Okay, I am super bored already. That was about 11:30.
By 1:30 I tried to steal the food of the out of State reporters. They were a nasty bunch, "Hey we paid for this". They were all busy writing. What the hell were they writing about? They weren't talking to any people and nothing whatsoever was going on.
Well anyway I took a few photos. When Hillary finally came out she was wearing this grandma, pastel pants suit. Will you throw out those pants suits please Hillary. Get some nice custom fitted ones and no pastels. Ick on pastels. Get a stylist too.
googled ugly grandma pants suits and got the picture at right. Hillary,
buy better stuff like the one on the left I found (I fattened up the model. It is so much more
modern. Have them custom fitted, just look better dressed please.
Anyway, I was exhausted from doing nothing, eating nothing and drinking nothing so I left soon after Hillary mounted the stage. I liked the protesting Trump supporters outside they were pretty entertaining. One lady said she was afraid of Democrats because they attack people. She was the scariest of them all. Let me dig up a photo of her. Watch out for her she is deathly afraid, I had to assure her I was the press and not affiliated with any party.
Why would they make people get there by 10:30... She didn't come out until after 1:30 and everyone is starving by then as their are no drinks or food. If she was scheduled for noon she should have spoken at noon. I would bet Trump had hot dogs at his rally.
Some minor makeover and nicer looking clothes are needed. That photo of Hillary is not a good image.
Good advice on the dressing. She could look years younger.
Well - all I can say is I will vote for a woman in a bad pantsuit (although I completely agree with you she needs a sartorial guru of sorts) over a man with a really bad head of... is that really hair? Not to mention his entire platform of piss and vinegar. It really galls me to see signs for "Mein Drumpf" here on the Beach in predominately orthodox communities as much as it is to hear Log Cabin supporters with signs in their lawns. OMG! Talk about self-loathing. All I have to say on that note to democrats and any person with a clear conscience - GET OUT AND VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tim Kaine won everybody over. My family liked him better than Hillary. He even spoke serviceable Spanish,
They will build bridges instead of walls.
The Eye On Miami cap is the sartorial highlight.
They'll be craved as Bendel bonnets.
Glad you like my hat Woof.
a fashion makeover? Really? that's her problem??? Talk about lipstick on a pig...
and according to the media pool covering Clinton, 1 hour late is about average for Hillary so why now is it an issue?
Personally I think it's a race for the bottom, picking the lesser of two evils but I can't ever recall NPR breaking into the middle of normal programming to cover a candidate's local campaign rally INCLUDING the 1 hour wait. When did it become National Progressive Radio?
BTW glad to see that two-faced rainmaker hack Wasserman finally get called out for what she is.. The best part, now it will be her legacy, she was not a leader of progressive policy but a backroom political operative. Bye Bye Debbie, don't let the door hit you in the ass.
I remember attending a fundraiser at a Alhambra Circle mansion. Parking was a nightmare, they ran out of food and drink and the candidate got lost and was 45 minutes late. The hostess commented "oh well if we were organized we would be Republicans"
She has to wear pantsuits, her body type is awkward and she cannot wears dresses, her legs are not good, anchor ankles. She needs some custom pantsuits, but if she does that, Republicans will brand her "elitist" and not in touch with the real people who are forced to buy "off the rack."
I love your hat! Always pack a sandwich!
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