Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Dumb and dumberer ... by gimleteye

Time and again, we have called the majority of the county commission in Miami Dade “un-reformable”, a permanent incumbency run by special interests. We have another example.

In Miami Today, Bruno “The Dim” Barreiro –the nominal chair of the county commission (actually, the vituperative Natacha Seijas runs the majority) threatens to hammer taxpayers as a necessary consequence of the vote to support the executive mayor in 19 days.

What Bruno “The Dim” proposes is bigger government: parallel government operations to “balance” new powers of an executive mayor.

Now there’s a good idea! Allow the unreformable county commission to have a bigger hammer against the public!

It is desperation when the best argument the county commission can make to stop progress in fact ensures that progress will be made in Miami Dade county, when the executive mayor referendum passes.


Anonymous said...

Check this out on the subject

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

error! 404

Anonymous said...

Isn't that a Hoot?

Double the size of government at a time when incorporations were supposed to be decreasing the need for county staff?

I am willing to bet the commissioners will try to legislate the Strong Mayor into a web to try to make him/her ineffectual. They will continue making laws that are veto proof, that nip away, at whatever power or control they can find that somehow was missed by the charter change.

I bet there were some county staff ready to scream and bolt out of county hall when they realized they were gonna be scooped up by the commissioners!