There are two letters to the editor of note. One is great, written by Former City of Miami Beach County Commissioner Nancy Liebman. The other sucks, written by David Lawrence who I personally have little respect for. He wanted us to give more money to PAMM the art museum that the rich people were going to endow. Good luck on that David Lawrence, Jr.. You should pay more attention to what is going on at the Children's Trust which is slowly turning into a boondoggle. It needs leadership and maybe an AUDIT. Yes an audit. It has public funds. Get out of the business of endorsing stupid projects for us and getting us to spend money and get back to the Trust where you are squandering enough of our money.
Nancy Liebman:
Don’t create nightmare traffic a road to nowhere
Re the Sept. 6 article, Dolphin Expressway extension gets mixed reaction: In 2004 when the Miami-Dade Commission had an agenda filled with proposed developments to extend the Urban Development Boundary, a group called Hold the Line was organized and stopped the commission. I am proud to have been a leader as president of the Urban Environment League along with the Tropical Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, and hundreds of residents from the many communities that comprise Miami-Dade County. The Commission wisely stopped this attack on the natural environment of the western limits of the county.
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Forgot my password, more than one way to skin a cat (oops all the cat lovers, it is just a saying, remember I have smokey the virtual cat as a pet) |
It appears David Lawrence was not at the right tables. Miami Art Museum was supposed to support itself. After all its lobbyists conned the taxpayers into giving up a priceless waterfront site and then the taxpayers were forced to pay the debt service for $120 Mil in construction PLUS $30 Mil in soft costs. Yup, MAM made many lowlifes rich... Time to sustain itself...
The Children's Trust certainly, need an audit. Some of the programs they support SUCK. David Lawrence should definitely, pay attention to Children's Trust cause I do not trust Lawrence. .
"The readers’ forum
Don’t create nightmare traffic a road to nowhere
Re the Sept. 6 article, Dolphin Expressway extension gets mixed reaction: In 2004 when the Miami-Dade Commission had an agenda filled with proposed developments to extend the Urban Development Boundary, a group called Hold the Line was organized and stopped the commission. I am proud to have been a leader as president of the Urban Environment League along with the Tropical Audubon Society, the Sierra Club, and hundreds of residents from the many communities that comprise Miami-Dade County. The Commission wisely stopped this attack on the natural environment of the western limits of the county.
Why now would the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority engage in an archaic move to build a road to nowhere through the UDB? New planning strategies for communities across America are to create transportation that will accommodate the population. The only imaginable reason to extend the UDB is to enable those developers who continue to insist upon moving the population further west by draining the Everglades, plundering the farmlands, further crowding the roadways, destroying the aquifer recharge system, and depleting the future water supply.
When the Miami-Dade Expressway Authority was commissioned in the 1990’s it was with the intention of removing the congested roadway conditions that the people of Miami-Dade County had to endure. Former Miami Beach Mayor Seymour Gelber was an initial member of the authority. I served with the mayor on the Miami Beach City Commission that was most supportive of the purpose of MDX. Miami Beach and many of the communities to the east of the UDB were also supportive of the Hold the Line movement.
It is most disappointing to see what the authority has become — a political lobby to move the line. I have always been proud of the western edge of the county when traveling on 1-75. It respects the UDB line. You know you are in Miami-Dade County where you can see the preservation of the Everglades and recognize its importance to the community. As soon as you pass the northern edge of the county, and enter Broward County, you immediately sense that county’s lack of respect for the natural elements. Homes span west as far as you can see — extending to the eastern edge of Florida’s west coast.
I hope MDX will reconsider the disastrous proposal to extend a highway beyond the UDB line. It is poor planning and lack of a future vision for the county.
Nancy Liebman, Miami Beach"
-Read more here:
The MDX does not reign supreme. Any project they propose has to be approved by the members of the Metropolitan Planning Organization - the county commissioners, school board member, city mayors, etc... who all vote on these projects. If you don't like what the MDX is doing, ask the MPO to stop it.
RE: Your Miami Herald Plus+ account. Please contact us at with the email address you use to log in. We can then look up your account and help you.
Alex Fuentes
Miami Herald
David Lawrence might(?) have been around in the 1900's BUT the real MAM scams were going on 2000 to 2007... Lawrence was NOT in the room.
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