Thursday, October 08, 2015

Good Lord! More News from Hudstead! By Geniusofdespair

The news never stops in Homestead does it? Sources say that the State Attorney is looking into tampering and perhaps corruption with the Petition that was suppose to increase term limits for Vice Mayors (would have helped Judy Waldman). Specifically they are looking at Larry Mena and Judy Waldman according to sources. Woof!!

Now there is talk that citizens are going to petition Hudstead City Hall to put a hold on Judy Waldman's pension until this gets sorted out. Why do they even get pensions in Hudstead? Waldman was also terminated from her real estate job. The perils of Pauline are dogging Judy. That petition was wrong and everyone knew it, especially Judy. For the record, I like Judy. She has always been polite with me.


Anonymous said...

Hope she gets all she deserves. All she deserves is nothing good. I'm so glad she lost.

Anonymous said...

"A person who has signed a petition for the amendment of the City Charter as prescribed by Section 10-17 of the City Code who believes that signature was obtained fraudulently by the petition circulator, may withdraw his/her signature from the petition no later than July 7th, 2015."

Incredible that this was posted on the Homestead city website. Somehow it has to be memorialized in stone.

Anonymous said...

After trying to fool Homestead residents with their own bait and switch special election, Judy and Mervin were accused of falsifying petitions. They need to take her pension away, this way she will remember every month when she does not get her pension check ($55,000 a year +)for the rest of her life that corruption does not pay.

Anonymous said...

That Meno is a thug and has many corrupt people working in the background for him. A group of good ole boys trying to hang on to the past. Corruption days should be over soon in Homestead. Does anyone know who this group is I bet you can't guess all of their names.

Anonymous said...

Meno was partners with the guy who embezzled hundreds of thousands from the Keys Gate Golf Course insurance company.
They hid all of the course maintenance equipment and reported it stolen.
The course operator did not even know a report (false) was even filed.
Now he works for the Villages clubhouse which is a nickel and dime operation by comparison.
C'mon man!

outofsight said...


Anonymous said...

*The Florida Bar * (check)
Florida Real Estate Commission (FREC) (Check)
They both have been called happy hunting .

Anonymous said...

Heard mayor Porter is involved in the sleazy Campaign. He back Judy and Merve and Merve during his campaign their Campaign signs were place together strategically throughout the city of Homestead. There are rumors that he funnled money from his PAC to pay for some of Merve/Judy's campaign expenses because no one wanted to give the money. Shame on you Jeff Porter.

Anonymous said...

No matter who's in office it will never be good enough for the hypocrites Linda Bell and Steve Losner.
Someone said the two of them are working together with that loser from Keyes Tony Garica.

Anonymous said...

Of course she has always been polite to you, the two of you have a mutual target of scorn and contempt but that does not make her a good person or honest politician. She was always pro development except when it was in competition with Wayne Rosen. Now we all pay the price in Homestead and up and down the turnpike with the newer Homestead homeowners and renters who used to live in Kendall having to go elsewhere for jobs. Why wasn't 14 years enough? That is two more than anyone else will ever be entitled to serve consecutively. She could have left gracefully with her head high but that is not to be.....

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else notice the low voter turnout and the city activities purposely planned on the last day of early voting ?? Saturday .. Farm worker health care fair (south Dade camp) Porter spoke there, Ribfest which even Larry Roth was shocked why that day was selected and the grand opening of the temporary police station. Voter suppression at its finest! I heard the Waldmans and Porters camps were very concerned of the low turnout and the events may have caused confusion!
Even the Newspapers and media still think elections are still going. Till this day candidates are getting emails for endorsements and bios!
Something is not right here ! People didn't know of primaries!!

Anonymous said...

Lets not forget the Miami New Times Article titled JUDY WALDMAN IS IN PRIME COMPANY WITH MAYOR STEVE BATEMAN “Eduardo, Fred, and Larry Abbo also contributed $5,500 to Vice-Mayor Judy Waldman's reelection campaign -- the exact amount they gave to Bateman's reelection bid. The contributions were made six months after the Abbos saw their fine for posting illegal signs drop dramatically from $114,000 to a measly $802. The Abbo brothers also donated to Mervin's campaign. They are true believers in her corruption they wanted to "Continue Her Progress".

Anonymous said...

I like the petition idea to restrict the out of office payments until such time as there are no questions regarding the conduct while in office. It should be a law.
Too many times these politicians use insider information and leak it to real estate developers, construction or lobbyist types. I think Steve Shiver, Judy Waldman, Steve Bateman and others were rewarded for their participation in events that happened in Homestead prior, during and after the housing boom in Homestead. That would be evidenced by the company they keep and the hundreds of thousands in "donations" for campaigning. Shiver and Bateman were exposed by the Herald. Now Jimmie Williams has residency and transparency issues, once again exposed by the Herald.
Somebody has to tell the public what is happening down on the farm. If the petition tampering allegations are true the story must be told and brought out for the public and examples made out of the offenders. The arrogance and ignorance of public servants toward the voters is deeply concerning. Lost is the fact that public service is not self service as so many of them have shown.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jeff and Judy (Mervin) had the same campaign manager and/or consultant. Mark Goodrich created and managed both of their websites. Jeff lied to the faces of his colleagues on the council but they all know that he is a liar. He has lost the respect of many and he knows that. A couple of weeks before the election, when Judy's hit piece on Larry Roth backfired in her/Merv's faces, Jeff just so happened to have close to $3,000 in checks for Larry Roth. How nice of Jeff to pick up campaign contributions for Judy's (Merv's) opponent. Is he trying to buy the deciding vote on the dais? We know of 3 council members who weren't invited to Jeff's victory party. Why is that? The lines have been drawn. Jeff is in bed with the Waldmans, Shiver and all the other good-old boys of Homestead.

Anonymous said...

No shit: anon above

Anonymous said...

That last post is laughable! Mayor Porter was just elected by 73% of the vote which is the highest precentage victory of every elected mayor in Miami Dade County! If members of the council are upset with the mayor I doubt he is losing sleep as he works for the residents who love him...not the council members who have petty hidden agendas that are contrary to the will of the people.

Anonymous said...

The phony Waldman petition organizer Mark Goodrich was a guest of Mayor Jeff Porter at the 2014 Nascar race. Remember those tickets are to be used for the best public purpose per the 2012 Ethics Commission Ordinance. So it must have been in the public interest for Judy Waldman to scam her way into a four year term in Porter's mind.

Not done yet, there is more. The South Dade News Leader reports that it does not appear that Carlos "Charles" Belzaguy who put out the nasty hit pieces on Larry Roth via the Expose The Truth Political Committee has anything other than a fb relationship with the Waldmans where she once promised him a meal. Woof!!! Well Belzaguy was her guest at the Nascar races more than once. Again the organizer of the hit pieces as well as the organizer of the bogus petition who also developed both websites for the campaigns served a public interest in the inner circle of Porter and Waldman. That sounds about right in Homestead where anything goes.
Larry Roth when you are assigned your Nascar tickets please have as your guests deserving members of the community who do not have the means or opportunity to go themselves. Political operatives as guests of the council does not serve a public purpose and violates the County Ordinance. Maybe some of the employees of Patches, a group you are familiar with who unselfishly work to better our community should be treated to a day at the races as a suggestion.

The disgraceful behavior out of Homestead just keeps coming. Where is the Ethics Commission and SAO? Violating ordinances specifically put in place to benefit the public are celebrated by the electeds and their political operatives over cocktails. Miami Herald, local tv why don't you stop with the Kardashians for a day and do some accurate reporting?

Anonymous said...

This comment is laughable:

"...Mayor Porter was just elected by 73% of the vote which is the highest precentage victory of every elected mayor in Miami Dade County! If members of the council are upset with the mayor I doubt he is losing sleep as he works for the residents who love him...not the council members who have petty hidden agendas that are contrary to the will of the people."

#1) Perhaps the highest percentage victory...a whopping 1200 votes out of 24,120 registered voters. Please, that is embarrassing.

#2) "He works for the residents who love him". Yes, the "Good Old Boys" who love him and support him; not the poor, hispanic, blacks who live in this community. As he said on the dais "we don't want THOSE people coming in..." Look at the video yourself.

#3) All Porter does is scratch his ass and read from prepared statements. He is as dumb as a rock. Everyone knows he has no brains and they all know that the City Manager runs the town. Jeff is a smiling face.

#4) "...the council members who have petty hidden agendas that are contrary to the will of the people." Really, let's take a look at Jeff and his relationship with Shiver (who serves as his unpaid adviser) and let's also take a look at Jeff's business and who he has deals with. Steve "Two-Face" Shiver will someday get tired of Jeff and will do a tell-all of all the conversations he has had with Jeff about city business. Can't wait for that.