Saturday, February 20, 2016

Florida's March 15th Republican Presidential Preference Election: My Pick Will Be Donald Trump. By Geniusofdespair

I could have given you thousands of reasons for my choice but here it is in a nutshell.

As a registered Republican I am ready willing and able to vote for potentially the next President of the United States. I am going to do so, without watching one commercial on TV. Why? I hate them. Now the question is who should I vote for? I have to remember that a Republican could actually win the election so I have to vote for who would be the least damaging to the republic.

Ted Cruz: He is so unlikable that his college roommate and fellow Senators hate him. Take that in. Anyone Ted Cruz has had dealings with in his political life, despise the man. He isn't a legal citizen, he is Canadian after all. He appeared with Pastor Kevin Swanson advocating the extermination of gay people. It has been reported that Ted Cruz's dad is an anti gay crusader. Ted Cruz also is endorsed by Gay Hating, God Sent Nazi Preacher Mike Bickle. This preacher is director of the International House of Pancakes Prayer. He endorsed Cruz in January. Enough about Cruz. Not voting for him. He is the worst of the candidates. Ted Cruz gives me the heebie-jeebies.

Marco Rubio: After that 4 strike debate performance it is a miracle Marquito (as we know him in Miami) or Marco Roboto as he is now called, is still in the race. But, the real reason for not voting for Rubio is his lifelong ties to the sleaziest politician in Florida: David Rivera. They owned a house and lived together in Tallahassee. To be a fly on that wall would have been bliss. I also don't like all the religious stuff inserted in the campaign. God and politics don't mix and he has them in a blender. He hasn't been around to represent Florida (on the "least damaging front", his missing so many Senate votes is a good thing). While in the state legislature and campaigning for Senator, he lived off campaign contributions and the Republican Party credit card. Never would vote for him. Rubio has taken money from the worst of the Robber Barons of this Century. He is the weakest candidate, a puppet.

Jeb Bush: He was a terrible, dictatorial governor. Mean, vindictive, and entitled. (If you read anything from Politico this season -- Jeb thinks Politico is "trash" -- read this week's doozie, "How Marco Slew His Mentor". Priceless.) Two words about Jeb: Terri Schiavo. She was in a vegetative state for 15 years and Jeb fought her husband from pulling the plug. Schiavo's husband said:

"It is simply disgusting that Jeb Bush and his super Pac would exploit my wife’s tragedy for his crude political gain..."

I am with Michael Schiavo, scratch Jeb off the list. That is even more vile than interfering with a woman's right to an abortion. Jeb also is funded by the Robber Barons just like Marco.

Donald Trump: As awful as he is, I think he is the best Republican candidate and he is who I will vote for in the primary. His number one advantage is that he is a self-funded Robber Baron. He hasn't taken any tainted money from Sheldon Adelson and the Koch Brothers. Besides, if I had a sword to give Donald Trump, I'd give him one just like Jeb Bush gave to Marco Rubio. Why? Because Donald Trump has done what no Democrat has done in modern history: he has pulled all the fakery, lousy logic, and pretending from the Republican Party establishment. Lee Atwater, Karl Rove, and Roger Ailes belong in the dustbin of history, and Donald Trump is putting them there. I'm with the uprising: sweep out the old, bring in the new. Donald Trump can't do worse than this corrupt Grand Ole Party. And besides, how much are you looking forward to watching Donald Trump pivot to win the general election after the primaries are done. For November, after slaying Cruz, Rubio, and Jeb; Donald Trump coming our way on the greatest, best bent knee the world has ever seen!

So, in the Republican Presidential Preference Election on March 15th I will choose DONALD TRUMP.

 If you Dems could vote in the Republican primary who would you choose?


Anonymous said...

In reviewing the candidates it is obvious the Republicans have a weak field. They don't believe in science or facts. They just believe in giving tax breaks to the rich and largest corporations. They have no programs to help the middle class. In addition they cut funding for educationand social programs, that could help the poorest people better themselves.

Robby said...

Trump? Really? Trump?

Anonymous said...

With the democratic nominees being so weak we could actually see a Trump Presidency. The only thing that scares me: him talking to other heads of state.

Anonymous said...

I already voted since I will be out if the country on primary day. Cast my vote for John Ellis Bush.
I am not swayed by how politicians perform in caucuses and debates. I research records and judge character.

Dem who tired of it all said...

Dang it. I am a dem. I am totally freaked out by my choices too...Can I do a write in? Mickey Mouse is looking mighty good for President.

EugeneFlinn said...

Where does he stand on the environment? Has anyone actually reached out to him for specifics?

Anonymous said...


Geniusofdespair said...

Trump on environment leads by example....

Anonymous said...

Not one Republican has spoken about the environment.

Anonymous said...

Trump has preserved some of the most beautiful green spaces and coastlines in America. And by preserved, I mean, he's turned them in to golf courses and made sure these areas were not overrun by the masses.


KING OF ID said...

The Masses Are REVOLTING

Geniusofdespair said...

So M you are back! Which dopey Republican are you supporting? Wait, I know it has to be Bush. You are too smart to support Rubio.

Anonymous said...

I am shocked but really, should I be. You write constantly about your supposed support of environmental issues. Your blog supposedly supports the "people" of our county and state. However, it seems that your support of the republican agenda includes in truth an anti women, anti gay, anti almost everything except enriching their own pockets was really just misleading us all. Our tax dollars go to other states because of the republican agenda so that we have underinsured children and families. The tax dollars we pay to Washington now go somewhere else and fail to benefit the people of Florida.

Happy that you finally 'fessed up.

Anonymous said...

Genius, I believe it best if you just didn't vote. There is enough despair in the world, without electing a republican president. Trump and current crop of republican pres hopefuls are frightening. And the environment will suffer under a republican president - look at what's going on now under Baldy's governorship.

Sara B. Leviten said...

I'm a Democrat; always have been and proud of it.

I think all the GOP candidates this year are loco en la cabeza, especially Trump. The rest of the world will consider us a Third World Nation if he wins. It doesn't matter that he's so wealthy that he doesn't take contributions from Adelson or the Koch Bros.

I'm voting for former Sec'y Hillary Rodham Clinton, as she is the most qualified candidate this year and she's great on the issues. I'm still shocked that you're a Republican!

Anonymous said...

Why bother to vote for any GOP candidate? They are all clueless as to what builds much less improves community. While worshiping free enterprise they are blind to human casualties. Steve Hagen

Anonymous said...

Mathematics says Hillary will win unless there Chadd starts hanging in South Fla. again.

Geniusofdespair said...

I was very clear in my title: VERY CLEAR. I did not say who I was supporting for President did I? I am talking primaries folks. And since I am able only to vote in the Republican primary, the current lot are all xenophobic, gay hating, climate change denier, anti abortion, anti-environmentalists candidates aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Relax, Genius is a Rino.

Anonymous said...

Relax?! Really? If you claim to be a registered republican you must in reality support their agenda. If you don't support it then why claim to be a registered "pub" in such a public forum just use it to discuss their agenda.

I see some supposed democrats in the comments don't even deny their support of the republican agenda just using the forum to garner attention.

I was never a committed party member before the last couple years. The partisan views spewed by the republican candidates is a platform that is divisive and class conscious and goes so far beyond that. I can only be thankful that the more repulsive their behavior and views will hopefully inspire voters when the time comes.

Trump too said...

Where are the rules that say you have to stay committed to one party? Maybe that is what is wrong in America. Everyone is divided into camps and they can't come together. I don't think saying you are a committed Democratic or Republican is healthy. Maybe if you put yourself in the other parties shoes, you might have a broader vision. Our Congress is stuck in gridlock and it won't get better without major change. That is why Trump is wildly popular. People are disgusted.

Geniusofdespair said...

If you say you are a registered Republican, it means you are a registered Republican. There is no test, no commitment, no promises. It just give you the right to vote in the primary. That is why I tell people you should NOT register as an independent. Here in Florida, if you do, you give up your important primary vote.

Anonymous said...

It is a shame that you had to use process of elimination to narrow in on a nominee. And that nominee is making this country a laughing stock (along with the rest of the clown car). I agree with some of the other candidates - - it may be worth reconsidering your philosophy. And even switching parties (for this one).

Geniusofdespair said...

I give up some of you are so dense. Read my blog again and my comments.

Anonymous said...

At least with Trump it's WYSIWYG plus more, meaning, the show must go on, and on, and on, and on...........
And as in his ventures, the co investors may get to hold the bag. USA, USA, USA.......

Anonymous said...

Genius, I think you are being quite clear.

I register according to which primary I think I want to vote in. I realize my primary vote is probably more important than my general election vote. In the primary, relatively few people vote because so many folks believe that they don't want to be associated in one party or another and are too dumb to realize the importance of primaries.

I too am a republican this go round. I fully intend to vote for Trump, although I might shift to Cruz if he needs my vote more than Trump to defeat Marco as the nominee for the general election.

In the general, I plan to vote happily for Hillary.

Geniusofdespair said...

One reader gets it!

Anonymous said...

I guess Mussolini wasn't available

gw said...

If I was voting in the Republican primary, I would vote for Trump also. He is actually the most reasonable and closest to the center of all the candidates.

Kasich is a wolf in sheep's clothing. How nice of him to fly back to Ohio to sign a bill to defund Planned Parenthood. I am sure that will work out well since he is also destroying the public school system in favor of Charter Schools. Of course, after Ohio is ruined by fracking, who will need schools?

Marco is an immature robopol that has no ideas other than having a strong military (but won't say what he wants it for) and repealing Roe v Wade. His speeches are so glib and void of all emotion, I wonder if he knows what all the words mean.

Last I recall, America was founded by a group of people who were tired of religious persecution so they fled England. Is England prepared for the invasion of Americans fleeing religious persecution in the United States? Cruz is the poster child for RWNJ.

Carson doesn't seem to have his heart in this. Since he can't make up his mind whether to stay in or suspend his campaign, it looks like the people will have to do it for him.

I changed my independent status just in time to vote in the primary.