Monday, July 09, 2007

Dinner sans the Miami Herald by Geniusofdespair

I had dinner with a college graduate, a very smart young man. He said his mother got the newspaper every day and it was a ritual with her; she sat down with her coffee and read the paper. So, there was a newspaper in this man’s house every day. Every single day. I asked: “Did you read it?” Answer: “Nope, I get my news on line.”

So there are those of us who get our news on paper and I would suppose for most of us real paper people, it is a ritual. I have experienced the panic when it is not at the door: “Where is the paper?” I yell wild-eyed at spouse.

How can I understand this young man? I have to read the paper. He doesn’t.

I know the good reporters. I always look at who is writing the column. When a good reporter moves on I am sad. Am I too close to the paper? Maybe I am getting clingy, that is not good. Where has Andres Viglucci been? Haven't seen any articles lately, hope he's okay. We all know where Debbie went. And where is Noaki now?

Some days I get angry and I feel like canceling the paper, like when Jim DeFede was fired and when they endorse crappy candidates. But I don't cancel. I can't do without the paper.

“Anders, what happened? The behavior was modeled by the parents, the kids should have picked it up. Why aren’t the young reading the Miami Herald even when it is in the house?”

I think computers are it from here on out, a pity, such a comforting ritual: Coffee and the crackle of the pages being turned by ink stained fingers.


Anonymous said...

For me its a matter of time, dont get me wrong I do read the Herald everyday, but I do so when I get the chance and I read it online. Mostly local news and I make sure to check out my favorite colummnists. As for Sat & Sun, I still have the paper delivered and enjoy it with a good cup of coffee.

Anonymous said...

What about fighting over the sections? That is my ritual.

Anonymous said...

I only read fox online, what is wrong with you people always upset about the wrong things!

Geniusofdespair said...

"You people?"

"Fox Online?"

You are kidding right?

Anonymous said...

Today I noticed for the first time your list of “Quotes - worth another look.”
They are excellent.
How long have these been showcased in your blog?
It is wonderful that you have featured these quotes on your front page.
They remind us of the important issues and of the characters that make up our community and affect our lives.
Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I grew up in a household that always recieved two newspapers one in the morning and one in the late afternoon. I would read the afternoon paper (Ft. Lauderdale News) before I started doing my homework, of course to my mother's displeasure. My grandfather would read the entire paper and when he finished there was not a crease out of place..he would fold it back like it had never been touched let alone read. My uncle from NY would fold a paper in neat litle square and when he taught me that folding thing I couldn't wait to ride a subway and read the paper

The newspaper can be bad or good like everything else (friends, blogs, food, local TV even the Dolphins) but I still consider it a crucial componet in the making of a community. To ignore it or simply depend on the electronic editions is missing the soul of what makes a (physical) community a living thing.


Anonymous said...

I also grew up with a paper every morning but I find that the Herald is so incredibly devoid of any news of substance that I have subscribed to other local papers... Miami Today, South Florida Business Journal, And Daily Business Review. I am so tempted to quit my subscription to the Herald.

Anonymous said...

Andres Viglucci's wife, also a Miami Herald writer, got a one-year fellowship in Michigan and he took a year off to join her. He should be back pretty soon now.