I put the address from the attack mailer into the property appraisers website. This is what came back:
Search Results:
No match found for Address:2520 SW 22 ST
What is going on with this PAC? Everything about it seems suspicious. Every way of idenifying them is a blind alley. The phone is disconnected, the address is suspect. The person signing has no phone number. Where are the investigative reporters. Oh, I know, reporting on all the people who are against the strong mayor vote. Balance it a little reporter Chuck Rabin. And to Barabara Jordan: Remember what I said about manners. Calling the Mayor a dictator is not polite.
There has to be a class action lawsuit here, somewhere...
File a complaint with the state's Ethics Commission, they are more effective than M-D County's. This is an absolute FRAUD and proof of how stupid they think their electorate is -by saying THEY, you know exactly who I mean.
1. The picture you posted wouldn't show 2520 SW 22nd street. 2520 would be between 25th and 26th avenue, NOT 25th and 24th avenue.
2. A google search for 2520 sw 22 street shows various businesses at that location. I doubt very much it is an emtpy alley. Click here to see.
What nothing about Beth Reinhard's Herald article predicting a republican takeover of the county with the strong mayor??? What about the efforts of Alzarez and his band of crooks to loot Jackson? Thats ok it was already predicted in the previous comments here.
the property between 25th and 27th aves is the Office Depot shopping center that conviently houses a mailbox plus where you can rent mailboxes!
Interesting also to note that according to Sunbiz, Bernabe is not listed as any type of registered business person ,agent etc.
Zabasearch does find a 59 yo Hialeah man by that name.
Well, folks....
If you don't want the people who are using fear (sort of like real life bad guys do) to rule your life, it is time to get the shoes on and your political mind set.... and get to the early voting polls on Sunday, 11-3 or to your home poll on Tuesday....
It is more than sad to watch our commissioners using fear...fear of losing our jobs or fear of losing our rights to make us make a choice for their agenda.
This change is administrative. The Mayor cannot privatize anything ...that is what the commissioners mulled-over years ago ... not the mayor... he can't legislate law, now or as strong mayor.
I also find it sad that the commissioners feel the need to abuse and disrespect MLK's memory by using his achievements to cause people to vote their way. Couldn't they find an argument that was based on documented facts about how the vote would affect the county as a whole?
I find that this election is starting to become divisive...
Have you noticed that those attacking the issue, are starting to use hot buttons within the various communities? The anti-equal rights leaders are targeting the church communities, not to talk about this charter change...but to warm the churches up for their next attack on the county equal rights ordinance...
Our commissioners are babbling about loss of rights...well, they make the laws, they need to make laws that protect our rights, instead of using their power to intimidate us with loaded phrases.
The unions are jabbering about loss of jobs? Then, they need to get to work and make sure they get the right contracts for their employees...and think about it...where are the most job openings in the county? In union departments (police, Jackson, fire etc)... where the county always needs most help.
Get out and vote.
Now, is the time to make the change. We may not have another opportunity in our grasp.
Take the time, take back your county!
Moss calls it "the Dictator Mayor" too. I suppose that fits in with the signage mentioned in this thread.
Everyone has just GOT to see what is going on in the Town of Surfside. Check out the Corruption in Surfside blog. Town officials have been busy at their personal agendas: Deleting ethics laws, closing important town facilities, greasing the zoning variance process, forcing out honest town employees so political hacks can be put into jobs instead, its amazing what they are getting away with.
Sounds like it is time to get the state involved in Surfside.
Why is it that some (not all) elected officials think their position is "all about me", rather than about the people who they swore to serve?
I have never seen so much ego and greed.
Where has the desire to serve the people gone?
What is wrong with the voting community, when we constantly select people who run amuck, rather than elect people who live to serve the community?
Where is the pride there used to be in helping the world and our hometown be wonderful?
I stand by my search:
I entered the address on the pig flyer on the property appraisers website. The return was: "No such address." If it is a PO box in some store...well so be it. You would think the election dept. would ask to see a license or something... the map I posted was the one PA website suggested in the return.
this site already has a link on the front page to the surfside site....
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