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Publisher of the Miami Herald Alexandra Villoch on the left...HEY WAIT A MINUTE, IS THAT THE MAYOR'S BEST BUDDY JORGE LUIS LOPEZ ON THE RIGHT??? |
I was told by Alexandra Villoch Publisher of the Miami Herald, that there would be a beefed up Sunday edition, with a new "In Depth section". She said "It would be full of deep, thoughtful and investigative stories, plus issues and idea, opinions and columnists".
On September 16th, I said about the Sunday promise: "I hope I am not as dazzled with blocks of color and blocky looking fonts this weekend as I was today."
I do find the newly designed newspaper MUCH SHORTER and there is more color. What could they be spending on ink? They probably say it is not shorter just more compact. They combined the local into the front section so you can't share the paper with your spouse. Alexandra offered me a second paper to combat that but hey, you just can have so much newspaper in the house. Sometimes I forgo reading the paper now. A lot of photos in it and drawings. It is more like USA today.
I have to say Villoch was very kind to respond to me a few times. I like that but I hate hate hate the photo above. You might as well stick the Mayor in the photo too.
On September 8th I did a report on a shopping cart filled with garbage that had been on the street for months. Well, it is now gone! But not the garbage in it. This is worse.
Wayne Rosen who owns land in Homestead's Park of Non-Commerce through DOUG, LLC will submit plans to build residential housing in the POC.
His partners in DOUG, LLC are now Patrick Gleber and Clifford Lincoln. Those two are also two thirds of the Keys Gate Condomium Association which is the HOA for all of Keys Gate. They replaced Michael Latterner, who passed a couple of years ago.
They are said to be planning 2,700 square foot homes on approximately 5,800 square foot lots. I believe in 2010 the property was rezoned to agriculture to reduce the taxes, although the agreement on zoning allowed the city to collect the same amount they were collecting prior to the rezoning, they might have just wanted to screw the county. It could explain why Rosen is funding Building a Better Homestead which has Patricia Fairclough as beneficiary. It is run by Mark Goodrich, the same guy with the fake Waldman petition. Patricia has introduced the Villages of Homestead challenger, Larry Roth to Wayne Rosen as well.
Steve Shiver It is being alleged in some circles that Otis Wallace who has a long standing relationship with R.S. Shiver, Steve's father, appealed to his sister, Barbara Jordan to get Steve in at Opa-Locka.
Xavier Suarez will run for Mayor. Let's see after his gala October 10th at the Doubletree Miami Airport and Convention Center. It is a $200-a-head event. According to the Miami Herald: In an email titled "Kitchen Cabinet Update," Suarez previously noted attendees for a reception at Coconut Grove's Calamari restaurant included Miami Commissioner Keon Hardemon, developers Armando Codina and Wayne Rosen, lobbyist Brian May and Eidson partners Dean Colson and Roberto Martinez. The event raised money for Imagine Miami, a Suarez political committee that has collected nearly $120,000 in the 2016 election cycle, according to reports through April.
FROM THE FLORIDA FARM BUREAU: "State officials have identified the presence of more than 100 Oriental fruit flies in south Miami-Dade County. These flies attack more than 230 types of fruits, vegetables and nuts, proving harmful to our agricultural industry. According to reports, about 85 square miles of farmland are under quarantine, meaning fruits or plants can't be shipped or moved without approval."
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Mayor Jeff Porter's Campaign Report Expenses for September |
Jon Burgess is challenged by a Bateman ally, Larry Meno. Meno was Bateman's bodyguard or something. Sources say he owes Keys Gate Community Association more than $16,000, but he wants to represent Keys Gate.
Merv Waldman is running for his wife's seat, challenged by Larry Roth and Willie Wamble. Merv who is 78/79, was born during the depression according to the carbon dating information available. Wamble supposedly was Fairclough's teacher at some point, Fairclough is supporting Roth and Wamble, not too happy with Judy and the petition scheme. Burgess is allegedly helping Roth. Elvis and Jimmie are nor supporting Waldman. It is rumored Rosen will not give another penny to Waldman after he funded the failed petition for Judy Waldman.
Mayor Porter has two challengers, Ramiro Orta and Steve McDuffie. Three of the candidates have Dark Horse Strategies as their campaign manager.
I would like to know: Whatever happened with the absentee ballot fraud investigation on the Mark Bell Mayoral campaign. Are they going to let the statute of limitation run out? Of course.
If the Miami Herald publisher is influencing the news coverage from the Chamber of Commerce perspective, we are all doomed to read more and more stories on luxury housing, luxury cars, upscale restaurants, etc... It's a bubble world they all live in that bears little reality to the crowded conditions the rest of experience on the streets, in our public schools, in our public parks and public libraries. This is one if the many reasons I find the Herald and other mass media irrelevant to my life and one of the reasons their circulation had dropped so, something the visual revamp won't help.
Sad days for Hudstead. Porter and Waldman are running as a team. Vote for Orta. Porter has also hired Steve Cody, the disbarred attorney who now writes children's books.
Hudstead incest keeps spawning crook after crook.
Jorge Luis Lopez is deeply involved in HUDstead politics as well. He finances a lot of the enablers who bow down to kiss his ring while pretending to represent the voters.
* The Keyes Real Estate Company is nominated for an Academy award for best drama in city politics*
Starring: Tony Garcia as Campaign manager for Jon Burgess & Larry Roth
Co Producer as Treasure: Sunsan Newman (Larry Roth)
Campaign contributors: Wayne Rosen and Steve Losner the list is long ck campaign report.
Actors Jon Burgess and Larry Roth
Jon Burgess repeat offender of Domestic Violence reference Monroe county clerk public records , The only reason it went away is John paid his ex-wife off.
Larry Roth Or Lawrence Leo Roth has been arrested six times between Monroe County and Miami Dade County , check public records.
Burglary unoccupied Dwell (Felony). Grand Theft 2nd Deg (Felony).
Makes you wonder about living in Homestead.
While handing out Academy Awards one should consider this.
The biggest actor in Homestead is Steve Shelly who flies under the radar. His motives were revealed when he supported the bullshit petition started by the Waldmans to keep her in office.
Sure wish I had the energy to do battle.
Villoch and Gimenez are related.
We've had enough of the Waldmans in City Hall
Where to begin with these Homestead candidates? Luckily Patricia is already in.
Vote Orta, Burgess and Roth, the rest have to be tossed.
Corrupt Florida City Mayor Otis Wallace has endorsed Waldman in Homestead.
If elected in four years Merv Waldman will be running for the Oasis seat since he will be residing at the new Palace Gardens nursing home.
Porter is not to be trusted he backed the Waldman term limit deal and had his entire family sign to put in on the ballot.
You have to see Larry Meno's fb page one of his likes include Boats and Hoes so he clearly appreciates women just as his mentor Bateman did.
Larry has also liked anyone and everyone who is running for anything in Homestead except his opponent.
Larry may think he is still in high school much like his mancrush Steve Bateman.
Anybody paid attention to the fact that Elaine De Valle, who claims to be a hard-hitting, truth-telling blogger is listed as a paid consultant for Porter who got paid $2,225.00. Last year Carlos Curbela accused her of trying to strong-arm him to buy ads on her website. Looks like maybe the lady is another fox guarding the hen house.
Now that's good comedy !!!!!!!
Elaine de Valle of Political Cortadito working for Homestead's Jeff Porter??? Steve Cody working for Homestead's Jeff Porter???
Something not right here.
Does the cordatadito reporter divulge in her reporting that she gets paid by candidates?
This is the actual charge against Meno filed with the County.
Last Name: MENO First Name: LAWRENCE Sex: Male Race: White
Case(s) List
Total of Cases: 1
Case Filed Date Closed Date First Charge
B-06-016711 03/29/2006 10/26/2006 CANNABIS/POSN/0-20
Cody and deValle have been paid more than $8,600 combined with deValle getting $6,200 so far from Porter.
Jorge Luis Lopez and one of his clients the Homestead Miami Speedway are also funding Porter directly and indirectly through the New Leadership Network PAC and Change Is Good PAC. Why don't the PACs just pay deValle and Cody directly. Oh right, can't coordinate. What a joke.
Since when is Elaine de Valle a campaign consultant? Jeff has paid her over $6200? For what? To dig up dirt about other candidates maybe? He is paying Elaine de Valle and Bob Brown for campaign consulting. We know that Mark Goodrich is running his campaign and Judy's...oops, meant Merv's. Where's Mark's money? Where is that being paid out of? Hmmm. Maybe Elaine de Valle can dig up that information..or not?
I hope and pray X Man runs for mayor. Then we can get rid of him as our County Commissioner. Almost everyone who has any dealings with him in our area find him to be ineffective and even counter productive. X-Man's running for Mayor also will force a runoff between Gimenez and Regalado in November. That will really help Regalado rid us of the G-man's misguided leadership and priorities.
I'm voting for Orta... Family man and good quality financial back ground .
Vote Burgess...
Vote Wamble ... Honest teacher
More Hudstead news hot off the presses:
How to win a (bowling) alley fight, Homestead style
Judy has vowed to take down all the council members who wouldn't go along with the phony military petition. Jimmie is apparently the first.
It says a lot about your character trying to steer people into Voting!
The key word is repeat Violence, We have some real winners in Homestead.
Document #: 1102675 Filed Date: 1/11/1999
Book #: 1555 Page #: 278
Book Type: OFFICIAL RECORDS Document Type:
Consideration Amount: $0.00 Case #:
# of Pages: 1
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Sad Days for Homestead
General Information
Document #: 1102675 Filed Date: 1/11/1999
Book #: 1555 Page #: 278
Book Type: OFFICIAL RECORDS Document Type:
Consideration Amount: $0.00 Case #:
# of Pages: 1
Grantor Grantee
Legal Description(s)
Plat Book: Plat Page:
Subdivision: Block:
Lot List: Unit List:
You know burgess wins cause he got the Rosen money. He s gonna do the same thing he's been doing. Nothing.
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