World for advice on making our visit to the airport more pleasant:

“Miami International Airport – World Renowned for Its Poor Service -”

You would think the County Commission, responsible for the Airport, would be embarrassed by this kind of notoriety.

And, speaking of the Miami Herald, the links we have been including won’t work anymore. The Herald is using a sign-in now so we can’t link to the paper for you to read stories we refer to. Thanks for nothing Miami Herald.


Anonymous said...

They know you and they don’t like you. The irony is since I have been reading this blog I have actually been reading the Herald (at least I get one on Sunday when I get the New York Times).

Anonymous said...

The Herald is very sneaky, employing software on their website to try to figure out who is posting and locking them out. While the industry is trying to broaden their appeal, note the New York Times yanked Times Select inspite of the almost 300,000 paid members they had to increase traffic for their articles The Herald is moving in the opposite direction.

Anonymous said...

How difficult is it to come up with a yahoo account for purposes such as these?
I read newspapers all over the country and utilize the same log in for all of them.And it is free.

Anonymous said...

better use a real address b/c they want to know where you live.

Crumbs said...

A few years ago I was at MIA having a typical horrible experience (i'll save you the details) when I heard an automated message welcoming everyone to Miami. It said something like "Welcome to Sunny Miami- known for our beautiful beaches, our warm breeze, and ourfriendly & hospitable people." If I had any, I would have spit out my Cafe con Leche.
"Friendly and Hospitable people" - that message had me laughing for the rest of the day. I only heard it the one time, I think having everyone wet themselves laughing each time it played became too distracting so they eliminated it.