Sunday, June 21, 2015

Homestead Petition Recall Letter. By Geniusofdespair

So, the 4 year EXTRA term, that was part of this petition is gone. This was the carrot, that was the stick. You can't do two subjects in a petition but they did. Partly funded by Wayne Rosen who should stay out of Hudstead politics.


Anonymous said...

PS: I have pure disdain for people who use "helping our Military" for anything other than helping themselves. These people are no better than those who run fake charities who keep 95% of the proceeds they collect!

Anonymous said...

Mark Goodrich has now lost three in a row.

Anonymous said...

The fraudsters have bitten off more than they will be able to chew this time. Fraudulent certification of signatures is no small matter. This may finally be the end of those who pull the strings of the puppet politicos in Homestead.

Anonymous said...

The ballot petition contained three subjects. The city attorney said it was legal despite state and county law saying otherwise, maybe it was just a misunderstanding maybe not. It's over.

Anonymous said...

The petition was discussed for over 4 hours with former County Commissioner Lynda Bell and former Homestead Councilman and Vice Mayor Steve Losner essentially taking Judy Waldman down. Mayor Porter did as was expected - stayed silent and did not show any leadership. The city clerk, Elizabeth Sewel, was made to look like a fool by the city attorneys. Even the Vice Mayor Stephen Shelley surprised everyone with a last minute ditch effort to try to save the 3rd item on the petition and, essentially, Judy. I thought Shelley was above the rest; guess not. Kudos to Councilwoman Faircloth and Councilman Williams - both educated individuals who made great arguments. Seems that Kevin Chambliss, former South Dade area something-or-another for Congressman Joe Garcia, was paid a few thousand dollars to handle the petition signature gathering. Doesn't he work for County Commissioner Dennis Moss? Let's not forget that Mark Goodrich and Jeff Porter have a history; maybe someone should look into their background Should be interesting to see who throws their hat in the ring for Judy's seat. Rumor has it that former councilwoman Wendy Lobos will run.

youbetcha' said...

What a whiny letter.

Who are those 5? I think they are great.

Anonymous said...

A huge can of worms has been opened; hopefully leading to the clear exposure of deep rooted corruption and cooperation among electeds, the funders of the petition effort and non-elected professionals who "serve" the city. This is going to get ugly and the election this year is going to be very interesting. Bell was raving as usual and she and Losner have a vendetta against Judy Waldman but they hit on something that made the big boys walk away from their $40,000.00 effort to save Waldman.

Anonymous said...

The issue should never have gotten to the point of signatures. Poorly written, full of legal interpretations and void of requirements. Now there are rumors Porter and Waldman may swap seats with her running for mayor and him running for her seat. He announced for mayor already so this should get interesting.

Anonymous said...

LOL!!!!!!!! You guys are too funny. Linda Bell? Mark Bell? and Steve Looser? Are you kidding me? If the people wanted to here them speak or represent them, they would have re-elected them. Mark Bell never even got the chance and spent 3 to 1 against Mayor Porter and LOST!!!!! The bigger picture here isn't what the petition said but that the people signed that petition and acted according to the charter of the city and our elected ignorant majority listened to three losers. What happens when another errant council makes a bad decision and the electorate goes to the charter to remedy the problem with a petition? Does Bateman come and speak against it and all is stopped? Really? Grow some balls council and do your job you're elected to do Mayor and Council.

sick in Homestead

Anonymous said...

The city council saw through the charade. Game over. Maybe Merv will run for Judy. He has some fresh 80 year old ideas similar to the fossil in Florida City known as R.S. Shiver. That relic has been in office since the turn of the 19th century. Mark Goodrich gave up too fast he had a weak hand and knew it.

Anonymous said...

Merv Waldman picked up a qualifying packet today. Let the games begin!!

Reset Button said...

I thought Judy said the petition was not about her and she had nothing to do with it? Now her husband is running? These truly are egomaniacs. Let's just say we are experiencing Hudstead's version of the Clintons. So this sort of proves the petition was all about her, not about the military as stated in the letter.