Sunday, June 24, 2007

Only one stinking letter in the Palm Beach Post? By Geniusofdespair

No wonder Palm Beach People couldn't understand the Butterfly Ballots! They don't seem to think too clearly. I have been keeping an eye on the Palm Beach Post to see how the public would react to the appalling behavior of their government (See my Post MUST READ- June 17th) spreading reuse water on their wellfield - I expected a barrage of angry letters. I could only find this letter by a woman named Marilyn Sanders - one person is thinking at least:

Failure to advise public on treated water inexcusable

If West Palm Beach officials had been honest and told the public up front that treated sewage water would be added to the water supply ("Drastic measures," Sunday), what would have happened? People would have stopped using tap water; actually, I would have been using bottled water for everything. And the water supply would have been saved without having to add treated sewage water.

Instead, city officials lied by omission. Why? My guess is SunFest - they couldn't have people canceling their plans to visit West Palm Beach for fear of filtered sewage in the water supply. My question now is, what did The Palm Beach Post know, and when did you know it?

Fie on everyone involved with this deception. It was a counterproductive lie caused by greed. As always, follow the money.


Good work Marilyn! I bet the butterfly ballots didn't stimie you!


Anonymous said...

I have a friend who works for the State Dept of Health specifically the drinking water "safety" department. He didn't seem to be alarmed by what the Palm Beach country government did in this case, but his "area" is Miami-Dade county. At the end of the day, because it is the State of Florida government who is responsible for the safety of the drinking water, shouldn't it have been a State level decision on how to handle this? This question should be addressed directly to "Charlie", you know that guy who is always smiling and talking about "us" Floridians...this is enough to scare me into using bottled water exclusively, regardless of how many times the local/state government tells me my drinking water is safe.

Anonymous said...

my 19 year old son strugged it off... he read this post.... My older kid would have grabbed the case of bottled water ...

It may be safe... but it sure sounds yukky. And I would not drink it.

Anonymous said...

Newspapers choose what they print, there's no telling if they received several letters on this topic and only ran 1, or if they really only received 1. Before you go bashing an entire county of residents, you should check your facts. and if there was only 1 letter, then bash away.

Geniusofdespair said...

I heard from reporter KING that most were in blog...
however, i was bashing the paper for the appearance...what it makes palm beachers look like - not caring about being duped. paper's fault but people need to kick the paper in the butt.

Anonymous said...

If you really think about it, you'll realize that the water spread near (not directly on, as people have been misinformed -- check with SFWMD) the WPB wellfield has a much higher level of treatment than most typical unplanned reuse -- along many rivers in the US, treated wastewater is discharged upstream of drinking water plant intakes, followed by wastewater outfalls, and so on. in WPB, not only did the water recieve a greater level of treatment than is typical of wastewater, it also had to percolate through the soil to reach the wells, whose intakes are located probably at least 90 feet underground. Water is a cycle...any we use goes back into the environment where it gets used again and returned...and the treated wastewater was probably a lot cleaner than whatever would've come out of Lake O on a normal basis.