Saturday, October 21, 2017

Do not miss this video from Brian William's show last night. By Geniusofdespair

Listen to Steve Schmidt former Campaign Manager of John McCain at about 20 minutes on the counter


Anonymous said...

Whew!!! Thanks for sharing. You work on projects and stuff and come back a few days later, and the chaos has expanded. The reason this is still on the news is that it is bigger than it appears. It speaks to millions of enlisted military people, their families, how this administration views them, and how the American public feels about military dead.

Anonymous said...

Let's be honest here - this country has not seen a President support the military and police like Trump has in 50 plus years

Anonymous said...

They misunderstand her. She has spent her life working with children, and with her 500 Role Model Program, now 5,000 Role Model Program. Many years ago she took under her wings Black boys in intercity schools and neighborhoods, got them productive in their schools, prepared them for life, helped them get started with their careers, and helped them as they progressed along their way. Flashback decades later, from one generation to another, and she now has an army of young men all over the world producing in all kinds of businesses, in many different kinds of roles, and serving in many different levels in society.

Anonymous said...

The clock is ticking on Kelly, and very soon Trump will be interviewing someone else to fill this role. He crossed the line between staff and elected official. He is staff, she is elected official. Staff never personally attacks an elected official in private or in public. His attack on the Congresswoman was completely out of order. He may gather and write info for an elected official to do so, but he can't. He crossed the line.