Sunday, December 10, 2006

Odd Pac Formed Nov. 21st To Fight the Strong Mayor? By geniusofdespair

This PAC is called Citizens for Unity and Common Rights. The scope of Jurisdiction of the Committee: Opposition to proposed amendments to the County Charter. The treasurer is Bernardo Bestard. There are no corporate papers for this PAC. The only amendment to the charter going on at the moment is the Strong Mayor vote. So we must assume that this is the PAC to fight the Strong Mayor.

The odd thing about this: A Bernardo Bestard sold a house in Kendall to a Carlos Alverez in 1998. What’s up with that?

Speaking of Political Action Committees (PACS) Citizens to Protect the People's Choice (the Anti Natacha recall) just got $5,000 from all around annoying guy, Homestead banker Bill Losner and $2,000 from former City of Miami Manager Joe Arriola. The Graham couple were cheap: They only gave $500. Santa Barbara Estates, Inc., Silvio Cardoso President, gave $5,000. Another Dark Side Attorney Jeffrey Bercow gave $3,000. That Victor Brown is giving a lot to this PAC as well. I just found another $10,000 in the name of one of his Coporations, BMS Ojus. And that union SEIU (what were they thinking): They gave her $15,000. Golly! That is one big waste of money.


Anonymous said...

Truly Blue

Who is the treasurer of Citizen's to Protect the People's Choice? It sounds like some kind of Hollywood award program, doesn't it?

This Political Action Committee to retain the long time entrenched commissioner seems misnamed.

How else can one view the commissioner who never met a manatee nor civic activist she liked? Not to mention her great disregard for protecting the Urban Development Boundary...alas, the voters of her district have the last word on this. Let's see what the voters decide.

There was a time, a long time ago, when Natacha listened intently to her constituents and to her conscience. Now one wonders, what conscience does she have left?

Sure some seniors in her district love her and she brings them downtown to honor the most active of them. But what does she deliver for the greater community? Surely, her chief of staff and constituent services staff work hard. But whatever happened to the capable woman/Hialeah Councilwoman/County Commissioner who had a heart?

It would be cool to have a more complete listing of who is protecting Comm. Natacha Seijas' seat on the Commission. Genius, any chance you can post one?

Interestingly, aren't Natacha's opponents attacked for being from outside of her district? How many of these PAC donors live in the Commissioner's District?

Not many I would suspect except disgraced, former Hialeah Councilman Silvio Cardoso, who now is a developer in the area.

As for the SEIU contribution, it makes one wonder if dues paying members, mostly nurses, realize what their dues are paying for? This $15,000 contribution seems like an inordinantly big amount to retain one seat.

Golly, what has this local political world come to?

Any idea where Sen. Roberto Casas is in this recall effort?

What about retired Mayor Raul Martinez? It wasn't that long ago that Natahca and Raul weren't getting along, but that could be water under the bridge by now.

Thanks, Genius of Despair, for keeping this PAC contribution information in the Public Domain.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Seijas PAC is almost all developer, lobbyist and zoning attorney money; doesn't get any bigger than that. The recall PAC struggles to take in 1/10 th of what she has taken in. Check their PAC, Citizens for Positive Change.
Senator Casas is supporting the recall. Others have had to resign because of threats of job loss, loss of district funds for local projects and a variety of other intimidating tactics. Seijas had one recall supporter pulled from a county board, another was the subject of a recall against them (financed by developers/attorneys), another supporter has been called an alcholic and a drug user and Seijas herself has blasted from her pulpit during commission meetings that the supporters are "loosers and misfits" and criminals!!!
How dare these peons cross the Queen herself.
Wake up people of district 13, you live in a democracy and don't have to be intimidated, threatened with loss of lunch programs, or coerced/harrassed by the Hialeah ward bosses posing as a government.

Anonymous said...

The biggest waste of money was the cost of the recall itself to the County. Wade, Pizzi and their cronies ought to cough up the funds to pay for their ill-conceived power grab.

Yes, Seijas can be a bitch. But, hey, I think she's earned that right.