This is Developer Wayne Rosen's deposition for the Bateman trial. It is certainly revealing and worth reading. I found it fascinating on how these guys make their deals and 'earn' money. Oh man, this is pretty disgusting stuff. Have a barf bag handy and those of you in love with charter schools: Think twice. They are just a money maker for developers and charter school companies. There is an interesting part on Lennar. I am surprised that Bateman did as well as he did at trial. This stuff didn't even warrant a conviction. I thought the Barrones stuff was pretty bad. As I said read it and make your own decision. Any civil action pending?
read on scrib
Too LAZY to read the whole thing? Press read more as I have more snippets like these two. I took what I thought were the most interesting parts of the deposition and made copies for you:
Commission paid to Mrs. Bateman |
If he did not do anything wrong, why did he need immunity ?
You would not have to turn over many rocks before you found that Rosen is the driving force and direct line to Gov Scott for Bell's imminent appointment to the school board. It sure as hell is not the local "R" party. They cannot stand her, she is a royal pain in the buut to that bunch.
A million dollar fee for helping to permit a charter school? No wonder the Republicans are ALL OVER charter schools as the "answer" to failed public schools. It's a toss up: protect bad teachers or protect GOP insiders getting rich from the disaster. I'm going home and pulling the covers over my head. In the meantime, thank you G.O.D. for turning over a rock so the rest of us can see who and what thrives underneath.
The million dollars from the charter school operator was for getting Bateman and a slate elected. Rosen donated tens of thousands to candidates and PAC who made it happen. It sure appears he also bought Jimmie Williams who professed the school would do nothing for his area. That deal was the fish fry joint in Miami Gardens that cost Rosen hundreds of thousands. So Rosen would have netted $600,000 of the $1,000,000 after expenses.
Yeah he needs immunity.
By the way where is the IRS? Where is the school board of the county? The fact that a charter school operator would buy off a developer/middleman with a million dollars of educational tax dollars intended to fund children's learning without penalty is disgusting.
Pull their charter!!!
Charter schools are a gold mine for swindlers off of the backs of children. If you have children, you should have them in public school and stay on top of their learning activities, integrating what they are learning with fun activities for the family. Public schools have absolutely the best professional teachers, and many are worth their weight in gold.
The disposition is very revealing. City attorneys need to have yearly reviews or workshops with city councils to make sure they understand the law. Too many people are running for public office under the guise of helping people and communities, when in fact they are only looking for an opportunity to make money using their public position as leverage to do so.
I think we need to make the law stronger. No business deals, no car buying, no employment deals, no contracts, nor financial deals at all with anyone on the commission or their spouses. Not voting on an issue is not enough. Once they have a financial relationship with an interest, they cannot do business with that city at all.
Why would he write a check that would bounce to Rosen for the car? Seems to me for a $14k car, he could have simply gone to any local used car dealership. Why get involved with Rosen unnecessarily on a simple car deal? Like everyone else, if you don't have the cash, finance it. Don't write bounce checks. Same thing with the house plans, why involve Rosen in his personal business, when there are plenty of architects here with simple house plans waiting for people to come in.
He kept going to Rosen for help. Real estate contract for his wife, a job for himself, the car sale, and house plans for his new home. How many others who had business before the City, did he seek help from? Rosen knew there was a possible conflict, and he did not know if the Mayor would do the right thing, so he covered his butt by calling the city attorney.
Perhaps elected office is not a good a place for people who don't have regular jobs, or any visible means of financial support for their families.
Reflecting on this I was thinking Steve Bateman wanted to push through a strong mayor form of government in Homestead.
Just imagine.
Rosen also allowed Bateman to design and build his own home in the fairways back in 2002, did the check for the lot clear the bank or was that made of rubber?
Perhaps the money fairy in the car case made several deposits so that check was good too.
Its not just bateman !!!!
Last anon, you are correct. I believe there are more council people in Homestead and elsewhere, including commissioners on the bcc who could be caught up in these types of things. Unfortunately, the ethics department just rubber stamps approval.
If there are, after this, I think they will be going to jail. Imagine being a business person needing governmental approvals, and being continually hit up for money. I can see why some people would not want to come here.
Depressing isn't it? Silver Palms by the way is the foreclosure capital of Goulds.
That is the area written about several years ago about not requiring hurricane insurance for units that were paid off. If you were here for Andrew you will recall that townhouses that were uninsured, left those living on either side of them living next to a bombed out mold-ridden hull of a home. In fact, some of those units still exist in south dade.
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