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Munz is the $5,000 and Rosen is the $20,000 in Moving Forward PC. |
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Pinky Munz |
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Wayne Rosen |
WELL NOW I KNOW WHAT THEY ARE UP TO and it ain't about the golf course unless it is the vote that this would bring them:
Also in Homestead:
Farm Share may be forced to end giving food to about 6,200 families and 250 agencies if Miami-Dade Commissioners vote to cut off funding to the nonprofit for the next budget year, which begins Oct. 1.
All they want is money for refrigeration and fuel for their trucks which deliver the perishable donated produce, about $280K. Do you think that Munz and Rosen will contribute? Them Helping??
Charter members of the Great Destroyers.
Mark Goodrich who managed Cutler Bay's losing candidate is running the PAC.
When Munz and Rosen walked away from the settlement table with Homestead's council with more than $10,000,000 between them, $25,000 is loose change.
This money is being raised for Judy Waldmans vote on the golf course.
Just so everyone is aware there is a petition circulating in Homestead to bypass the charter term limits. Rosen and Munz are funding an effort to allow the term limited Commissioner Judy Waldman an additional term. The petition seeks to disallow any time served as vice mayor as counting towards being a commissioner.
Which begs the question if she wasn't a commissioner will she pay back the $40,000 in benefits, travel and insurance for those years?
Rosen and Munz together again, these are the two who brought the convicted felon Steve Bateman in as mayor.
Good job Genius, can you please apply at the Miami Herald? You have permission to write the Saturday Editorial page.
Wait a minute, elected officials are being paid to vote on Rosen's golf course?
There is a deed restriction on the golf course?
Homestead election this year, including Porter and Waldman is termed out, I guess unless she's not termed out per her buddy City Manager Grestas.
I just read Homestead is pouring close to $5 million for the Seminole Theatre to Munilla, after how many other millions squandered. This is almost $1 million more than approved per the "new bond deal" which everyone has their hand in those funds/that pie!
Munz & Rosen - City of Homestead, the gift that keeps giving and the taxpayer pay dearly.
There is a covenant on the golf course but this is Wayne Rosen's Homestead City Council. The homeowners will be charged with the maintenance and Wayne will build hundreds of units which will invite additional renters in. The stakeholders of Homestead will soon be extinct, that's how Wayne likes it. The less opposition the better.
Wayne and Pinky you know I have been very good to you and you can count on me now that Steve's gone. Don't worry about Jeff, he will vote however I tell him to. As for Elvis and Jimmy, they both owe me and you so they won't be any problem. NOW FUND ME!!!
The suckers of Homestead will be charged at least $75,000 for a special election just for me but don't worry about that. Those fools voted for the Seminole Theater rebuild, we told them it would be about $3 or $4 million, case closed.
STEVE Shivers father is collecting petitions for Judy Waldman I saw him.
Don't sign the petition it is a power grab by Judy Waldman.
Barf alert!
Term limit is a legal restriction on a number of years someone can serve. That legal restriction does not pertain to Homestead where law and order is a concept and not reality. Rosen, Munz, Shiver Sr., Shiver Jr. and Waldman nothing sketchy about any of these folks. Otis Wallace can't be very far behind.
All of the Shivers are involved. Where there is smoke there is fire. This isn't about a golf course.
Goodrich worked for McDougall for Congress. To the above anons, if the Shivers are involved expect Tom David to be involved. This is very shameful and selfish behavior of Judy.
That petition language is confusing. They get two terms or three terms period. What does vice mayor have to do with it? It is just a meaningless title. Excuse me but Homestead residents, they are that stupid.
This will give councilpeople an EXTRA 2 years in office.
It seems wealthy republican types will manipulate anything to game the system. Whether it is some states making it almost impossible for poor older people to vote without photo id, or Homestead developers to keep a friendly vote in office to approve their legislation.
I wish they had been straight up with this. This seems so under-handed.
Deceitful and corrupt with power.
Someone is termed out at 14 years but they want an extra four for a grand total of eighteen years. There is a reason, now let's put on our thinking caps.
Wayne and Pinky have.
She can't just fade away.
Shame on Judy Waldman and these charter amendments. The voters were very, very clear when they voted the term limits. The Vice Mayor is a Council person. No one is confused and to call this "housekeeping" is just basically calling the voters stupid, which they may be since they approved a Bond over and above the bloated tax bill they already received.
The voters were so clear when the term limits were put in to effect, they Mayor still has to be elected every two years.
Waldman needs to stop the "Waldman Charter Amendment" now!
It looks like she's back to her bad old ways or ripped a page out of Lynda Bell's scripted play book.
What a waste of funds and time trying to dupe the public, which is what this is doing.
Wayne and Pinky give your money to Farmshare. Make your money do something worthwhile for the less fortunate instead of wasting it on nonsense.
Last anon I was just about to write the same thing.
Farm Share could use all of our help.
Everyone knows that Judy is the democratic version of Lynda Bell. They are both narcissists and are in it only for what's in it for themselves. This is a self serving 'JUDY' amendment paid for by Wayne and Pinky. Anyone feeling like they haven't played golf in a long time I do.
They do run for vice mayor. They are also on the city council. This is all fake bluster.
These types are now in depends mode and have nothing else to do now but maybe put the depends on their heads instead of their butts.
Homestead is on a building binge... and these guys are leading the pack, in homestead and Florida city.
They sponsored Bateman in 2009 and 2011. So their collective judgment really sucks.
Once again they are proving themselves to be poor judges of character. People of Homestead are so stupid they will fall for this again and again.
Great post! This reminds me of the good old days at Eye on Miami!
Now let's see if Burgess, Porter and Faircloth start taking money from Wayne and Pinkey. If that happens you can assure yourself that Wayne will get his housing development and fairwell to the beautiful golf course. Once again the citizens of homestead lose to corruption to the guys with lots of cash. Keys Gate resident should be revolting and not allowing these people to make the decision to ruin their beautiful community and lower their property values.
You can tell Steve Shiver is back in town when sleeze starts he is always around. He has a knack for getting into trouble and taking others along with him.
How do you extort money from people close a golf course and demand residents to pay for improvements that the owner should pay for.
Rosen needs Judy in office to get what he wants. Judy Waldman should leave office honorably not resort to this sleeze.
The big secret in Homestead is Judy is not what she seems. She fools a lot of people. It is this type of exposure that shows her in the light of truth.
You better believe she got very wealthy by voting YES.
Bill T, the sad irony is Keys Gate homebuyers are financing Rosen's funding of Judy who will screw Keys Gate and Homestead for her own fame and fortune.
There will be no golf course, just more renters from all of the county hellholes. The example is Venetia Gardens.
Oh and by the way, it is funny how you have enabled comment moderation on this one. It is normal to omit those that are in favor of anything counter to your love affair with slosner.
Once the real sleeze bottom fisher's are casting their web of confusion and out right hidden and TRULY corrupt agenda forward. Its funny how when backed against the corner slosner and Lynda Bell covert operatives (KEYES REALTOR William Thibault and former campaign worker for Lynda Bell and her repairman husband)he tries his best to get everyone dirty and I guess if you throw enough shit on the wall one pile or two will stick. The typical MO for the paranoid Steve Losner. First, Council Woman Waldman was screwed by slosner during the charter review committee that he single handedly tried to run. The issue of term limits was indeed placed on the ballot and passed by voters of Homestead. However, the intent was never to short circuit two years from a counsel persons term of 12 years. Judy Waldman was in the middle of her term when these charter amendments were put in place. The truth finally came out as to why slosner crafted the language like he did and insisted that it be incorporated in the charter amendment package sent to Mayor and Council. So at the end of this year, according to slosner's charter amendment folly, Mrs. Waldman will have only served 10 years, NOT the originally intended term limit of 12. So this IS a house keeping issue to correct charter language that should have never been crafted in that manner. So GOD, if you really want to do what' fair for everyone and to implement the original charter change intent, you should maybe do a little more background work before you fall into the web of lies cast by your friend slosner. I also called Vice-Mayor Shiver of Florida City posing as a Homestead voter to ask how I could sign the petition. His answer was that he didn't have any and that he was unaware of the details and what they were trying to do. So the anonymous comment that RS Shiver was getting signatures is an out right lie. It is also comical how slosner and slosner minions would have you believe Wayne Rosen and Pinky Munz absolutely need Waldman for any vote on council. Don't they know that Porter, Burgess, Faircloth, Maldonado and Williams ALREADY TAKE MONEY FROM THEM? They already have the votes on council to do just about anything they want. So if you're gonna spew self promoting rhetoric, out right lies and rumors, then at least make it somewhat believable. Time for some new Waldman bashing talking points. The last thing that I think needs clarification is Steve Shiver. He actually sat on the CHarter Review committee with slosner and others and moved forward supporting the amendments. Maybe he was to stupid to catch the slosner folly amendment but he in no way was protecting Waldman or anyone else for that matter. So you're also going to have to come up with new talking points about Former Mayor Shiver if you're going to try and continue ruining him and beating that dead horse.
Rosen needs to be indicted. He gave a Homestead commissioner a loan in the hundreds of thousands. The loan has not yet been repaid, is it still a loan or does it now qualify as a gift?
Thanks for the attempt at clarifying Roy S. Shiver, Jr. aka Steve A lot of verbal diarrhea there but Homestead, the county and Maggie Valley are used to it.
Bank owns your house now how does that feel?
Sometimes it is what is not said. The long winded buffoon above never denied the daughter of Shiver was soliciting petitions for Waldman. Tells me there must be something illegal about R.S. Shiver doing so.
Rosen is back in the picture on another big profit venture, He and Preferred Enterprises are appealing the decision of Community Zoning Appeals Board #14
which denied without prejudice a 20 acre Zoned Agriculture plot on S.W 162 Ave & S.W 278 St.---Apr 23
at the BCC
It just so happens Munz's son lives across the street from this tract which has been farmed for the past 20 years in row crops.
To loose 20 more Agricultural
acres to development (which we don't need on the edge of Redland and to the neighbors who chose to live in the farming area is an injustice.
Community Council 14 did its job knowing the Ag area & its residents. Members of the BCC don't travel south to see.
Agriculture in this area is profitable with groves surrounding this property
Rosen should go somewhere else!
Looks like Steve Shiver is posting again!
I like the idea of Rosen and Munz funding Farm Share. That's a drop in their taxpayer funded and highly profitable business model. At least they could give some of the money back.
As to the charter amendments, I don't know why 8 is not enough. No politician is that important (to themselves, maybe) to serve more than 8 years in any position. I guess when Porter won as Mayor and has to run again, Waldman has no where else to go for her benefit packages, funded by the tax payers.
It's these types of things that only further create the divide among the public and elected officials. They are just so sleazy and so transparent.
How did Losner get in this conversation?
A vice mayor does not count as time served. Show it to me in the charter where it says a vice mayor is not a councilman.
The Vice Mayor is a Councilperson. A candidate is elected to a four year term to Council and one lucky winner gets to enjoy the co-designation as Vice Mayor for the first two years of that Council term. Please don't fall for the campaign of deceit and misinformation being spewed. Under the twisted logic being promoted, Burgess would get to serve an extra 4 years because he was selected as Vice Mayor twice. Clearly this result was never intended. The fact that Rosen and Munz are behind this end run around Council tells me all I need to know.
They ALL take money from Rosen; if you want to know how much they have gotten or will receive, you will have to find their PAC's or ECO's..I would take money from him too. Not everyone who accepts a campaign contribution is crooked. Steve Shiver lives in the Villages; he's "helping" Judy with this charter amendment but watch what happens if she loses her attempt to stay on for another two years. Steve will run for her seat. There are a couple of people waiting on the sidelines to run for that seat. Should be interesting.
As the Cow Manure rises in Hudstead! Shiver, Bell, Waldman, Williams, et al...........
The intent of the golf course move by Rosen has nothing to do with golf. He wants to build close to 1,000 condo and townhome units on a refurbished golf course with the current Keys Gate homeowners paying the maintenance. Now you know why Shiver is in the mix up to his beady little eyeballs.
FYI people when palm dr. becomes Kendall drive and your home values drop by 50% only then will you realize wow what a dumb ass I am. If your a homeowner in keys gate I recommend you get on board and pay your dues to have a new golf course and stop fighting a losing battle. The jackasses that are trying to fight Wayne are going to lose in a big way. People are in business to make money I've never seen such a group of stupid people in my life. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Word is that Judy is crying the blues because kids hired by her sugar daddies cant get enough signatures. Buh bye and dont let the door hit you in your fake ass on the way out.
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