Matt Haggman did a smashingly good doom and gloom real estate expose in the Miami Herald on Sunday. Not to be outdone, I did my own, albeit “less is more” in my case. I am not a real reporter just in case you might be tempted to think of me as one: don't. No real reporting on my pages. I digress.
I was curious, I wanted to see how the twin waterfront towers called Aventura Marina, LTD were selling. The reason I choose these two towers was because The Condo King Jorge and his developer buds finished one around the turn in the market and the other was finished after the market tanked (selling started before the tower was finished).
I looked at one unit right before Katrina hit when the market was hot – yes, I was nosy. The sales office staff were so cocky, they were selling units sight unseen. The apartment square footage was very generous but the buildings were the run of the mill yellow-gold colored, sort of ugly towers you see all over the place. There was no designer furnished model to see, just an office apartment with desks — and they were selling the unfinished tower with that interior! You could see that there would be a nice water view of the intracoastal waterway but you couldn’t go up in the towers. They had some crappy pool arrangement -- you shared it with another building.
So how are these babies selling in the bad market is the point I am finally getting to.
Well, there were even a couple of sales in February! I was surprised, I thought the market would have dropped off more because Aventura is the definition of condo glut.
Don’t know what incentives The Related Group is offering, but these units appear to be selling briskly. According to the clerks website of DEED transfers, in November ‘06 they sold 46 units, in December ‘06 they sold about 36 and in January ‘07 they sold about 47. To give you a perspective on this: In December 2005 they closed on 37 units. Some of these units were under contract before Wilma hit in late October which was the beginning of the great real estate dive. Go figure.
Some recent sales - these are real sales, mortgages were taken out on most of them: (I could not get square footage on them all so you will not be able to tell much from these numbers)
Apt. 1504 12/2005 $610,000
Apt. 1609 2/2006 $441,00
Apt. 1607 4/2006 $595,000
Apt. 308 3/2006 $470,000
Apt. 1808 2/2006 $695,000
Apt. 1707 2/2006 $530,000
Apt. 1416 1/30/07 $502,833
Apt. 816 1/30/07 $484,833
Apt. 2711 1/29/07 $527,843
the problem for the real estate market is what Matt Haggman said: The Waiting. Everyone is waiting. The real estate taxes are what's killing the market. It finally caught up to people. The taxes a month can be higher than the mortgage payment. Add on top of that the bumped up insurance -- that is what is making everyone wait. Something has to give or nothing is going to change in the market. I am amazed that the condos you speak of are selling. Maybe the people don't know what the taxes will be.
Jorge Perez is very cute!
Only if you like the look of sleaze bag developers in expensive suits.
What people don't remember for older citizens or know for younger citizens, is that when real estate tanks and the government agencies and programs and huge capital projects like the Miami-Dade County Center for the Performing Arts in Miami or any project on Miami Beach, Library, Ballet, Museum, statute of the Unknown Lobbyist for Developers, have no funds TAXES ARE RAISED ON THOSE OF US WHO WORK! Aat this point the people who sold their property for profits have re-invested it in the next real estate opportunity and LEFT TOWN, LEFT THE STATE, LEFT THE US, etc.
Does anyone remember the Savings and Loan Scandals and the tax money that went into that hole? Just here in the Miami Metropolitian Area? What's amazing is that some of the same people who went belly up in the 80' are back, and watch out, THEIR PROJECTS WILL GO BELLY UP, BUT THEY WILL BE SITTING ON THEIR PROFITS IN THE BAHAMAS - By the way there is in fact one Miami Beach developer who has "banked" his conversion projects pushing old people out of rental units, in a development in the Bahamas ALREADY!
Why is it when you read profiles of Jorge Perez they say he is a Liberal Democrat? (Like the one a few months ago in Hispanic mag.) What is this about?
Because Cubans are rarely liberal democrats: You can count them on half of one hand...Alex Penelas, Jimmy Morales (not Cuban enough) and ? and of course ? and then there is ?.
P.S. You really don't think Jorge Perez is cute?
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