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Carlos Gimenez talking with Jose Luis Castillo in 2012 photo. Need a room full of people to wear T Shirts supporting your issue? Call Jose. |
The State Attorney's Office? Forget about it! Our State Attorney was knee deep herself in ballot fraud accusations in 2012 along with Mayor Gimenez so she will turn a blind eye.
MDPD? Absolutely not! The current director, one of his chiefs and a recently promoted major were all involved in the 2012 absentee ballot investigations. They are willing to let sleeping dogs lie since they obstructed the 2012 ballot fraud investigations in exchange for promotions. They would not touch that skeleton with a 10 ft. pole.
FDLE? Not a chance. Their current public corruption squad supervisor was the FDLE director in 2012 before she was demoted. She is good friends with our State Attorney and sat idle in 2012 while county investigators tried to put together cases against absentee ballot fraud violators. No help there either. The FBI? That hapless crew neither understands the game nor cares about our "little problem". They deem it as "business as usual in South Florida".
The scheme begins with the $3 million in campaign and PAC contributions that Gimenez has amassed from lobbyists, consultants, contractors and political gadflys. The monies are rumored to be funneled through Rafael Garcia Toledo through Gimenez's campaign manager Jesse Manzano and they are distributed to a cottage industry through ballot brokers such as Jose Luis Castillo (pictured above), Al Lorenzo, etc.
Every area of the county is covered by the absentee ballot brokers who pay cash to a cast of "boleteras" and "phone bank operators" who by now have secured rights at every elderly care facility, lunch hall and elderly activity center.
The true crime occurs when the elderly, the mentally ill and infirmed are "assisted" by these unscrupulous boleteras to vote for Gimenez and whomever else is listed on their preferred ballot slates. The ballots are then transported back in bundles (in violation of county ordinance) to Gimenez's "campaign offices" and eventually dropped in the mail assuring a Gimenez win. (See My 3 part series....on Absentee Ballot Fraud)
How prevalent is this crime you may ask?
Gimenez's own county employee Dottie Vazquez is an alleged ballot broker who is alleged to have collected hundreds of ballots in 2012. That is how she is alleged to have "earned" her county job and now works directly under Gimenez as a member of his office.
Who suffers as a result of this organized scheme to defraud? Democracy of course and we all do. This scam makes our vote worthless because elections are already won and lost by the time we go to the precincts. We suffer because our tax dollars are spent to ensure Gimenez's benefactors receive sweetheart county contracts.
Who benefits from this illicit scheme?
I would suppose the MDPD director. He owes his job to Gimenez and will do all he can to protect his interests even if that means obstructing or preventing future investigations and betraying the cause that originally attracted police officers to that profession. He will not risk the cushy jobs nor the padded retirement that awaits him in a few years.
What is there left to do? Protect our democracy and tax dollars. Vote and make sure your family and those you know vote. If Gimenez wins this election the next four years will be extremely difficult. Our public parks and properties are under siege by Gimenez and county government will become even more dysfunctional with his reelection.
If you dislike the direction Gimenez has taken our county make your vote count on August 31st and send Gimenez and his unscrupulous lobbyist friends packing. It is worth our effort, even if those law enforcement agency members (whose salaries we pay) sit by idle and fail to protect us from absentee ballot fraud.
Note the difference in absentee ballots between Carlos Alvarez and Carlos Gimenez.
This is how you do absentee ballot fraud...
Thank you for hitting the nail on the head. The corruption problems in our county commence with an entrenched State Attorney who rarely even gets a viable opponent at election time. Not only does she rule the State Attorney's Office where she consorts with every lobbyist and political big wig in this county but she also has a hand at hiring the directors of the Miami-Dade Commission on Ethics and the Office of the Inspector General. Both current directors at those offices are her former employees and they are indebted to her for their jobs.
The problem is even worse with the current directors at the law enforcement offices you listed. They owe their jobs to the State Attorney and to the mayor and would not dare allow a criminal case to be put together against any worthwhile politician or lobbyist. If you seek help at the Elections Department you will also encounter a wall from a director appointed to the job by our current mayor. To sum it up we are deep in corruption and those who are supposed to watch our interests are the biggest culprits for the current absentee ballot fraud and theft of our tax dollars. Unless the FBI gets involved this third world culture we have in our county will continue to drag us deeper into the cesspool.
So what your saying is that every Law Enforcemnt agency that's tasked to protect the community and its citizens rights are under corrupt control directly connected to mayor and his friends, and that the one Federal Agency task to stop such corruption has no one smart enough or willing to stop this course of action? No think your mistaken not in Miami that stuff doesn't happen in Miami or in this country not in this U.S. Of A. If what you say is correct, who can help us?
I cannot believe that we are still having this type of corruption going on in Miami Dade county it is a shame that no government agency looks into this. The Miami Dade citizens should be made aware of this and our State governor and representatives should be made responsible for allowing this type of behavior in our county. Mayor Gimenes is guilty for having and allowing these criminals conduct themselves in a scheme that only helps him get reelected. Governor Scott open your eyes and ears and remove Gimenes from office.
What about the infamous "Condo Commandos" in North Miami Beach, Aventura and Broward County, not to mention the Century Village activists that ensure Absentee Ballots by the thousands each year for the Democrats.
I am sure that those "Balloteros" are as pure as the driven snow - NOT!
I hope the PBA offers the $10,000.00 reward once again for those who turn in people who engage in fraudulent absentee ballots
This is not done in just one party or with one candidate, and we all know that Putz. Listen to the last link: how it is done.
In a rigged system one needs wikileaks.
If I were Raquel Regalado I would take this information and I would present it to every law enforcement agency in this county including the feds. By putting them on notice those agencies would have to act instead of its members hiding in fear of political retribution. How long will the citizens of Miami Dade County have to put up with the antics of Mayor Gimenez?
August 30th, we can do what law enforcement can't. We can kick Gimenez out of office.
Is it true that even Mike Hernandez is afraid that Gimenez might lose and he TOO is trying to flee the grips of a true madman-Gimenez! I agree with previous writer kick Gimenez and his lobbyist buddies out
Can someone tell us how Garcia-Toledo has his divorce sealed? The Florida Supreme Court admonished Broward County courts for protect celebrity and the rice and famous when they got divorce. Their settlements were finally published. Does this case have anything to do with fact that the wife's (ex-now) law firms represents the clerks office???????????
Corruption in Miami-Dade is bigger than most of know or can imagine
bye-bye to Ralph Garcia-Toldeo, Jorge Luis Lopez, Rodney Barreto, Brian May, Marcello llorente, Herman Echavarrea, and "JC",also known as Carlos Gimenez jr., once your golden goose Carlos Gimenez Sr. gets defeated. Bye-Bye!
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