Who do these people think they are? Maybe the media is to blame, by failing to explain for instance how not a single downtown lobbyist would dare show their face in Mayor Alvarez' office because they are so afraid of retribution by county commissioners.
It is pathetic, their effort to paint the strong mayor referendum as a power grab by lobbyists, when the people with the most to fear from a strong mayor are downtown lobbyists who cast their lot with the county commission!
These two PACs, Citizens for Unity and Common Rights and the other is Citizens for Open Democratic Government, are both recorded at the Division of Elecitons with Bernardo Bestard as Chairman.
You want to know how corrupt this is? Look at Mr. Bestard's signatures. They don’t match! This sucks big time. They filed illegal papers and it wouldn't suprise us if Mr. Bestard either doesn't exist or has no idea his name is on the official papers.
And, Citizens for Unity and Common Rights has a phone that doesn’t work. There is fraud afoot to scuttle the strong mayor vote!
It makes me sick, to think that this election will be over and law enforcement will be NOWHERE on the abuse of the system.
The mailer says, "tired of politcs and corruption in Miami'. Can you believe it: whoever did this mailer should be arrested.

Come on State Attorney's Office: wake up!!
How ironic that the process of certifying signatures for the referendum involved pouring over the legitimacy of tens of thousands of citizens, but when it comes to watching over a PAC that is protecting the county commission, the Division of Elections or Clerk can't even reconcile TWO!!!!
If elections could change anything, they would be illegal.
How about those signs from the loser commissioners?
I saw one of Moss' signs on Quail Roost drive the other night.
Save your rights to vote?
etc etc..
Vote No!!
OMG those people make me want to hurl.
Where's the Miami Herald or TV news on this? Or maybe it doesnt rise to the threshold of news.
I printed out the whole package for the Citizens for Open Democratic Government. I was very surprised when paper kept coming out of the printer.... It seems that sent the paperwork to Tallassee to register and Tallasshee referred them back to Miami...(even they don't want our kind of politics?)...
Seriously, though, what resulted was Mr. B #1 signed his name over and over. Mr. B #2 has a signature that is consistent with documents found online in other places.
So, do we have dad and son team here? Or do we have 2 very politically minded individuals who happen to have the same name and goals, but different signatures? Hmmmm.
Maybe Armando Guttierez knows.
They are all a bunch of frauds,Fred Frost of the AFL-CIO, Bestard, Armando Gutierrez-the political consultant(remember Elian-the cute little rafter cuban kid) who is coordinating and orchestrating the anti-strong mayor blasphemous and negative campaign, most of the commissioners, and several cuban radio talk show hosts who have been paid $25,000 each by Armando to trash the strong mayor initiative daily on their respective programs...They are Raquel Regalado, wife of City of Miami Comm Tomas Regalado, Marta Flores, self proclaimed queen of the late night airwaves, and Tomas Garcia-Fuste, who has a tv program on Telemiami. What these people spew out on their programs is disgusting. If anyone with an opposing view happens to chime in they get cutoff and lambasted...These shows are like having paid political programs. Amazing, but true.
Now they are saying that the Mayor is going to privatize Jackson Memorial Hospital because Citizens for Reform got thousands of dollars in contributions from medical providers---and that he is going to fire people left and right if he becomes strong mayor. How can these people look at themselves in the mirror, how can they invent these things on a whim, don't they have a conscience? They are blatant pathological liars!!!
You forget that the Arch Creek address being used could possibly be an empty house the owner does not live in it...there is no phone at that address and the phone number Bestard put down on the form which was filled out in 2006 has been disconnected.
Thats it, this crap makes me want to vote for strong mayor more than ever!
it is about time anonymous --
look at the defede link posted today
Someone should really complain to the FCC about the radio licenses of these AM stations that use editorial content as political paid ads.
"No al dictador! No a Hugo Chavez! No a Daniel Ortega! No al alcalde fuerte!" - from unattributed signs that were plastered all over the place at the intersection of SW 17 Ave & US-1 Thursday morning.
Saw the signs, the reason I voted for the strong mayor!
To the person that recommended complaining to the FCC about the Cuban radio stations. They are as ineffective as the rest of our government. I did complain to their Campaign Law Division and was told "the radio commentators are exercising their freedom of speech. If you believe it's slander, get a lawyer and file a lawsuit". I hope the FCC knows that lawsuits cost plenty money something ordinary citizens don't have and only politicians do. It's a fight between an elephant and an ant!!!
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