Wednesday, October 07, 2015

Hold the UDB Line Deadline for Letter Sign On to PAB is TODAY! By Geniusofdespair

From Tropical Audubon:

Hold the Line on SPRAWL and tell Miami-Dade County Commission to deny the expansion of the urban development boundary (UDB).

The county is considering two applications that would be devastating to the Everglades ecosystem, water supply and farmlands; especially with the threat of Sea Level Rise. Tell the county to protect the environment and deny these applications.

Read More about the UDB on our website and what you can do NOW.  
A paragraph from letter to the PAB read the whole letter...

Hold the Urban Development Boundary Line
Deadline: Wednesday, October 7, 2015

#1: LAST CALL FOR SIGN-ONS!  Click here to sign the community letter against expanding the UDB as proposed by Applications Nos. 7 & 8 to the Comprehensive Development Master Plan (CDMP).

E-mail Sarah
1) name of your organization's representative, 
2) representative's title, and 
3) name of your organization, by COB TODAY!

OCTOBER 19TH is the Planning Advisory Board Meeting at 10 AM.


Anonymous said...

Where are these applications? Folio? Address? How can I find out more information?

Anonymous said...

Application 7 and Application 8 of the below referenced link:

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Readers, especially in South Dade, you better start writing and show up! Application number 8 is right next to "Brown" if I remember right. It is archived here on this blog. How did I, and the blog writers, know they'd start using that as a precedent. Application number 7 is the "Green City" which is anything but. It's in between Krome and 167 Ave, Kendall Drive and SW 64 St.. Does anyone else really believe the widening of Krome was for safety? I'm sure Zapata is drooling to approve this. He gets more campaign contributions that way.

Scroll down to recent blog posts on this site for more information on the Krome ave. widening issue in collusion with FDOT!

What a hot mess! I hope the BCC holds the line or the Everglades will be lost forever and our clean water goes with it.

REALLY look at the maps said...

Don't forget the the train tracks .... Anyone in Kendall MUST remember they wanted to take over the rails system for commuter trains that run through the middle of Kendall and down south of Miami Executive airport (OLD tamiami airport) right past the south west side of the airport which really is the North side of the Brown property.

Anonymous said...

Please keep in mind that Application No. 7 is proposed to be built over the County well field - our fresh water supply.

Anonymous said...

No stupid idea ever dies just once. Remain ever vigilant. PAB is just the first step. Must pack the room for the CDMP hearing before the board on November 18