Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Hialeah, we beseech you, by gimleteye

Miami New Times runs a cover story this week of the valiant effort to recall Natacha Seijas, the first Miami-Dade County Commissioner to face a recall election in more than thirty years. See Article by Franscisco Alvarado Wicked - Melt This Commissioner

We did not know that Seijas, the de facto chair of the county commission and its $6.5 billion budget, worked as a telephone operator on a suicide hotline.

Our suggestion is that Hialeah voters should vote her out, as soon as possible, so she can return to manning the phone to field taxpayer complaints about a declining quality of life in Miami-Dade.

With virtually unlimited funds from powerful development interests in Miami-Dade County (whose projects she relentlessly pushes from the dais), Seijas cajoles senior citizens to voting places, buying them breakfasts, threatens her opponents with Hialeah’s version of Castro-style intimidation—and by such means, secures Hialeah as a political Bethlehem for big developers who live in gated communities in Coral Gables, South Miami, and Miami Beach.

Read Francisco Alvarado’s entertaining piece in New Times.

Seijas claims to never read newspapers that “sell ink by the bucket”. But we know her staff does. And is she tweaked!

In the coming weeks, we are certain that Seijas supporters will be offering her comfort far from the mean streets, at Joe’s Stone Crab or the Forge. Just to say thank you with sadness, we hope. It is time to end the Seijas reign.

There are a few days left for the voters of Hialeah to become educated about the importance of the special election scheduled in Hialeah just before Christmas.

Rise up, Hialeah!


Anonymous said...

Seijas plays the victim like a home-grown demagogue. The front page photo of her as the Wicked Witch of the West is right on target. If the voters of Hialeah have any sense, the people of Miami Dade will owe an enormous debt of gratitude once she is recalled.

Anonymous said...

I read the article. Why doesn't everyone in Hialeah read it?

Anonymous said...

Because, the article is in English. And it provides confort only to anglos make them feel like they are achieving something when, really they are getting no-where. Soon it will be time to go back to the drawing board and find some more hispanics for the recall and blacks in the redlands....
Now you know what must be done.