Homestead is NOT a strong mayor form of Government. The Council and Mayor should not be contacting vendors. All work and correspondence must go through the City Manager. The City Manager does the hiring and firing. As you can see, by the emails I included below, this was not happening in Homestead. These are just a few examples of wrongdoing....improperly contacting the Mayor instead of the City Manager. These email were all improperly sent to Mayor Bateman: He is not and was never the City Manager.
This is now for private work on Bateman's home --- after the guy got city work? |
Charter School Guy Jon Hage |
What a tangled web.
More from the Miami Herald.
Wow. On the garbage meter scale, these emails are off the charts. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HOMESTEAD? Why won't decent people run for public office in Homestead? How do we get stuck with people like Bateman?
"We have your transformers' TRANSLATION: In exchange for city business, we are doing something for free at your house.
I'll tell you why we have no one decent in office in Homestead. Despite the doubling and diversifying of the population, the same paltry 25-30 percent vote and the money machine and buzz is still controlled by the same few self serving white guys who sit around a board table in Leisure City. They knew what they were getting when they backed Bateman against Bell but what the heck, "he's our no good SOB so what could go wrong?" the only reason Bateman got nailed was that the Council slipped up and hired an honest city manager for the first time in 40 years and then Bateman had the audacity to cut out the Queen of Where's Mine from the money train. That left the door wide open for them to install Mayor Oapie and his mother as the last Anglo Momestead Mayor. In the next go around, the good old boys will be done and if you think its corrupt and incompetent now, you aint seen nothing yet. Sweetwater will have nothing on this former cowtown.
Like CHI hiring Bateman and now Charter Schools USA insuring Bateman had "his people" on the job why aren't charges filed against these enablers?
OK Bateman is a scumbag but the contractor sending the email is either stupid, clueless or just used to business as usual in Miami. Either way whoever sent the email is part of the problem and should lose all licenses to do business in the state for impropriety. A complaint should be filed at DBPR.
That last email implicates Jon Hage of Charter Schools USA. This is how tax dollars for education are being spent. Lining the pockets of dopey small time mayors and their cronies.
It is clear now that there was not just a deviation from established practices, but this was just a normal way of doing business. It seems like he thought this was just how business was conducted and this is what mayors do. Long email trails, going back over and over to the same contractor asking for financial favors in various forms, he was wide open. They need to take a look at all companies doing business with the city or needing city approvals and permitting. Chances are, he hit them all up for something. He made a critical mistake not letting everyone know CHI was his client, as it is highly regulated and monitored by vast numbers of outside agencies. However, with these others, no was looking, or knew, so he pimped off of them.
CHI did nothing wrong. They had a legal contract for services with Bateman. On their part, nothing was under the table, everything was out in the open. He was supposed to provide certain services for them and receive certain compensation for those services. That is it. The problem was the mayor didnot disclose that they were his client.
CHI is just as corrupt as Bateman. Those are tax dollars that paid Bateman, are you saying CHI did not know who they were hiring? Are you also saying Bateman did not know CHI had a project in his city facing a termination date for the funding for the project? Bateman and CHI both exhibited stupidity and both corrupted the process. The County the State and the Federal government must immediately suspend funding for CHI and audit the past five years expenses. $125 an hour for a guy who can barely tie his shoes. Give me a break. How many other so called experts from elected office has CHI hired? Bateman installed screens for a living how did he become a construction expert? Next project Bateman will tackle is laying tarmac at MIA if we believe CHI's theory on hiring.
It is inconceivable that a city vendor could be so blatantly emailing political advice along with project summaries and warnings on change orders … WTF??? … that's bad enough, but then he is ALSO doing private work for city mayor and offering private advice on city business too! Doesn't this meet the broad public corruption test as a federal matter?
I'd recommend a one day prison stay in the general population at the Homestead Correctional Facility for anyone who voted for Bateman. Call it a re-education session to teach people to use their vote carefully.
Bateman laying the Tarmac at MIA? He's laid harder and uglier, trust me.
Nothing will happen to Hage. He is in the pockets of Rick Scott, Charlie Crist and before them Jeb Bush who set him up in the business of schools.
So the Mayor was directing the charter school company on who it should use as local talent and then those Friends of Steve would report to him and coincidentally provided work at his home during the same time frame. Did the Baitster pay for it, did the contractor eat the cost or was the cost passed along to the charter school.? Come on, Steve, spill your guts, to save your guts from being filled by Bubba on the green mile.
Will the wife or the girlfriend get the conjugal visit?
A lot of people knew about Bateman long before this situation came up.
Bateman sounds like a broken record and maintains his innocence, he claims he did nothing wrong except keep good records.
He did not know records like these are proof he is a crook.
Somebody call the people at Guinness they are always trying to confirm records being broken. Maybe they want to confirm the Homestead Brain Trust (herein called HBT) incrimination record. Keep in mind this was all done under the tutelage of Frank May who doubles as Bateman's conscience, political adviser and the Chairman of the HBT.
He seems to not know or understand the law, or he thinks the law does not apply to him.
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