Rick Scott - doesn't have a clue on where his head belongs: Bobble Head Syndrome. |
The November race for governor is depicted as a competition to elect the least worst. But there is a real choice for better leadership: Charlie Crist. When he was governor, Charlie Crist really did advocate for reforms of state energy policy. On the other hand, Gov. Rick Scott is mainly -- as one EOM reader pointed out -- pole dancing for Florida utilities like FPL. That's why Florida lags when it should be a leader in distributed solar energy.
"Florida is unusually vulnerable, yes, our hot, long, flat, porous peninsula, but it's also unusually capable. There's no good reason, for instance, the Sunshine State shouldn't be a solar energy hub … And it doesn't have to be good for just the planet. It can be good for the economy. It can create jobs, jobs, jobs. All Florida needs is a leader who leads." (Tampa Bay Times, "Cut short by Gov. Rick Scott, climate scientist finishes his thought", Sept. 4, 2014)
Charles Bowden |
Bowden, who passed away this week, wrote, "We are at the crucial moment in the commission of a crime. Our hand is on the knife, the knife is at the victim’s throat. We are trained to kill. We are trained to turn the earth to account, to use it, market it, make money off it. To take it for granted. Logically, we will never be able to reverse this part of our culture in enough time to stop that knife in our hand. But that is the task at hand — to cease this act of violence.”
Charles Bowden, writer, 1945 - 2014
Voters have a clear choice in November: demonstrate that we can rise above our inherent limitations. Cease the acts of violence represented by an extremist governor in service of an extremist agenda. Send Rick Scott back to the private sector.
Charles Bowden:
Bobble head.
Climate change? LOL! The climate is always changing and it's perfectly natural. Please go for deprogramming and get out of the Al Gore cult.
To use Honey Boo Boo Bell's favorite word, Fraudster Rick must go 'cause he's a "lair".
Can we put Lynda Bells name to rest? I would be happy not to hear it on every post.
climate change is real and the rate at which it is occurring is not "natural" Get your head out of the sand anonymous, you are eaten up with Big Oil propaganda. The science is clear. Let's not argue over facts, let's do something that to better our future and the future of the environment that allows us to continue our existence on the planet.
FPL should be sued....
a solar energy car made by amateurs have crossed Australia. Car´s factories do not wants that, petroleum´s economic interest
...global warming ("good" no longer spend cold)... the discharge of pollutants into the air with its greenhouse effect is melting the Poles. This large amount of freshwater to the ocean could stop deep sea currents which depend on a delicate balance between fresh and salty water and temperatures. Heat from the Sun reaches Ecuador and currents distribute it throughout the Planet, then...goodbye to our warm climate. The horizontal oceanic currents produced by winds and some others by the rotation of the Earth, rotating all by the Coriolis effect, will continue...but the vertical currents produced by the sinking of horizontal currents of dense salty water that reaches the Poles where the water is sweeter, less salty, and form deep currents would stop (why are the Grand Banks fishing in cold latitudes?...because over there is the polar ice, freshwater, different sweet/salty density, salty dense water arriving and sinks in a little salty water environment, nutrients that are removed from the bottom and rise to the surface, phytoplankton that feed on nutrients, zooplankton that feed on phytoplankton, fish that feed on zooplankton)... No polar ice over there will be no vertical currents..could reduce the rise of nutrients to the surface and therefore PHYTOPLANKTON SHORTAGE MAY DECREASING ITS VITAL CONTRIBUTION OF OXYGEN TO THE ATMOSPHERE (90 %)...fish...winds in some places of more warm latitudes carry out the surface hot water permitting the outcropping to surface of water and plankton (the upwelling) from the bottom cold current coming from the Pole, forming others Banks fishing... Without polar ice the sea it could almost stratified into horizontal layers with little energetic movement of water masses in vertical which is what removes fertilizer nutrients from the bottom... Besides lowering salinity of the sea, for that great contribution with freshwater to melt the Poles, will increase evaporation (ebullioscopy: the less salt has, more evaporates) producing gigantic storm clouds as have never seen, that together with altering of the ocean currents, could cool areas of the Planet causing a new ice age... Warming...invasion of tropical diseases carried by their transfer agents, already without the "general winter" containing them would fall upon the World like a plague... can produce a cooling, a new ice age, like living at the North Pole...and less oxygen in the Atmosphere... Is not known to be worse... Go choosing.
...the beginning of the End of the World (no polar ice: the countdown has already begun)... the World is silenced by politicians and their armies and their control of the media by the religious. They are leading the Planet to catastrophe worrying only of the economy, "their" economy. Politicians do not want to know anything about climate change, even bothers to talk topic, do not care about anything other than "utilize" their way through the power to... ((Scientists say: "...Examining 20,000 data points, the researchers showed that the Southern Ocean surface has freshened during the last 60 years. They also found that vertical gradients of salinity and density have increased in the Southern Ocean, suggesting that mixing has been reduced. Seven of the models suggest that increased freshwater in the Southern Ocean could stop the convection from occurring altogether by 2030, and most models show strong decreases in convection during the 21st century, reducing the Antarctic Bottom Water´s formation. The absence of polynyas in recent decades could mean that heat is getting trapped in the deeper ocean, possibly contributing to the recent "hiatus" in global atmospheric warming and the increase in Antarctic sea ice extent that have been observed in recent years."))... Scientists checking that there can be NO and CONVECTION in 2030 in the stratified ocean with almost freshwater surface...the beginning of the End of the World...and the experts interested in Laws POLITICIANS not even know what it is and looking elsewhere unsigned serious international protocols that IMMEDIATELY STOP AROUND THE PLANET POURING OF CONTAMINATION. It´s the economy...
Meanwhile the World looks to elsewhere... Giant HORNETS...are threatening to all Humankind...it is necessary that the human beings, instead of destroy among them, destroy to those dangerous insects of huge exponential growing...seriously beginning already, at present.
...interstellar travel constant acceleration (Earth Day)... PLANETARY EMERGENCY: global warming due to pouring pollutants greenhouse effect into the air...the generalized burn fossil fuels it must stop immediately. Car´s Factories: is inadmissible design dirty new cars with internal combustion, have to make and buy Solar Energy clean electric cars. Stop F1, welcome EF. Eliminate the cattle and natural meat how food. Leave Carbon and Petroleum for nonflammable uses. There are huge quantities of Methane also in oceanic bottoms how solid methane-hydrates, waiting... Methane Big Greenhouse Effect... Over there is visible, Lakes on polar areas already are releasing from bottom to surface big methane bubbles... Permafrost is Melting...when all that methane passing to Atmosphere... We receive vague communiqués... What can we do for avoid the future catastrophe on Earth?. Have to cooling the Planet again urgently, and do not thinking more Wars. Humankind must surmount its technological adolescence and go beyond...to the stars.
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