James Jude is considered the father of CPR and he was a brilliant heart surgeon. However to us at the Urban Environment League he was so much more. He was a tireless advocate to make our community better. Jim was a long time Board Member of the UEL.
I call him crusty but he would call me the same. I remember the day he told off George Burgess in his office when he was County Manager. Jim always told it like he saw it. Jim was so caring, so smart. I am honored to have known him. The passing of Jim Jude is a loss for us all in Miami Dade County and
apparently all those who were saved by CPR:
Before Jude’s brainstorm, which led to hundreds of scientific articles and two of his books, including Fundamentals of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, patients were out of luck until they reached a hospital. There, before CPR, doctors had to slit the chest to manually massage the heart to try and get it beating again
James Jude on left. |
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/obituaries/article29237104.html#storylink=cpy
Lifetime Achievement Award given to Sallye and Jim Jude. His wife Sallye was the founding President of the League. |
Jim Lived in the 'Java House' in Coral Gables on a canal. The home was named for the theme of the murals on the dining hall's walls. They held many fundraisers at their home. |
He was an enormous asset to this community. My sympathy to Sallye and the rest of his family. Not sure if an activist wants to hear Rest in Peace. I'd rather say Keep on Keeping On.
Rod Jude their son, was head of Sierra Club. They taught their children to care.
They were strong pro-lifers leading the fight against abortion. I attended a fundraiser at their home hosted by Sallye.
By the way, theirs was the most beautiful home in Miami. Historic? yes. Grand? Yes. (I've never seen another home with a minstrels gallery, but always a home, not a museum. They were and continue to be a beautiful family.
They were not anti abortionists like you, as they supported many good pro choice candidates over the years. They didn't mix their personal beliefs with good politics.
The Judes are a very caring and committed family. They have done many things to help the community. we are sorry to hear about the passing of Dr. Jude. May we all be inspired by his good works and keep trying to make this world a better place.
Dr. Jude left a wonderful legacy for all of us. He certainly, did pass this on to his family. He was a treasure!
We miss the Miami River Inn. It will soon be in the shadows of more condo towers.
I had heart surgery with Dr. Jude when I was six years old with Dr. Tamer. Thanks for saving my life. I'll always remember you.
He will be missed.
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