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Is Carlos Gimenez a suck up or just a sucker? |
Now it is playing golf with The Donald that has Mayor Gimenez giddy. Let's face it, if I met some of my heroes and they wanted to play with me, I would be Star Struck too. I might even give them what they wanted...to a point: I would have to OWN what I was giving. Besides there is no room at my computer for them, so it is a moot point that celebrities and the very rich would want to suck up to me.
So some of these VERY BAD DECISIONS on the part of the Mayor, I chalk them up to being Star-Struck. Get over it Carlos. It is not you they want, it is what you have the power to give them. Once out of office you will be nobody again, just a retired fire fighter that no one needs wwith a hatchet on your wall. In this case, I am glad we have a County Commission to knock some sense into the Mayor. The people don't want to give their assets to billionaires. They learned their lesson from the Marlin's deal. When is everyone going to get that?
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Body Language? |
Mayor Carlos Gimenez appears to be in awe of David Beckham, Steve Ross, Donald Trump and the heirs to the Carnival cruise line empire. Maybe it something to do with his history as lowly City employee? Gimenez seems so desperate to give them everything they want, and more. Taxpayers are fed up with bailouts for billionaires.
hahahahahahahaha! I died with the Beckham's pic... you should've added a heart floating on top of Gimenez's head... LOLLLLL
laughing not to cry,,, I've heard it's good medicine
The problem is, all his handlers are starcrossed too.
Star struck I think!
I hope we can get rid of Carlos.
Carlos and that sleaze Jorge Luis Lopez and Broward resident Jack Overholt.
Genius, Gimenez has not made mistakes recently, he has made them since day one. How about the absentee ballot fraud his campaign manager Al Lorenzo committed to get him elected? How about the commingling of county departments to get rid of political opponents and place his friends in positions he needed to control? How about his illicit association with MCM Construction and the slew of lobbyists and consultants that are mentioned on this blog every day who contribute to Gimenez's PACs and campaign? How about his destruction of MDPD's Public Corruption Unit for the sole purpose of preventing any further county contract investigations that would have place him and his son Carlos, Jr. In prison? The list goes on and on Genius, please let's call a spade a spade, this is the most corrupt mayor in the history of Miami Dade County.
It is a low self-concept thing. People who have very low opinions of themselves have great difficulty dealing with people who they think are better, greater, or have the persona of superiority over them. This is why it is important to elect people who are highly developed, are advanced in their journeys, feel comfortable in their own skins, and understand the power the position gives him over all other humans.
At ths age, if he feels inferior to others, and does not understand the superior power he holds as our leader, there is nothing we can do, but get him out of office as soon as possible. We cannot have our leader doing the bidding of any know-nothing John Doe celebrity who walks in the door.
Of interest to me is who this Mayor picks to trust and who this Mayor chooses to squash.
For example, if this Mayor was so discontent with the library system that he created a fiscal emergency and then tried to remedy it with a facade called the Mayor's Blue Ribbon Panel, why did he not deal with the Director? Directors make policy decisions. The Library Director oversaw a library system that the Mayor repeatedly and publicly considered obsolete.
He allowed, instead, the senior staff the privilege of saving their own careers and sadistically ordered the dismantling of everything that they'd built up in the previous decade. His mandate was to "leave a footprint" and that there will be "pain."
They tried to do his bidding but were stopped by the good graces of a majority of County Commissioners who were wise enough to stop the implosion.
Mayor Gimenez offered no good reason for attacking the library system. However, even if there was a specific negative, a county leader would have started from the top.
Even with Gimenez's years of experience as a County Commissioner, he has not been worthy of the position of Mayor.
And neither is wacky Raquel Regalado worthy of being Mayor. God help us if those are our only choices.
How long will it take to clean up the mess after Mayor Gimenez leaves office?
"The Mayor’s bad faith bargaining has created a situation that could cost the county more than 10 million dollars,” said Rivera, president of the Police Benevolent Association."
Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/news/local/community/miami-dade/article11250884.html#storylink=cpy
At least some of the behind the scenes nastiness comes to the surface. The sad truth is that while this is minor pettiness, the "toxic to the taxpayer" issues that have millions designated to billionaires are parlayed with much more finesse.
"The email blast prompted Gimenez’s communications chief, Michael Hernández, to publicly question this week why Lopez was taking names for an event hosted by Miami-Dade’s mayor.
“No one authorized Jorge to send the invitation on behalf of the Office of the Mayor,” Hernández wrote in a statement to Naked Politics. “Jorge never requested authorization. Jorge is not a representative of Mayor Gimenez.”
Lopez pushed back Wednesday, noting he regularly sends out emails to clients about major county events, and has them RSVP to his firm so he can gauge interest and know who to look for."
Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/nakedpolitics/2015/02/in-miami-dade-county-a-lobbyists-email-prompts-a-spat.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter#storylink=cpy
Can the County purchase a "Mayor Insurance" policy that can pay off after we come through this catastrophe?
Lets hope the commissioners can stop this Crandon nonsense.
Carlos Gimenez should be spending more time reducing pay and benefits for County employees. Most public sector employees are overpaid, many excessively so. Gimenez needs to stop pandering to the fire and police unions.
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