Forget new Western frontier roads (836 expansion) Mayor Gimenez. We need Good Transit now, not a road in the Everglades! We need transit Yesterday. It was reported today that the new metrorail cars won't arrive until Spring of 2020. 2020? Are they kidding? What are we supposed to do now? We aren't even into Spring of 2018. How long is too long? That is too long. They aren't doing nothin' for reducing our hours on the road.
We must do something: A Building Moratorium. When the new cars arrive they can get their building permits. When Rail is expanded they can build on their stupid lots. What are we all, lemmings? Take action my friends. Hit them where it hurts. The developers pumping cash into our politicians pockets will get them moving on transit if we stop the Developers. Bold action is needed. And then Developers will take bolder action.
I discussed a ferry and a woman told me she would need her car on the ferry. I said maybe the ferry isn't for you but it will take 10 other cars off the road and transit will take even more cars off the road so your ride can be better. I use mass transit now. I am getting rid of my car because the traffic is that bad. At least there is mass transit where I live.
They have us fighting among our selves, community against community, not good.
We need an audit of all traffic studies in the past. We need, we need, we need and the only way to get it is to put pressure on all these damn developers. ALL OF THEM countywide!! Petition!!
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Part of the nothing suck-up of transit |
This Saturday, 9 AM to Noon, Cutler Bay Town Hall, Penthouse, 10720 Caribbean Blvd.
Space is limited - register here.
Alice Bravo has everyone snookered into thinking she can actually do something. One of the , if not the worst hire Mayor Gimenez has executed.
All Alice does is sit behind a desk and take orders from Gimenez. Ysela Llort was better, she took action.
There are plenty of opportunities for development within the UDB. I see lots of rehab flips in and around my 'hood in North Miami. I love it. It's a great location with access to two airports, the beach, cultural activities, etc. Yeah, I-95 sucks a big wiener. You gotta figure out the alternative routes.
I've lived in Homestead, Palmetto Bay, and now NoMi. My quality of life here is much better than it was elsewhere. Why anybody would want to live in the far west areas is beyond my comprehension.
This is a corruption issue with the county promising the half cent county tax to improve transit. Instead it has not be used as promised. We need an audit of the tax money spent over the years the half cent was collected to determine how and why it has not done what the voters voted for.
Where did all the transit money go. From the bond.
In the next week or so Friends of the Everglades wants to host a strategy call to discuss all the options we have available to resist the development of the SR-836. Please take the time to get on the call! Take the following poll to help determine when would work for the greatest number of people.
Over the course of the next week or so Friends of the Everglades would like to host a call to discuss all the options we have to resist the unwise SR-836 development. Please join the call, and take the doodle poll to help us determine what time works for the greatest number of people. Thank you.
It all went to cover previous operating deficits from the existing transit system when the half penny tax was adopted. MDC didn’t even qualify for the federal match grants that they used to sell the half penny tax and absolutely needed for mass transit expansion. The feds wouldn’t even look at MDC’s applications because they had no confidence in the ability of MDC to be able to pay for the operating costs associated with the metro rail expansion the grant would be used for. Since then MDC has continually used more and more of the transit tax moneyvto Cover operating shortfalls and debt service related just to operation of the existing transit system. They also blew almost 90 million dollars on buses which only lasted ten years because they were so riddled with breakdowns. SMART plan is just more lipstick on a pig. How the hell can MDC expect any private investment when not even the federal government would touch this budget mess with a ten foot pole?!
1) Stopping the developers will simply destroy our local economy; Tourism will continue but if we stop construction altogether in about 18 months the local economy will be DEAD. Then, there will be no 1/2 penny $ collected because nobody is buying anything.
2) Why not recall Mayor Gimenez? Only campaign promise kept; low property taxes, and the only reason he's been allowed to pretend he's accomplished that is because when he took office the national and local economy was in the gutter and as property values have risen, there has been no need to increase the milage rate. We recalled Alvarez for giving away tax dollars to a private company (Marlins) and he;s done so with the road construction industry; building more roads and studying mass transit to death is giving away our tax dollars to engineers and contractors who have lined their pockets with our tax dollars for decades and returning no tangible difference by the time each project is completed.
3) Instead of stopping development altogether, simply add/raise impact fees that are dedicated to mass transit and write up the ordinance/procedure/rules so that the commission cannot touch those funds for anything besides heavy rail IMPROVEMENTS or ROW ACQUISITION. In this way some developers will think twice and others will look at it simply as the cost of doing business. It partially solves the over development issue as well as begins to add revenue dedicated for the SMART plan.
I understand the frustration but we have a huge need of affordable housing and if impose a moratorium we turn bad problems into worse ones. I don't think it's a viable solution.
I like the recall Gimenez idea but the building moratorium would be easier to get a special election. You would be surprised how quickly it would be over when developers get behind fixing transit first.
No 836 expansion it will take forever and take mone from our pressing needs.
Edward- we cannot grow forever. There is a limit. It is an economy we must replace: building.
We need efficient rail transport all over Miami because it takes three hours to drive from Homestead to North Miami in the middle of a regular weekday at an average speed of 12 miles an hour.
Building Moratorium YEAH RIGHT - Not Sure how that will ever happen considering Miami Dade Commissioners are dependent on Campaign Contributions from Developers: In all, six commissioners facing reelection — Daniella Levine Cava, Jose “Pepe” Diaz, Sally Heyman, Jean Monestime, Rebeca Sosa and Javier Souto — have raised about $1.8 million in the last two years. Commissioners rarely lose their seats, and the campaign reports help show one reason why: Incumbents rely on developers, county vendors and their lobbyists for big dollars.
Read more here:
That is the beauty of a petition. We can institute the moratorium without the Commissioners.
Amanda, I'm against the 836 expansion, I'm for holding the UDB line until there is less than 1% vacant land within the UDB. I'm just saying financially a moratorium would be absolutely devastating, and there are much better ways to getting developers to fund our transit needs instead of creating confrontation. I hope you will be there tomorrow at the summit. 👍🏻😀
The solution is walking to school like we did in the old days, with free flowing open streets, smaller cars with good visibility and roomy inside like the 1970's and 80's produced, many different types of industry, office and commerce jobs all around with "now hiring" signs outside, doctors, accountants, hairdressers, neighborhood grocery stores and pharmacies, and all different type of commerce all around and very nearby. We should dismantle the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority, free our highways and use that half penny to fix our roads!
Metro . . . Not for everyone, because then the streets will be empty and the metros packed. And besides, what if I want the freedom to come and go in my car? Just make the cars smarter?
Metro? Watch these videos and you will change your mind.
New York:
Mexico City:
Alice Bravo was a putz at the City of Miami. No better at the County.
Extending the rail south to 152 street from Dadeland might help riders who work down town----Jackson MH and surrounding area plus the few construction workers who can't afford cars. The heavy populace lives in the 152 Area--Richmond Heights, Perrine, former Rockdale-Mangowoods area. This is where the rail should go and end with buses going south to Fla City as the county has the land and plenty of it- (Palmetto Golf course) for a rail center \
Another point--People love their cars--BMW's Cadillacs --ride in comfort;----They will not get out of their cars. There are those who refuse the rail and bus, but could, if better conditions existed since the buses-(late running & rail) are in deplorable condition SIC-- Dade County transportation system.
A Moratorium on new home--apartment building is an excellent idea until an accounting is made of already zoned RU-1, RU-1Z, RU-1(M)(a), EU-M zoning that has been granted for development and not built yet. A County Planning Dept record is a must for this to be known to local Zoning Councils making decisions on new applications.
Our quality of Life is losing every day with so much growth with over building and automobile grid lock
You do realize that that would literally be unconstitutional and would bankrupt the county from lawsuits, right?
It wouldn’t be either
This topic pushes some hot buttons!
The real problem is that they are trying to "upzone" the corridors by building tall, mixed used residential units and kill all the industrial areas, negatively impacting and displacing many of the current businesses and residents who are already there. At least, in the city of Hialeah, that is what is already happening. They are going to stick one of these buildings just around the corner from where I live - 413 apartments at a dead end road next to the railroad tracks. People who push this agenda have not idea what they are proposing. This is not Aventura, Coral Gables, Europe or NYC . . . This is Old Miami and East Hialeah.
Smarter, faster and cheaper is to clean up and revitalize the industrial areas along the railroad tracks and create new businesses, helping to clean up the neighborhoods - it is what we have been asking for, except we do not have the power or money to influence the politicians, like these rich developers do.
People will use rail more to commute to and from work and school. And, we need nearby neighborhoods with clean shopping centers, banks, restaurants, doctor offices, etc., and not necessarily forcing people to live in apartments that they will never own on top of businesses that could be disruptive or their daily living.
While all this is happening, our streets are in desperate need of repair . . . and they are thinking about another half penny from us for rail? How about our electricians, plumbers, landscapers, etc., who are on their work vehicles? And those half empty buses stopping traffic because they cannot create bus lanes or bus terminals like they have in Europe.
C'mon people, drink some caffeine!
Thankfully, this misdirected idea will get zero traction. Do you know how much money is paid in impact and permit fees to the County? On any given development it can range near $20,000 per unit, among the highest in the country. That is on top of water and sewer connection fees and capital charges.
Once again trying to solve a problem by blaming the wrong party and with a solution that would create far greater issues. Housing availablity is scarce in the County, a building moratorium would only exacerbate the problem. We have a net population increase yearly of close to 40,000 people. There is not enough supply to satisfy the demand. Not to mention the unemployment impact. Solution: propose a charter amendment to force the County to use their “impact fee” dollars for actual transportation impact as it was designed. Not for routine maintenance that they are using to gap the budget.
To the posters above, I agree there is plenty of available land for redevelopment in the UDB. Once again, the county and cities should ENCOURAGE developers to re-develop instead of furthering sprawl.
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