I don't know whether to apologize to Doug or not.
He sent me a link to typepad (that is not a PAPER it is some other cloud-thing the Herald Offers: A Blog). So Doug did write (on a blog) and he did listen to the speech but it is not in the actual Miami Herald PAPER. So he gets a halfhearted apology. I can't go looking all over the internet for his reports and I certainly already read enough blogs.
I told Miami Herald reporter Doug Hanks I was going to just copy his article on last night's gala for County Commissioner Xavier Suarez. As far as I can tell, I have nothing to plagiarize. Doug was just milling about, he is hard to miss, I think he is 6' 10" or maybe 7 feet tall. So, because of Doug, you are going to get a lot of photos instead of an actual report.
Many at the event were waiting for the X man to announce that he was running for Mayor. Instead it was a campaign event where they fed you. The acoustics were terrible but I am pretty sure he didn't announce anything. My hearing is pretty bad and I keep hearing x rated things in place of what people are really saying. It has turned into a much better listening experience. You can say "he has a perennial event" and I hear "he had a penile implant." Much more fun and you get much better reporting, perhaps not accurate but who cares about accuracy.
I guess smarmy Political Operative Keith Donner does. He complained about my writing bragging he was a a REAL reporter. Keith I AM NOT A REAL REPORTER OR A WRITER and never claimed to be. I was an art history major. Ask me about Giotto not grammar. I remember diagramming sentences as a kid. It was excruciating torture. I will end my sentences with prepositions all I want Keith. Stick to writing your lackluster puff pieces and vile attack ads.
Here is the photo op.
Don't expect me to know everyone's name...
County Commissioner Xavier Suarez - He was moving around so much I couldn't get a good photo. |
I guess you can all guess who this is. Here is a hint, Daisy Baez is running against him. |
Mayors Eugene Flinn (Palmetto Bay) and Peggy Bell (Cutler Bay) |
Grace Solares - Candidate for City of Miami Commission. She is a long time citizen activist. I have known her for years and have worked with her organizing candidates debates. |
Hialeah Julio (Robaina) |
Pinecrest Mayor Cindy Lerner and Annette Taddeo, Candidate for Carlos Curbelo's Congressional Seat in the 26th District. It is a newly drawn district ordered by the courts. |
Union men -- John Rivera President of the PBA seated. Missed the other names. Damn. I have met them so many times too. My mind is like mush. I don't think the middle guy liked me much AT ALL. The guy on the left, he likes me. |
X photoshopped |
The Lovely Thelma Gibson - She never ages.
Meanwhile, while all this indecision goes on, Rudy Giuliani is fundraising for Carlos Gimenez. A bit much don't you think? How much money does this man need to beat Raquel Regalado? Next it will be Donald Trump holding a fundraiser.
This is soooo funny.
You nailed Donner but good.
The invitation said re=election campaign, did Com. Suarez mention that he is running for District 7?
The acoustics were horrible.
It was a non-event. Everyone expected an announcemt. There was no announcement.
The video of family pictures was ridiculous.
Lol! The family pictures video. What was the purpose of that? To let us know he's a good family man? We know that! How about letting us know what his plans for the county are? Poorly planned event. Fire whoever put it together!
I love you!
Your a real human being. Sorry about your hearing. The same thing happens with my eye. I see things and they don't process the way they should. Years ago when I lived in Miami Shores there was a chicken plus. The L fell off and they never fixed it at the time. Sometimes things are real when you think they are not.
Marc Sarnoff and his puppet wife bought a table but didn't bother to show up.
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