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Beach Renourishment is NOT helping Climate Change it is hiding it. |
Pumping sand on a beach (renourishment) is HIDING THE PROBLEM. It is putting lipstick on a pig Mayor Gimenez. It is not something you are doing to help climate change impacts it is cosmetic. Are you talking about beach planting for erosion? That is not renourishment. The Mayor calls climate change preparation "Resiliency,"as other cities are (he signed a compact with other Mayors in Los Angeles). Hate the name: Resilience. That office will report to Jack Osterholt (OMG). What they are doing is renaming the Office of Sustainability to include "Resilience." I believe the Mayor wants to make a new hire -- DO A NATIONAL SEARCH BUDDY. But budgeting $75,000 for your hire, you are looking at a low level person we really don't need. The hire needs to be a licensed engineer wouldn't you think? And, they should not answer to Osterholt. We need a Climate Change Impact Budget item with MONEY in the budget for grant matches and engineering reports, not a "Resilience line item" that could mean anything, I am afraid of that word. That name will get a developer money for sure. We have to be clear in our words. Also we need the Mayor to make another hire like we need a hole in our head. We need him to make a fire instead: Jack Osterholt. I give up really, the mayor is driving this climate change bus without headlights. He needs to ask Broward County for guidance on getting started. Commissioners: USE YOUR POWER TOMORROW. Don't vote for a budget without money in the budget for climate change. Enough talk, we need action. Our insurance will hit the roof soon if it is not cancelled altogether and if word gets out about Miami Beach, real estate prices will plummet. In the Keys, once dry streets are periodically flooding now. Salt water is moving into the aquifer and the Everglades. The canary in the coal mine is dead.
Mayor Gimenez's Budget Memo From Mayor Sept. 16
We are ground zero for sea level rise and the mayors budget has $75,000 and a few hard to pin down words to address this. We need real experts and some real funding to address this. The BCC better wake up to fund and plan for this.
OMG $10 million from acquiring endangered land and literally shoveling it against the tide... really brilliant Mayor...totally brilliant.
The late September timing of the budget is rigged so that a no vote shuts down county departments that expect to use the incoming budget as of October 1st. It won't happen.
It's the July millage meeting that makes any impact. The two September meetings are mostly just for sport to see public begging and pleading for funding that might result in a small tweak pulled from one area to give to another.
Miami Beach and the county will be scamming everybody to pay for beach sand money. Sand for the tourists. Tourism increases global warming through airplane, bus, taxi and cruise ship emissions. Ask the mayor of Miami Beach what he plans to do to decrease tourism to help the environment.
I think the comment about Eel is wrong. The $10 million is going to come from the PDR program. (GOB money). It would be interesting to go back to the GOB referendum to see if the voters actually voted for PDR specifically.
The Miami-Dade County government clown car says it needs more clowns, to stack sand bags on the beach I suppose. The Mayor really, really, really doesn't get it. Do any of the county commissioners get it? I get it, my west kendall home will be up for sale in the next few years. This is a banana republic that is facing climate armageddon and they are spending their money on more bananas. You are so right god, it's lipstick on a pig. But sadly this bunch will never get it. Our only hope is new government, a new mayor and commissioners who are more than just rubber stampers for greedy developers. I hope for the best for Miami, but I expect the worst. I for one will be moving to higher ground.
So the answer is reducing tourism?
To the dickhead above...no one says beach renourishment shouldn't happen, it just has nothing to do with protecting our community from sea level rise. County, state, and federal dollars have been pumping sand on the beaches for decades - for the tourists. Hey, keep on doing that.
What we, the people, want now is for the County to actually develop a plan to deal with the likely impacts of minimal sea rise. The sea level rise that is expected to occur in the next 10-15 years. Drainage in this town depends on gravity flows to the sea. With a couple of inches of sea level rise, the flow is impeded. Once you get standing water in your neighborhood for days after a storm, good luck selling your primary investment.
The Commission needs to hire professional engineers to design a "resilient" plan for the community so we can ask the state and federal officials to help us pay the "robust capital plan."
Reducing world population from 7 to one Billion could do the trick, and get rid of those pesky tourist to boot.
The Lady is spot on with selling the home, before the rats jump ship.
It will be an "interesting" 100 Years, seeing what finally sunk the ship or broke the S. FL. camels back.
The truth is, if some body sat us down and explained, what it takes globally to save our behinds, that person would be chased out of town, or worse.
So, fasten your seat belts, it's going to be a wild ride.
Good comments readers!
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