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Edna Mattos and a shitload (800) of her Citrus County Tea Party Patriots hate the protection given to this lettuce eating slug saying: We can't elevate nature above people. |
Craig Pittman, the great Environmental Writer for the Tampa Bay Times, wrote:
A Citrus County tea party group has announced that it's fighting new restrictions on boating and other human activities in Kings Bay that have been proposed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
"We cannot elevate nature above people," explained Edna Mattos, 63, leader of the Citrus County Tea Party Patriots, in an interview. "That's against the Bible and the Bill of Rights."Edna, you had better talk to Pope Francis and tell him a thing or two. He has been saying some pretty inflammatory things about animals, reciting encyclicals like:
“Teach us to discover the worth of each thing, to be filled with awe and contemplation, to recognize that we are profoundly united with every creature as we journey towards your infinite light.”Edna, what are we going to do with this nature and animal loving Pope? And what about Job? What did he say in the Bible (Job 12:7-0):
7 "But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you;So what Bible have you been reading Ms. Edna Mattos? Does it really mention motorboat rights?
8 or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish of the sea inform you.
9 Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this?
10 In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.
P.S. County Commissioner Bruno Barreiro OUR Miami Dade County Commissioner also wants to ease our manatee protection plan. Watch out for him!!! He called off a vote on it in 2014 but I think he is at it again.
Obviously these people are stooges for the boating industry, developers and marina owners. And oh yeah, boaters, the "original conservationists" should speak up for the manatees, right?
I'm sure Barreiri will be joined by County Commissioner BOVo who declared at the NMMA boat trade show hearing that animals have gotten used to humans (and our destructive ways) and have learned to get out if the way. You know, manatees will swim away from those water taxis and such. Not a problema. Because our wants and needs on this planet are all that matter.
The tea party is not able to make sense out of most issues. They only can bring up the bible or constitution for any issue even if is contrary to their position.
I wish they would Play this video about Biscayne Bay marine life over and over again to the unreformable County Commission. Maybe after deep immersion they would give a sh-t about our natural world. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=L9eadT9D8s0
Using the bible as an excuse to run over manatees with boats. Edna, you are a disgrace to Christians. Also, the bible has no say over the law you dipshit!
Sorry to say Edna is our local Tea Party nut. She waxes poetic on all things religious.
"We cannot elevate nature above people," explained Edna Mattos.... Edna, nature has a nasty way of coming out on top if you're careful. If you've really read the Bible, then you would know that 'nature' came first.
Ask Dame Edna, Did you know 98% of animals on the planet or in direct commercial us of humanity through animal agriculture? Only 2% of animals on the planet are wild in the original state life was created. That is over 70 billion animals in human use annually. Can't Edna give a little, maybe another 1%?
Ask the Tea Party members if they are aware that we have entered the Sixth Extinction. And yes, they and all humans are on that list. Stupidity personified in these people.
Greed and money know no political party. I am sure there are a handful of Democrats in that area who are against tighter boating and otherregulations. What party are the owners of the "swim with the manatees" folks affiliated with? Anyone reading these comments would be led to believe that only Republicans and Tea Party (is there still such a thing) members are business owners, developers and marina owners in the area.
I wrote about the T Party and they align with Republicans.
No Tea Part members are TOOLS of developers, marina owners and mega business owners. Because of their low education and ignorance and prejudice they are easily manipulated. And made to work against their own interest. Pathetic.
We have local politicians too that elevate man over nature,as if man were not part of nature. Let's start with Vice Mayor of Cutler Bay Ernie Sochin who in a recent article in the community news flat out said endangered species and pine rockland and wetlands should never stand in the way of developers. In fact in all his voting years in Cutler Bay Herr Sochin has never seen a development he hasn't liked. Let's move a bit north across sw 184 st. There you have Vice Mayor John Dubois who cut mangroves and filled in wetlands on his waterfront property. BIG fines for that. Jeez, what's with South Dade runner up mayors hating nature so much? Going west there is County Commissioner Dennis Moss a proponent of crazy Miami Wilds and building a mega Walmart on critically endangered pine rockland. And almost a BCC majority (barely by a squeek not) recently trying to move the UDB into the eastern Everglades. Ladies and gentlemen politicians - with sea levels on the rise and mother nature screaming FIRE in your deaf or greedy ears it's time to wake up and act right. If not for yourself cause you are on the down side of the hill for future generations.
The Florida right wing Tea Party is like the NY Puerto Rican Democrats led by Ruben Diaz .
Pack of hypocrites who want a theocracy but at the same time very selective as to what Bible passages they subscribe to and which they ignore.
Self serving, up for sale, compromised politicians and leaders who spew out Bible passages to win over the easily conned lemmings as they count the money they get under the table .
I'm a boater, have a sailboat. I agonize everytime I use my little 9hp to get in and out of nonsailing areas. I worry I will hurt one of these creatures. Unfortunately most motor boats on steroids in Miami could give a damn. There are no courses boaters have to take to drive responsibly. Any fool with cash or credit can load up on double barrel hundreds of horsepower and to hell with the collateral damage. Now all we need is for Edna and her ignorant pack to remove what protections exist for these gentle creatures. Shame on them, shame on us if we allow it.
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