Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Water Summit: Miami Dade a No-Show by Geniusofdespair

Curtis Morgan reports that Ideas, concerns flow at `Water Summit' held at the South Florida Water Management District Offices in West Palm Beach, however, no elected official from Miami Dade went to the summit! Imagine that.

What is the South Florida Water Management District? Well take out your tax bill again. The woman living in the City of Miami Gardens, I spoke about a few days ago, has a line item on her tax bill for the SFWMD: $91.86. The more wealthy resident in Key Biscayne pays them $4,185.66 per year on his taxes. We pay them a lot of money to manage our water!

The district oversees the water supply of 16 counties according to reporter Curtis Morgan. He said:
"water managers clearly also viewed the forum as an opportunity to explain the challenges they deal with daily in operating a complicated but crude system built more than a half century ago, largely to control flooding and help drain the Everglades for farming. They say weather extremes, such as droughts to hurricanes, only make balancing environmental and social needs more difficult."

Miami Dade County is one the largest urban users, and our shitty elected officials didn't even show up, even in light of a stern letter they got from Water Managers and the Department of Environmental Protection a year and a half ago about water usage and reuse water.

So, while that Vile County Commissioner Natacha Seijas tries to green wash herself, you would think this would be a good place to start with action instead of just hollow posturing.

The Miami connection loomed large at the forum. After all, the new head of the South Florida Water Management District's Governing Board is a Miami Attorney, Eric Buermann (pictured left - who called for the summit). The Governing Board is appointed by the Governor.

We should be embarrassed that no elected official thought it important enough to attend. You need the stakeholders to attend to make progress. And don’t tell me staff was there. I am sure they were. But Natacha, who is head of the County Committee that oversees the environment, let Bill Brandt’s head roll (fired from Miami Dade Water and Sewer) claiming ignorance of Brandt's water supply warnings. She actually acted surprised when the stern warning letter was received. If you go to these meeting you can’t claim ignorance honey (I say that in a condescending way) and she knows that. Will never go will you Natacha?


Anonymous said...

Natacha is mainly interested in receiving campaign contibutions from the rock mining industry that pollutes our water, not making sure the citizens of Miami-Dade co. have an adequate clean water supply.After 15 years on the County Commission, much of those years as chairman of the committee that oversees water and sewer operations,she has a record of not making the right decisions or even
acknowledging that she has a clue about the "big picture" as to the largest problem south Florida has --how do we supply an ever growing population with water.Natacha is concerned with keeping water rates low so she and the rest of the commissioners look good to the voters.

Anonymous said...

Gee, I wonder what it would do for the image of Miami if we have an large outbreak of some water born infection? Who would want to live/travel here? Did Nathacha ever think of that?

Geniusofdespair said...

You believe she thinks? It is more accurate to say she plots.