I sat next next to the sweetest little girl at Books and Books. I have known her parents for years and I like them. She grew up to be such a gentle soul. I was happy to see that. Someday I will have to try to paint her.
Miami City Mayor Tomas Regalado got married in June.
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Tomas & Ana Regalado |
Jet Blue advertised a one day $39 fare. I got 2 tickets, it was for real. I am going to L.A. The catch, the way back is $159 but hey, still a good deal.
If you want to read a good take on Yogi Berra (a brief history to boot) read Kurt Stone, the Liberal Rabbi, Historian. Don't know Berra? He was one of a kind: "It ain't over till it's over" is one of his quotes.
I read in the Miami Herald that peanut butter and fluff day is coming. Maybe it is not called fluff, it is that marshmallow stuff in a jar. I thought, that could be interesting, I like peanut butter, until I remembered marshmallows are puffed up sugar. No kale or tofu in them. Hmmm. I really do hate anything without sugar in it. I am a sugar addict. Maybe I will have to celebrate Peanut Butter Fluff day.
Well, I was expecting Gimleteye to write about global warming, !Jeb!, or flooding so I didn't prepare.
I could write about Donald Trump, who I will vote for. I do think he is a horrible human being. Why? Because of what he did to the residents of Doral. He didn't care. He said he would have his daughter meet with them, never happened. Liar.
video on local 10
If you don't watch the damn video here is a synopsis:
Doral golf course owner Donald Trump blocked the long time views of the golf course, had by residents, with Areca Palms leaving residents without light and views and diminished their property values. He even built islands in the water hazards and put the palms on them to block the houses from HIS view. Just imagine a golfer having to see a home? Oh, how awful for them. Some of the homes are valued at over a million dollars each. They are well maintained.
The high growing trees (they are classified as trees and grow over 20 feet and 8 to 10 feet in diameter) are being planted up against the people's units property line blocking their light and view. Donald Trump has left the people weighing their option of selling out their communities to highrise developers.
Donald Trump is a greedy bastard in my opinion. He should agree to buy the land so he has control on what is built instead of screwing the homeowners who were already there. So vote for him. If this is how he acts on the small scale, we will have a dictator. I suppose that is what everyone wants. As a Rino, I want him in the race.
Trump is everything that is wrong with our current political direction. He has no empathy for people, he is a bully, has way to high an opinion of himself, and has no historical background on anything. The perfect republican candidate.
Why isn’t EOM weighing in on the Ludlam Trail CDMP application? The application’s text is giving the county staff too much latitude on interpretation. It states that the county will be responsible for interpreting precise boundaries of each segment of the trail. This is an invitation to a bad outcome for residents. The October 2, Herald article didn’t include any opinions from any of the elected officials who had previously been active in the project – possibly because election time is just around the corner? The Herald only offered up praise from FECI officials, Victor Dover, and a “Friend” who doesn’t even live near the Trail.
I have a question about the Ludlum Trail - why would it cost millions to create? I thought it was a grassroots project where volunteers planted trees and such? The land is already there! Same with the Underline. I'm suspicious this has morphed into another development deal that is disguised as grassroots green project but ultimately there are insiders that will economically benefit from it. Or, the cost barriers are so great and the design so elaborate it will never happen.
Why don't we discuss the upcoming election on Tuesday in Homestead?
I don't care about those items. I have enough to contend with. Hudstead elections with candidates I know little about - not of interest. Ludlum trail is an interest of those living near it. I do not. You write about it.
It appears the underline is actually a county initiative being cloaked as a grassroots effort.. By making it a "special" park they can create a special tax, outside the parks and transit' department budget and exempt from the UMSA millage rate cap to create and maintain it..
At the very least I believe what the county is really after is a alternative funding source like a special tax, to maintain the Metrorail property which currently costing millions to mow..
Again, just a guess but our "I don't want to run anything" P3 mayor would love to sell it off but some federal funding was used to build it so it is likely some deed restrictions about selling the property to private development exist.. The county is stuck with some un-marketable property..
Actually the Underline is marketable. It's an amenity to the luxury condo owners that will live in the high rises built by developers of the buildings that will line the Metrorail, beginning with the development of the Metrorail station land at 37th avenue and 27th Avenue stops. That's public land given away to developers. Mr. Gimenez wishes to extend this concept to our main public library and the publicly owned and maintained Cultural plaza under the PPP guide. Instead of getting a park under the Metrorail line, why don't they build parks on the surplus metro rail station land? Oh yeah, that would be in the public interest.
The Underline is nothing more than the South-Dade Watershed Project re-invented. Roger Carlton couldn't convince the municipalities to up zone all areas adjacent to the Metro Rail, so they put a bike lane down the middle of the right-of-way and have "Friends" market it -- and wow, now everyone accepts it. They just might not yet be aware that it's really an urban renewal project in disguise.
Tell uS about all the CDMP amendments that are trying to move the UDB line? Do you ever suppose I am tired of fighting the same fights for almost 20 years --- year after year? Don't get snotty with me. Be respectful and describe the incursions.
Your painting is lovely. I like the composition.
I keep hearing brief interviews with Mr. Trump and he talks in such broad strokes, nothing specific, nothing substantial, nothing to pin him down, nothing to trust that will come true even if you're a wall-lovin', Mexican hater.
A fucking whore would not write and do research for the benefit of the community for NO MONEY for years. I guess you are, so what am I? I would be happy to publish your article on the CDMP. I cannot follow every single issue and many people will not read articles on certain subjects. I do the best I can to cover the subjects people want to read about. I got up at 5 am to write my editorial. I was not prepared to write today and certainly not on subjects I know NOTHING ABOUT. I suggest you read another publication.
I wrote about the UDB in June:
Beyond the mouthy jerks that spew their vulgarity and ignorance is a beautiful sunset that lights the good you do and the research that takes much of your time, we thank you. Words can't express our gratitude.
Riley in Redland
i like the painting.
i am happy Trump entered the race, he has shaken things up and its been fun to watch our ex-Gov. reveal who he really is, a whiny entitled petulant silver-spooner who has no idea how to handle Trump.
For years now, EOM is the first news I read daily and is one of a ver few things that makes living in Miami bearable , WDNA being another. it reminds me there are still smart and caring people living in Miami.
i am stunned by the ignorance displayed in some of these comments! and the personal attacks on you really cross the line. This is your blog - you do a great job - and I love the painting!!
I loved then ship, it was my favorite. And the one with the kids in a water was interesting. This one I don't know, it is something about the back view, watching someone walk away. . .
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