Who’s Minding The Store at County Hall by Michael Putney
I only wish the Herald didn’t remove these columns after a week. This column rocks!
What is going on with Burgess anyway? I like him...he is very nice to me. I think he is between a rock and hard place: trying to make all these commissioners happy. But all this crap at the county, what gives? The two million we pay to Japan to exercise a train we have no tracks for --- how do these kinds of things happen?
I blame districts. As long as they keep their little fiefdom's happy, the whole of the County be damned. Did you know that the vile Natacha got elected with 12,989 votes? Mayor Alvarez got 396,798 votes in the election. Who has more power: Yes the vile, boxy, fireplug (Natacha Seijas). In 2004 there were about a million registered voters in Miami Dade County, yet someone with 13,000 votes runs the County but hides along with the other 12 when things go wrong -- and that is often!
To quote liberally from Michael Putney’s column today:
"The buck never seems to stop with anyone. This huge and sluggish bureaucracy just churns along, propelled by a very few competent people who have a sense of urgency about their responsibilities and oversee the monies entrusted to them as if they were their own. But their dedication is dragged down by the many others who don't care if money is misspent or, worse, stolen."
the huge and sluggish bureaucracy churns along... and lots of people are paid to keep it that way: inefficient, unwieldly, and such a morass that it obscures what is really happening when the lobbyists walk in the commissioners' door, or, buy them dinner at Joe's Stonecrab before Christmas.
Michael Putney wrote a fantastic column. Very accurate. Mr. Putney shows again why he is among the very best jounalists in South Florida.
Keep Transit Employees riding for Free a secret.
Mayor Carlos Alvarez, did not address the issue today about how Transit Employees are riding Metrorail for Free. That is right, they are.
Why not take this benefit away from Transit employees. All County employees should have and enjoy the same benefits... Transit employees are chewing up a big chunk of money, while they are using tax payers' money to ride metrorail for free, and keep it a hush! hush!
Fire the people that were taking care of the 1/2 a penny... they do not have it anymore, so we do not need them right... and get rid of the County Manager, that is another 400 thousand a year... that will cure the Budget some way...
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